and we're done

Don't want

Felton prig
Shump smith thj
Melo artest
Bargnani stat
Chandler Kenyon

Leaves room for one last roster spot that we're looking to use on a solid pg. so don't want Jeffries. Obviously if Kmart doesn't resign we'd have to explore our options though.
i dont really get people saying bargnani should play SF

unless you're playing PG in which you're bringing the ball up and dictating what happens, you basically just go out on the floor and play your game.

Melo was at the 4 last season because we played him with 3 guards and a center, and by default PFs had to match up with him which meant he had a mismatch much of the time

if melo, chandler, and bargnani are on the floor at the same time, the opposing PF will guard Bargnani. and melo will always want to catch the ball and operate from the mid-post area whether he's on the floor with one big or 2. the only time playing bargnani as a 3 while melo is a 4 matters is if you're playing nba 2k and wanna mess up the other persons defensive matchups.

We played 3 guards, and a center, and by default, Melo had to play the 4, you're right.

But according to some stats, Melo is more efficient when he plays the 4. So that's why i said even thought barg is 7ft, he should still play the 3.

And yes, maybe the opposing PF would still defend Bargs, but then that can cause a problem for the opposing team cause Bargs would be around the perimeter and can hit threes = matchup problems for the opposing PF. And Melo can do the same, whether a SF or PF defend / switches.
Can't wait til yall lock down the 8th seed and get swept.

Lost in all the hype of the roster changes is the fact that we still have the same stubborn **** head patrolling our sidelines.

I hope those of you who watched the Finals paid attention to the WIDE gap in level of coaching between those guys and what we have. Didn't even feel like they were a part of the same league.
"They had a more intelligent plan against Roy Hibbert than New York did and we've got to adjust to it,"
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