An interesting view on "life"

Not sure if your just daydreaming or u want to actually learn about philosophy (and i mean that with no disrespect, all i mean is that i'm not really sureif this is passing thoughts or something you're actually interested in learning about)...

but if u want to actually learn about someone who was able to put htose thoughts u mentioned in the first part into words, you should read "Meditations onPhilosophy" by Descartes...he basically had some similar ideas, but about 500 years ago...just something to think about if ur interested in learningmore...
@people actually taking that article seriously
Originally Posted by amishpimp27

Not sure if your just daydreaming or u want to actually learn about philosophy (and i mean that with no disrespect, all i mean is that i'm not really sure if this is passing thoughts or something you're actually interested in learning about)...

but if u want to actually learn about someone who was able to put htose thoughts u mentioned in the first part into words, you should read "Meditations on Philosophy" by Descartes...he basically had some similar ideas, but about 500 years ago...just something to think about if ur interested in learning more...
I absolutely am interested in learning more, as a matter of fact it's really all I've been doingsince school started. I've got access to so much material I don't know what to do with myself sometimes. Even my grades are suffering because it'sall I seem to ever be thinking about or interested enough to read. I will certainly write down the name of this book and add it to my growing list of "toread's" though

I wonder about everything. I am agnostic on every topic of creation; whether I came from a computer in a seperate dimension, alien experiment in thisdimension, religious God, or lightning striking a pool of goo. The things I question most are the things that are likely to never be answered. What aboutmultiple universes. #** happens when you throw something in a black hole? Lately I've been wondering if somewhere not even in this dimension, there is atest going on. Just as humans daydream to make decisions by trying to predict the future, there is technology in another universe to simulate it, and we'reall in it. We are just mice acting out the possibilities. Important decisions split into seperate "Yes" and "No" universes, and the resultsfrom each choice is recorded. I know it's not exactly uplifting to think we are test subjects, but I don't see how you can call this impossible. No wayto prove it either, but I see the world act like a science experiment every day.

... And I think scientology is crazy

If you need a good brainfood recipe, read up miqel.
Originally Posted by mondayC

I wonder about everything. I am agnostic on every topic of creation; whether I came from a computer in a seperate dimension, alien experiment in this dimension, religious God, or lightning striking a pool of goo. The things I question most are the things that are likely to never be answered. What about multiple universes. #** happens when you throw something in a black hole? Lately I've been wondering if somewhere not even in this dimension, there is a test going on. Just as humans daydream to make decisions by trying to predict the future, there is technology in another universe to simulate it, and we're all in it. We are just mice acting out the possibilities. Important decisions split into seperate "Yes" and "No" universes, and the results from each choice is recorded. I know it's not exactly uplifting to think we are test subjects, but I don't see how you can call this impossible. No way to prove it either, but I see the world act like a science experiment every day.

... And I think scientology is crazy

If you need a good brainfood recipe, read up miqel.
Good $@+# and thanks for the link as well. I propose another question to my fellow"thinkers"...

Set aside for a moment the idea that we are the test subjects. Instead, suppose we are the ones who have the power toactually CREATE this scenario. Where do you draw the moral boundary on the subject of CREATING consciousness? As stated earlier, in a short time we will beable to do just that in computers. While it isn't creating "life", it IS posing a moral dilemma in my eyes. A computer will have the ability tothink freely, and no doubt eventually wonder about it's own origins, all the while being a slave to us. Not to get on some iRobot type #@!, but yea. Anythoughts??

i also think life is like the matrix. one thing for the curious you control your life not society. jus like you are born alone you die alone.
Originally Posted by NothingBefore

you sound like the government
Originally Posted by HisAirness32

Another one by the government to freak people out. You guys do know a little something about this screwed up government, dont you? Oh that's right, they got you all thinking of fairytales.
1+1=2, no?

Last time I argued on cyberspace was lite years ago
(get it? --cyberspace, lite years=UFOs)
But anyways, do whatever excites you andbelieve whatever you want, idc, but I have seen actual documents from this government that goes beyond area 51, UFOs, religion, and so much more.

In the end, have fun.
Yo, I gotta be straight up. I'm a deep thinker and I like to stay optimistic towards other peoples opinions and views on things. Perhaps putting in morethought would help me understand better. I mean without the cpu, without any music, without a TV on. Just me, silence, and thought. As for now I'm a littletoo distracted. I wanna say you're reaching. And reaching hard too. Not to say that it's a bad thing tho. That video would be
if I still smoked ganja btw.
Bery interesting tho.
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Yo, I gotta be straight up. I'm a deep thinker and I like to stay optimistic towards other peoples opinions and views on things. Perhaps putting in more thought would help me understand better. I mean without the cpu, without any music, without a TV on. Just me, silence, and thought. As for now I'm a little too distracted. I wanna say you're reaching. And reaching hard too. Not to say that it's a bad thing tho. That video would be
if I still smoked ganja btw.
Bery interesting tho.
I feel you, and I used to be the same way. But honestly, if you turn off all that !*#!, maybe hit the peacepipe a couple times and just ponder !*#! it might make sense. It's so hard to fathom anything but the "reality" we experience on a daily basis.Everything can be broken down and analyzed in a million new ways, you just gotta open your mind to it

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by mondayC

I wonder about everything. I am agnostic on every topic of creation; whether I came from a computer in a seperate dimension, alien experiment in this
dimension, religious God, or lightning striking a pool of goo. The things I question most are the things that are likely to never be answered. What about
multiple universes. #** happens when you throw something in a black hole? Lately I've been wondering if somewhere not even in this dimension, there is a
test going on. Just as humans daydream to make decisions by trying to predict the future, there is technology in another universe to simulate it, and we're
all in it. We are just mice acting out the possibilities. Important decisions split into seperate "Yes" and "No" universes, and the results
from each choice is recorded. I know it's not exactly uplifting to think we are test subjects, but I don't see how you can call this impossible. No way
to prove it either, but I see the world act like a science experiment every day.

... And I think scientology is crazy

If you need a good brainfood recipe, read up miqel.
Good @%!% and thanks for the link as well. I propose another question to my fellow "thinkers"...

Set aside for a moment the idea that we are the test subjects. Instead, suppose we are the ones who have the power to actually CREATE this scenario. Where do you draw the moral boundary on the subject of CREATING consciousness? As stated earlier, in a short time we will be able to do just that in computers. While it isn't creating "life", it IS posing a moral dilemma in my eyes. A computer will have the ability to think freely, and no doubt eventually wonder about it's own origins, all the while being a slave to us. Not to get on some iRobot type @@%, but yea. Any thoughts??

M!ke unless we can actually create a matrix life state, in that itself will replicate what we have now as "life", i think thats a little toofar. I mean, then itd have to run for seemingly ever, you cant just shut the program off and forget about it.

I dont smoke, dont do drugs, rarely drink, i just think deeply on myself. So those who think that its any drug, dont. Just try and come up with somethingintelligent to talk about that could possibly be true, cuz im really likin this discussion.

Things I wonder about.
Time Travel- if you seemingly pass an object through space (general space, not space as we see it as outside our atmosphere) faster than the speed of light,will it travel backwards in time? I mean, lets say you are traveling faster than the speed of light, then you see what was there a second ago correct? I cantgrasp it yet. Also, i feel like time travel can only proceed from the point of invention and further, but never before that point. Like if time travel wereinvented in 2015, they wouldnt be able to come back in time because by then history has been written that time travel does not yet exist. But if they came backto present day 2008, the history would have to be changed. Then we're getting into parallel dimensions and stuff which is another cool topic. But i justfeel that when time travel is conceived, it can only progress forward and not backwards.

I also have the same beliefs that pharell does on death. And that is the thought that no one really dies. Think of ourselves as hermit crabs. Our body can bemaimed, hell we can even go into comas where the body does not react, yet we still have the voice inside of our head, and the will to move and act upon ourenvironment. Its tough to explain, but we are all conscious and minus the physicality of our bodies all exist and will continue to exist forever. Einsteinstated that energy cannot be destroyed, so how can the consciousness inside of us be an exception. Yet Im just tryin to figure out the whole creation part ofit, where humans are born and energy is created, but it cannot be destroyed. To counter that, I say that there are always an equal number of living things onthis planet, with animals/humans/plants anything living. When one dies, another life-form is created to house its energy. If there was only a way to correlatethe dropping animal population rates with the rising human population rates, It could be proven/disproven. How cool would it be to gather up every living thingin our planet, and watch as one withers away and another is made in its place to house its energy....

HisAirness....would you care to elaborate on the "documents" you have seen?
Another one by the government to freak people out. You guys do know a little something about this screwed up government, dont you? Oh that's right, they got you all thinking of fairytales.
...Now think very hard about that statement you madeand take it a slight step further...
I usually get side tracked when I try to figure out the whole life thing.

Here's something else to think about:

What's beyond space?
you seen the end of men in black 2. with the lockers. There is Prolly Bigger and smaller worlds that we dont know about.

Keep trying to expand your consciousness, thats what really matters.

Keep asking questions. You'll find your answers in deep Meditation
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