America getting too soft?

I don't really see the correlation between dodge ball and America being soft.. am I the only one? around here they don't let kids have recess becausethey're scared that stray bullets will rip through the yard
They took dodgeball out when I was in junior high cause some kid got hit in the face and broke his nose.
They want to remove Dodgeball and games liek that so children don't feel this feeling of being 2nd best or being the worst. People want their children tofell like they are the best and can achieve anything. Well sorry Mr. and Mrs Goodie but more than likely your child won't achieve what he wants in thefuture. He'll be rejected time and time again. Isn't it better for the child to learn to deal with losing and coming in 2nd while he or she is young,rather than have a child go through a state of shock when he's or she's 20 something?

This just doesn't make sense to me. Now granted I was always good and better than the average at competitive sports than your avg person due to my strengthand speed. But sports like soccer and baseball I wasn't great at. Hell I'd make a fool out of myself but still loved playing it. I didn't mindbeing mediocre at it. It just made me try harder to get better. And isn't that what we want from out children. To continue to try and improve when onefails repeatedly?
Lol at our senior PE teacher tellin us we couldn't play dodgeball cause it was banned the majority of the class was either 17 and 18 if u still cryingabout getting hit by a ball at this age then smh
Kids now a days are soft that is why they pick up guns. There all scared to take beatings. Its sad state of affairs. ###+ I remember dodgeball, suicide, redrover.
dodge ball made you into a man quick!..and if u saved a girl from a devastating hit..u was making out wit her by lunch time
Originally Posted by ninjahood

dodge ball made you into a man quick!..and if u saved a girl from a devastating hit..u was making out wit her by lunch time
Damn those +%@#*@ in Washington Heights.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

What does this mean for the military? If we give kids a soft "no disappoint" life, why would they want to grow up and fight for our country?
-The Juice
Why do you think we have so many veterans with mental issues after they get back, but WW1 and WW2 vets didn't have near the mental issues. I think most of America has become disconnected from death, pain, and suffering.

You HAVE to be joking. Theres no possible way youre serious with cant be. This is just plain ignorance and it has nothing to do with the topic athand.
Dodgeball/Bombardment was the %@!%. Wiffle the ball so u hit em in the face and it skip and leave a brushburn
i would say so!

dodgeball was soo fun in middle school. Loved nailing the hell outta somebody! especially clockin them in the dome
There are plenty of stuff that make america look soft.
1.) mcdonalds switching over to all white meat chicken nuggets and using vegetable oils
2.) Around here, you arent to dunk in the pregame because of some dude that passed away from trying to dunk in a pregame warm up
3.) You cant bring yo-yos to school cause some kid knock out a girl
4.) im pretty sure you cant play suicide(wall ball or how ever you call it) during PE anymore
damn in elementry school we had this japanese exchange student that had the meanest throw... everytime dude would have the ball we all stepped back.. it waslike having a 3 min flinch while waiting to get his with a belt.... dude was vicious...
Political Correctness has held back true progress - the kind of progress that really counts. Instead of calling things are they are, we got this fake kind ofprogress where we've been fooled into believing that everyone's the same and everyone should be treated in the same manner despite obvious differences,faults and shortcomings. At the expense of truth we have groups of people who are constantly treated with kid gloves as if they have special needs while otherpeople who actually are paying their dues and working hard despite the odds tend to get overlooked.

Everyone gets offended by everything these days. Someone ends up getting their feelings hurt, they end up taking you to court, picketing/boycotting you orbranding you a social pariah like you have a disease you can't recover from.

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Sad to say, but Iv'e always thought after 9/11 things have changed.
No. This phenomenon has been going on before 9/11.
yep. soft as wet cotton.

back in the day dudes use to pride themselves for how tough they were. nowadays dudes actin wild femine, and are proud as $%%* of it.

its aiight if it aint "cool" to be gangsta, but damn yall aint have to give up yall manliness/toughness too. u aint gotta be thuggish

what happen to being tough? suckin it up? rubbin some dirt on it? walkin it off? tackling the hell out of a unathletic quarterback?

some of the blame goes toward women for lettin that $%%* slide too. nowadays girls like "safe" dudes. not "rough necks" or whatever. whichis fine, but i think its all a fad. hopfully . its a shame to be a man and to see so many of my brethren de-man themselves.
Well some school still play my little brother was tell me about that the other day how he was hittin every1 he was mad hyped lol
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by knightngale

@ kickball
Kickball was the %+%#, I used to get my Vince Lasalle on
Real talk on the kickball and we used to get it in on dodgeball too even though we played w/ these squeezables we used to throw them mad strong and i still remember this 5th grader broke a window and everybody was like
I play ball at the 24 hour fitness by my house and these guys call the weakest calls ever, and if you call them out they say you can't touch me or it'sa foul. But they'll carry and travel all day long. Soft is not a strong enough word to describe people nowadays weak and sissyfied are a little better IMO.
It's not just America, it's the whole Western world. It's a sedentary lifestyle for most people, which is far from ideal. They need to mandate P.E.classes atleast.
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