America getting too soft?

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

What does NT think? I asked my little cousin if he ever played dodgeball and dude looked at me as if I asked him to teach me quantum physics. I was watching a HBO special they were talking about how dodgeball is banned from just about every school. Also in some schools there is no touching (ie high fives, hugs, pats on the back) in fear of fighting. Whats up with America man? Schools are seriously taking out P.E. classes and recess because they are afraid of kids getting hurt. Growing up that was the best part about school, kids play, kids get hurt. Stop trying to baby them. The ultimate is now if you join sports EVERYBODY gets a trophy no matter if you are first or last place. What type of @%#* is that? That defeats the purpose of sports pretty much. America is gettin real fruity.
-The Juice

son forreal you sound beyond stupid...what makes America "hard" ? so it's "hard" or "gangster" to throw balls at each other?and when kids can't do it it makes the entire country "soft" .. i understand that kids are kids and they'll be kids...but to be honest kidsshould be spending more time learning than playing...they do enough playing already anyways. And we have enough little girls having abortions and enough casesof girls being molested and guys also for them to be touching and hugging the way you guys are saying to.
Kids are committing suicide at what seems to be an alarming rate.

I wouldn't use the word soft to describe us.

I think bitter failing adults are taking their pain out on other youth.

You can see it everyday on social media where adults are bullying their own children for likes.

I think we're losing compassion not getting soft.
I think with all these breakthroughs in technology making life easier, mental health is the new weak link in the survival of the fittest. So, of course, there will be things that promote mental weakness. Parent your children.
I think with all these breakthroughs in technology making life easier, mental health is the new weak link in the survival of the fittest. So, of course, there will be things that promote mental weakness. Parent your children.

I think it’s social media that maybe cause of all this “mental weakness” if people or young people don’t have strong mentality to deal with the everyday adversities of life our society is pretty much doomed for more cowardly acts of mass shootings.
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