America now a battleground? Vol. Your rights are gone

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Does anyone else feel this is a direct response to how the OWS movement became about so fast, like they don't want this happening again?? 

I would say it definitely has to do with the OWS movements.  Socialist/Political reform movements are never really "sudden" they build up over years of people growing to hate the system.  Things such as OWS, and other Occupations which show a lot about the current state of affairs, were just the tipping point.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Does anyone else feel this is a direct response to how the OWS movement became about so fast, like they don't want this happening again??
Nixon started the War on Drugs in 1970 to take down those druggie hippies that had legitimate issues with the Vietnam War. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the result of civil unrest in the form of OWS. At least in part.
Nothing new, America has been a "battleground" to people of color since its inception. This occupy movement really has no effect on me because it seems as though no struggle is a righteous one unless its a white one. Although this entire situation deems Eldridge Cleaver a prophet of sort. As he predicted in America the white youth after observing national and black liberation movements of the past have decided to rebel against and detach themselves from the system of their likeness.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Nothing new, America has been a "battleground" to people of color since its inception. This occupy movement really has no effect on me because it seems as though no struggle is a righteous one unless its a white one. Although this entire situation deems Eldridge Cleaver a prophet of sort. As he predicted in America the white youth after observing national and black liberation movements of the past have decided to rebel against and detach themselves from the system of their likeness.
why are you making this about race when this affects everyone?

Damn black Israelites 
This bill will hurt the freedom of whites in Americaas well

What's going on in the world lately is way bigger than color or race imo...
If you're gonna wait until a bill passes to develop a strategy of defense or even the slightest consideration of opposition then you've already lost... What will be apparent in a police state or stage of martial law that hasn't been apparent for the past 50 years or so?
Something like the Civil Rights Movement or Peace Rallys during Vietnam will never happen again. No marches, no sit ins, etc...

This plus the PATRIOT ACT, it's a wrap.
The world is going into a state of emergency within the next 12-18 months... Just be prepared for anything and everything. This one world government isn't going to come by easy and they know it. Yes most Americans are so caught up in pop culture, sports, and whatever else is popping on TV that they don't even recognize the setup that's occurring.

-troops coming home to continue the war on terror
- eurozone being bailed out
- Russia and china lurking at sea backing Syria...
- occupy shut Down mad quick

Once this holiday season has passed we will see things turned up. A crisis is around the corner, just don't get caught slipping

Originally Posted by devildog1776

The world is going into a state of emergency within the next 12-18 months... Just be prepared for anything and everything. This one world government isn't going to come by easy and they know it. Yes most Americans are so caught up in pop culture, sports, and whatever else is popping on TV that they don't even recognize the setup that's occurring.

-troops coming home to continue the war on terror
- eurozone being bailed out
- Russia and china lurking at sea backing Syria...
- occupy shut Down mad quick

Once this holiday season has passed we will see things turned up. A crisis is around the corner, just don't get caught slipping

I need links on where you found this info 
Originally Posted by taymane23

Originally Posted by devildog1776

The world is going into a state of emergency within the next 12-18 months... Just be prepared for anything and everything. This one world government isn't going to come by easy and they know it. Yes most Americans are so caught up in pop culture, sports, and whatever else is popping on TV that they don't even recognize the setup that's occurring.

-troops coming home to continue the war on terror
- eurozone being bailed out
- Russia and china lurking at sea backing Syria...
- occupy shut Down mad quick

Once this holiday season has passed we will see things turned up. A crisis is around the corner, just don't get caught slipping

I need links on where you found this info 
word sounds like you giving up the inside job of things bruh
Originally Posted by taymane23

Originally Posted by devildog1776

The world is going into a state of emergency within the next 12-18 months... Just be prepared for anything and everything. This one world government isn't going to come by easy and they know it. Yes most Americans are so caught up in pop culture, sports, and whatever else is popping on TV that they don't even recognize the setup that's occurring.

-troops coming home to continue the war on terror
- eurozone being bailed out
- Russia and china lurking at sea backing Syria...
- occupy shut Down mad quick

Once this holiday season has passed we will see things turned up. A crisis is around the corner, just don't get caught slipping

I need links on where you found this info 

watch an alex jones documentary about the new world order and he talks about all this stuff
Real @*+% I'm having a hard time accessing this thread and tha other thread on this subject I had to switch to my phone.
Is it real yet? Am I still a religious nut? Did I not say this @%!$ would happen? Piece by piece it will take place.
The more this stuff happens the more i believe in 2012... not that the worls will end... but the thought that it will be drastically changed is starting to become reality
this is horrible. Obama will not allow it to pass, yet. But you can bet that in his second term he will pass it.
Originally Posted by quik1987

I don't think people understand how serious this is.
honestly. I haven't even heard about this until I clicked on NT. and it wasn't even on the first page. 
Originally Posted by quik1987

I don't think people understand how serious this is.
I will Paypal $10 to anyone directly affected by this legislation. That's how not serious it is.
I didn't fully understand the bill, but how will people be picked out as terrorists? If it's by word of mouf, can Obama be detained if Yasalu calls him a terrorist again?
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