American justice system FTL....vol Vick got how much time?


Apr 23, 2008
Attorney general asks why rapist didn't face more charges
By Kandra Wells
CNHI News Service
McALESTER -- Oklahoma's attorney general wants to know why a man who admitted raping a McAlester girl did not also face charges for abusing her olderbrother.

Two state legislators are separately calling for the removal of the judge who oversaw the controversial plea agreement that gave David Earls just one year injail.
Attorney General Drew Edmondson said he is disturbed by the "lenient" deal struck last month with Earls, who pleaded no contest to raping andsodomizing the girl, then 4 years old.
District Judge Tom Bartheld ordered Earls, 64, to serve one year of a 20-year sentence. He was also credited for time he's spent in jail,meaning he will be released in three months.
Police initially identified the girl's brother, who was then 5, as a possible victim. Earls also faced a charge for forcing the boy to watch as he rapedthe girl.
But Bartheld dismissed that charge during Earls' May 13 sentencing, "based upon the recommendation of the district attorney," according to courtrecords.
"There was a question in my mind whether there may have been other counts involving this victim that may not have been wrapped into the plea,"Edmondson said, referring to the boy.
State Reps. Mike Ritze and Mike Reynolds today said Bartheld should be kicked off the bench for "gross neglect of duty." The legislators from BrokenArrow and Oklahoma City filed a bill that, if passed by the House of Representatives, would ask a state court to remove the judge from office.
"While it would be simpler and better if the governor or attorney general would step up and take this action, we have filed the resolution to ensure theprocess can move forward regardless," Reynolds said in a statement issued by the House.
Oklahomans "must have confidence in the courts to deliver impartial justice," Ritze said. "Clearly that did not happen in this case, and I haveheard from many constituents who are outraged."
The attorney general said the plea deal disturbed most people.
"What I know about (the case) at this point in time is that I was very disturbed by reports of the sentence in that case ... a sentence that appeared tobe somewhat lenient," he said.
Edmondson has asked lawyers in his office to look into Earls' prosecution and sentencing, evidence in the case and whether his office has authority tointervene. He said his office will see "if the facts of the case suggest that a different outcome should have been sought."
Earls admitted to raping and sodomizing the girl between May 1 and Aug. 1, 2008, while he was living with the girl's mother. He was arrestedin September, after the girl and her brother told their grandmother about the abuse. Earls never made the $250,000 bail.
In February, Earls attended a preliminary hearing to decide whether the girl could testify against him via closed circuit television. The girl covered her eyeswith her hands and said, "I'm not looking at David Earls. I'm not looking at David Earls."
Bartheld delayed the hearing and resumed it two days later in his chambers, without Earls present. The judge then decided to allow the girl to testify duringEarls' trial from outside the courtroom.
The case never went to trial. Instead, District Attorney Jim Bob Miller accepted a plea offer from Earls' lawyer. The judge approved the deal and sentencedEarls on May 13.
Bartheld specified that Earls get credit for time served. He also ordered Earls to serve his sentence at the county jail, instead of a state prison. Thesentence included two $500 fines.
Edmondson, who also announced his candidacy for governor this week, said he will receive a report from the lawyers in his office "in due course."Asked when that would be, he said, "I would guess a matter of days rather than weeks, but I don¹t know the answer to that."
Sorry for the language, but the idea is, we shouldn't let these criminals of the crook so easily. I'd pull a Denzel W. on this man, if I arrested him.

He gets only a year, when those two little kids will witness that for the rest of their lives.

The laws in the US need to be's actually a joke if you ask me. Here in Canada,criminal law is criminal law all across the board....American Law....
All child rapists should get the death penalty automatically.

SMH at Vick getting any time compared to that old piece of garbage.
There is no justice in America. Only a government that takes away freedom little by little while the average idiot citizen is too worried about who will winAmerican Idol to realize what's happening. Yes I'm mad.
spsfinest212 wrote:
All child rapists should get the death penalty automatically.

SMH at Vick getting any time compared to that old piece of garbage.

+1 how can someone do that to a child
Originally Posted by WHOKNOWS28

spsfinest212 wrote:
All child rapists should get the death penalty automatically.

SMH at Vick getting any time compared to that old piece of garbage.

+1 how can someone do that to a child

+ 2... anything that has to do with raping/murdering kids or anyone at that should get it.... dudes get caught with a pound of weed gets way moretime
Yes, it's a joke that this dude is getting hardly any time behind bars...but, it's flat out laughable how yall can't go a day without comparingVick's case to just about everyone else who goes before a judge. Doing nothing short of painting vick as a "victim."
Three months is more than enough time for him to serve in jail. He probably won't live that long.

Them kind of dudes don't really see the outside again once they go in.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

All child rapists should get the death penalty automatically.

SMH at Vick getting any time compared to that old piece of garbage.
If there is solid evidence, yes
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

he has cancer and is going to die in less than a year

thats why he had such a light sentence
And that makes it ok for people to commit crimes just because they'll be dead soon?

I just think his state government doesn't want to have to pay for the medical attention they'll have to give him when the cancer starts taking itscourse.
Originally Posted by TD The God

The laws in the US need to be's actually a joke if you ask me. Here in Canada, criminal law is criminal law all across the board....American Law....
not true

I remember hearing about the guy that decapitated his victim with a machete and ate him. on the bus.

yeah that guy, well he is in a mental institution not jail. That piece of crap wrote an apology before he got on that bus. If you understand the diff betweenright and wrong you are NOT insane. So canada messes up too chief.

p.s. Vick is still a piece of crap. You morons always gotta mention Vick. It was MORE THAN THE DOGS. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS.
My thing is this....

Mike Vick is going through all this @(#* but Stallworth is getting off relatively easy for taking a man's life.


I understand Stallworth is deeply saddened by the unfortunate event, however he WAS over the legal limit. I even hear that the dude whom he ran over walkeddirectly into the car's path...


He was STILL over the legal limit and that definitely hampered his ability to react. He is STILL responsible for the man's death.

Yet Mike Vick got more time? THIS is our American justice system. The same system that currently imprisons 1.8 million people a year, roughly 700,000 formarijuana related charges. SERIOUSLY? This is ridiculous, we are warehousing human beings for the wrong things. We have more people in prison than any othercountry....


Last time I checked human > a bunch of dogs. @(#* them dogs. Vick got villainized while Stallworth only has to serve a 30 day sentence.

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