and we're done

Melos playing like a Superstar this year, maybe leaving LaLa is what he needed.

But if Melo just wanted to talk to KG like a man then it's all good, I respect him for that. I just don't want to see Melo in the 4th quarter let KG or anyone else get in his head and make bad basketball decisions.
Lala is bad 
I got the connection, I was just commenting on how much of a tabloid both these papers are. I mean the headline above it is "perv doctor sent the 9/11 widow" lol. Doesn't get much more sensational than that.
Dude's saying LaLa hasn't been showing up to the games but she was at the Celts one. The way it was said made me think she hasn't been to a game all season. Even though they separated she's probably busy. Showing up to all of your husband's home games gets old real quick unless you love the hell out of basketball and even then that's a stretch.

Reggie Miller tormented the Knicks, and their fans, like Spike Lee (r.), during his playing days.

Noted trash talker Reggie Miller weighs in on Kevin Garnett-Carmelo Anthony scuffle: families are off limits
NBA Hall of Famer says that even with trash talking, a subject he knows well, 'there is a code of conduct.'



Reggie Miller was known for delivering in big games and for running his big mouth.
But even for a renowned trash talker like Miller there was always one topic that is off limits.
"You don't ever talk about anyone's family," says Miller, the former Indiana Pacers shooting guard. "Even with trash talking there is a code of conduct."

Miller spoke to the Daily News after reports surfaced that Celtics forward Kevin Garnett incited Carmelo Anthony on Monday by reportedly making disparaging comments about Anthony's wife, La La Vasquez, during Boston's 102-96 victory.
Anthony would not reveal what Garnett said to him but Anthony was angry enough to wait for Garnett near the Celtics team bus afterwards.
"Boys will be boys," said Miller, who along with Marv Albert will broadcast Thursday's Knicks-Pacers game on TNT. "We don't really know what KG said. We've only heard the reports. But family members, mothers and fathers, kids and especially spouses are off limits. That's taboo."

During his Hall of Fame career, Miller memorably traded insults with Knicks guard John Starks, Michael Jordan and Spike Lee.
"But I never made it personal," Miller added. "I would try to be clever and funny."
Miller does not believe the NBA should suspend Anthony for shouting at Garnett outside the Celtics locker room and later at the exit ramp at Madison Square Garden.
The league is investigating the incident which could result in fines and/or suspensions for both players.
"Carmelo shouldn't be suspended because he didn't do anything," Miller said. "I hope not."
The Knicks enter Thursday's game with a 23-11 record. Miller says he "loves" what the Knicks have done after originally being skeptical about adding so many older players during the offseason.
"When I looked at their roster I thought 'oh boy, are they trying to win the AARP league championship,’" Miller said. "But when you look at each player individually they all bring a certain skill set whether it's Jason Kidd, Marcus Camby or Kurt Thomas."

Miller praised both Mike Woodson and Tyson Chandler but says the one who gets the most credit, especially for the Knicks improvement on the defensive end, is Melo.
"That's because Melo has bought in," he said. "This is a different player from the one I watched in Denver and when he first came to New York. He's diving into the stands, defending and doing other things to help his team win. He's been great."
Miller says that Anthony is "in the conversation" for MVP but believes Miami's LeBron James has been the league's top player up to this point.
that tmz clip is hilarious. if melo really is getting that hurt over some trash talk he's soft as hell. he's a grown man, he's rich, and he gets paid millions to play a game. if you paid me 10 million+ a year to play a game where time to time i had to hear some fugazi say some disrespectful things to me in a distasteful attempt to make me lose focus I'd say that's a fair deal. 

trash talking is part of the game, melo knows that, and whatever kg said I'm sure people have said worse. and of course kg isn't gonna start a fight, he says this **** to take people off their game. mj did it too. kg not fighting when he pushes his opponent to the point of not thinking about the game and wanting to start something might make him soft, but it also means he did what he was trying to do. when they meet in the playoffs melo needs to either fight dude and end it (as other's have said, those who have popped off on garnett, he did back off on), or just ignore it, but dont let it get to him.
nah, it ain't even about not allowing a player to get into one's head. got even less to do with money and all that nonsense too. carmelo's still a person. i mean, garnett's a grown man too and should know how to conduct himself, but he's a punk *** weasel who'll resort to just about anything to get a fake upper hand. there's really no other word for the kind of things a person like him does. he's a lowkey dirty player who always got his hands up in the air when the spotlight's on back him as if to proclaim his innocence. trash talking is one thing, but some things are just out of bounds.

this "just swallow your pride and score more points" stuff don't work in a real life situation. garnett made it real when he got personal.

if one of your coworkers starts unloading on you about your gf/wife/family in general as a way to antagonize you, you're just gonna go back to your cubicle and be more productive with the spreadsheets? **** that. all bets are off.
This league is baby **** soft son. Suspensions for words after the game? Is this what its come to? Next person KG tries might as well punch him in the face. Elbows to the dome only gets you 6 games right? A punch has to be less than that right? Maybe 3 for a punch. Id glady take 3 to put Garnett on his ***.

Good news is this gives a reason to terminate Melo's contract and sign K Mart. All is well.
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Stern's got it out for Melo + all the media today.

I mean, he's the only MVP hopeful that would get suspended for a TNT game.

At least they didn't give him the week off. :/
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if one of your coworkers starts unloading on you about your gf/wife/family in general as a way to antagonize you, you're just gonna go back to your cubicle and be more productive with the spreadsheets? **** that. all bets are off.
Dude's saying LaLa hasn't been showing up to the games but she was at the Celts one. The way it was said made me think she hasn't been to a game all season. Even though they separated she's probably busy. Showing up to all of your husband's home games gets old real quick unless you love the hell out of basketball and even then that's a stretch.

If you been to enough games you could easily notice the difference, she usually comes to the games against Lakers, Heat, and OKC and they always pan the camera on her and her son atleast once :lol:. She wasn't even at the home opening vs the Heat or the game against the Nets. You could tell something is up, it's weird that she came to the Boston game though and this is what happens :nerd:
If you been to enough games you could easily notice the difference, she usually comes to the games against Lakers, Heat, and OKC and they always pan the camera on her and her son atleast once :lol:. She wasn't even at the home opening vs the Heat or the game against the Nets. You could tell something is up, it's weird that she came to the Boston game though and this is what happens :nerd:

Even the small things like when was the last time she mentioned Melo or the Knicks on Twitter? She used to always talk about it, Surely she can't be that busy that she can't write a 20 second tweet, VH1 schedule aint that demanding :lol:
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