Am I the only one pissed off the gov't is sending assistance to libya and japan

i never said that but i know i can't save everyone millions of kids are starving around the world today so in effect aren't we as americans' letting that scenario play out daily?
Have to send the money to places like Japan and Libya. Global economy is too intertwined to just isolate ourselves.
Have to send the money to places like Japan and Libya. Global economy is too intertwined to just isolate ourselves.
Originally Posted by higherthanthemonument

i never said that but i know i can't save everyone millions of kids are starving around the world today so in effect aren't we as americans' letting that scenario play out daily?

your arguments are elementary
"why help anyone if you cant help everyone?"

yeah, you right, tho.

Originally Posted by higherthanthemonument

i never said that but i know i can't save everyone millions of kids are starving around the world today so in effect aren't we as americans' letting that scenario play out daily?

your arguments are elementary
"why help anyone if you cant help everyone?"

yeah, you right, tho.


This thread must be a joke.

Instead of crying about how sending some food over to a country in need detracts from quality of life for citizens in the US, why not cry about the billions spent in other countries, not for food, but for funding poorly planned wars/nation building (hint: Iraq, Afghanistan), propping up narco-states (hint: Afghanistan), dictators (hint: Egypt), and funding state terrorism (hint: Israel) ? For the sake of brevity I will ignore the dozens of other examples from history. Fun fact OP: Israel receives more aid than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, & Africa COMBINED. 

This 2001 journal publication estimated aid to Israel to be around 8 million per day. The number is closer to 10 million a day currently. Did you know we've given Israel more than $45 billion in waived "loans" from 1975-2003 ? Source

Are you trolling, or do you legitimately fail to realize how pathetic it is to be mad at some food/medical supplies being sent over (which will be used to HELP victims) when the expenditures to do so pale in comparison to the amount we spend each year to both directly and indirectly KILL and MAIM innocent civilians ? and LOWER our national security while doing so ? 

Do the knowledge, we were paying Mr. Mubarak ~2 billion a year to maintain his dictatorship...roughly the same we gave in aid for the '04 tsunami disaster. We give roughly half this sum (~1 billion) to the ISI every year, which according to our own leaked intel documents (wikileaks cables) are using it in turn  to fund al-Qaeda and the Taliban to kill our own soldiers. Why not complain about this instead of crying about us feeding some Libyan family trying to escape a massacre ?

and for the other guy in this thread comparing DC (no matter how 'bad' the area) to the third world...

You would be better served shifting your gripes away from humanitarian aid & towards our failed domestic monetary and trade policies as well as the rampant inconsistencies in our foreign policy (some of which I highlighted above) if you are looking for actual problems to discuss. Keep in mind that the US is very hesitant to provide "aid" in situations not beneficial to us in some way. Does Darfur ring a bell ? (hint: Look at China's role in that situation). Hell, we are hard pressed to even provide support with our WORDS if it's not beneficial to us in some way:

I'm going to stop here before I get too far off topic. 

This thread must be a joke.

Instead of crying about how sending some food over to a country in need detracts from quality of life for citizens in the US, why not cry about the billions spent in other countries, not for food, but for funding poorly planned wars/nation building (hint: Iraq, Afghanistan), propping up narco-states (hint: Afghanistan), dictators (hint: Egypt), and funding state terrorism (hint: Israel) ? For the sake of brevity I will ignore the dozens of other examples from history. Fun fact OP: Israel receives more aid than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, & Africa COMBINED. 

This 2001 journal publication estimated aid to Israel to be around 8 million per day. The number is closer to 10 million a day currently. Did you know we've given Israel more than $45 billion in waived "loans" from 1975-2003 ? Source

Are you trolling, or do you legitimately fail to realize how pathetic it is to be mad at some food/medical supplies being sent over (which will be used to HELP victims) when the expenditures to do so pale in comparison to the amount we spend each year to both directly and indirectly KILL and MAIM innocent civilians ? and LOWER our national security while doing so ? 

Do the knowledge, we were paying Mr. Mubarak ~2 billion a year to maintain his dictatorship...roughly the same we gave in aid for the '04 tsunami disaster. We give roughly half this sum (~1 billion) to the ISI every year, which according to our own leaked intel documents (wikileaks cables) are using it in turn  to fund al-Qaeda and the Taliban to kill our own soldiers. Why not complain about this instead of crying about us feeding some Libyan family trying to escape a massacre ?

and for the other guy in this thread comparing DC (no matter how 'bad' the area) to the third world...

You would be better served shifting your gripes away from humanitarian aid & towards our failed domestic monetary and trade policies as well as the rampant inconsistencies in our foreign policy (some of which I highlighted above) if you are looking for actual problems to discuss. Keep in mind that the US is very hesitant to provide "aid" in situations not beneficial to us in some way. Does Darfur ring a bell ? (hint: Look at China's role in that situation). Hell, we are hard pressed to even provide support with our WORDS if it's not beneficial to us in some way:

I'm going to stop here before I get too far off topic. 
op where do u think the money to help the ghetto ppl come from??? tax revenue, usa and japan have close economic relationship, n this generates $$$$ for the government....japan going to disaster means decrease in revenue which leads to less money to spend....of course you can also look at the bigger picture, USA giving aid to japan will help japan to recover faster, and japan would need to rebuild itself so trade with USA prob increase therefore, increase in revenue, and more money for the government

and libya is prob even easier to c y usa is there its kinda like iraq situation the oil money!!!

to sum up without money you cant help the hood....
op where do u think the money to help the ghetto ppl come from??? tax revenue, usa and japan have close economic relationship, n this generates $$$$ for the government....japan going to disaster means decrease in revenue which leads to less money to spend....of course you can also look at the bigger picture, USA giving aid to japan will help japan to recover faster, and japan would need to rebuild itself so trade with USA prob increase therefore, increase in revenue, and more money for the government

and libya is prob even easier to c y usa is there its kinda like iraq situation the oil money!!!

to sum up without money you cant help the hood....
Originally Posted by tkthafm


This thread must be a joke.

Instead of crying about how sending some food over to a country in need detracts from quality of life for citizens in the US, why not cry about the billions spent in other countries, not for food, but for funding poorly planned wars/nation building (hint: Iraq, Afghanistan), propping up narco-states (hint: Afghanistan), dictators (hint: Egypt), and funding state terrorism (hint: Israel) ? For the sake of brevity I will ignore the dozens of other examples from history. Fun fact OP: Israel receives more aid than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, & Africa COMBINED. 

This 2001 journal publication estimated aid to Israel to be around 8 million per day. The number is closer to 10 million a day currently. Did you know we've given Israel more than $45 billion in waived "loans" from 1975-2003 ? Source

Are you trolling, or do you legitimately fail to realize how pathetic it is to be mad at some food/medical supplies being sent over (which will be used to HELP victims) when the expenditures to do so pale in comparison to the amount we spend each year to both directly and indirectly KILL and MAIM innocent civilians ? and LOWER our national security while doing so ? 

Do the knowledge, we were paying Mr. Mubarak ~2 billion a year to maintain his dictatorship...roughly the same we gave in aid for the '04 tsunami disaster. 

and for the other guy in this thread comparing DC (no matter how 'bad' the area) to the third world...

You would be better served shifting your gripes away from humanitarian aid & towards our failed domestic monetary and trade policies as well as the rampant inconsistencies in our foreign policy (some of which I highlighted above) if you are looking for actual problems to discuss. Keep in mind that the US is very hesitant to provide "aid" in situations not beneficial to us in some way. Does Darfur ring a bell ? (hint: Look at China's role in that situation). Hell, we are hard pressed to even provide support with our WORDS if it's not beneficial to us in some way:

I'm going to stop here before I get too far off topic. 
naw keep going....u are actually hipping me to some things
Originally Posted by tkthafm


This thread must be a joke.

Instead of crying about how sending some food over to a country in need detracts from quality of life for citizens in the US, why not cry about the billions spent in other countries, not for food, but for funding poorly planned wars/nation building (hint: Iraq, Afghanistan), propping up narco-states (hint: Afghanistan), dictators (hint: Egypt), and funding state terrorism (hint: Israel) ? For the sake of brevity I will ignore the dozens of other examples from history. Fun fact OP: Israel receives more aid than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, & Africa COMBINED. 

This 2001 journal publication estimated aid to Israel to be around 8 million per day. The number is closer to 10 million a day currently. Did you know we've given Israel more than $45 billion in waived "loans" from 1975-2003 ? Source

Are you trolling, or do you legitimately fail to realize how pathetic it is to be mad at some food/medical supplies being sent over (which will be used to HELP victims) when the expenditures to do so pale in comparison to the amount we spend each year to both directly and indirectly KILL and MAIM innocent civilians ? and LOWER our national security while doing so ? 

Do the knowledge, we were paying Mr. Mubarak ~2 billion a year to maintain his dictatorship...roughly the same we gave in aid for the '04 tsunami disaster. 

and for the other guy in this thread comparing DC (no matter how 'bad' the area) to the third world...

You would be better served shifting your gripes away from humanitarian aid & towards our failed domestic monetary and trade policies as well as the rampant inconsistencies in our foreign policy (some of which I highlighted above) if you are looking for actual problems to discuss. Keep in mind that the US is very hesitant to provide "aid" in situations not beneficial to us in some way. Does Darfur ring a bell ? (hint: Look at China's role in that situation). Hell, we are hard pressed to even provide support with our WORDS if it's not beneficial to us in some way:

I'm going to stop here before I get too far off topic. 
naw keep going....u are actually hipping me to some things
Originally Posted by tkthafm


This thread must be a joke.

Instead of crying about how sending some food over to a country in need detracts from quality of life for citizens in the US, why not cry about the billions spent in other countries, not for food, but for funding poorly planned wars/nation building (hint: Iraq, Afghanistan), propping up narco-states (hint: Afghanistan), dictators (hint: Egypt), and funding state terrorism (hint: Israel) ? For the sake of brevity I will ignore the dozens of other examples from history. Fun fact OP: Israel receives more aid than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, & Africa COMBINED. 

This 2001 journal publication estimated aid to Israel to be around 8 million per day. The number is closer to 10 million a day currently. Did you know we've given Israel more than $45 billion in waived "loans" from 1975-2003 ? Source

Are you trolling, or do you legitimately fail to realize how pathetic it is to be mad at some food/medical supplies being sent over (which will be used to HELP victims) when the expenditures to do so pale in comparison to the amount we spend each year to both directly and indirectly KILL and MAIM innocent civilians ? and LOWER our national security while doing so ? 

Do the knowledge, we were paying Mr. Mubarak ~2 billion a year to maintain his dictatorship...roughly the same we gave in aid for the '04 tsunami disaster. 

and for the other guy in this thread comparing DC (no matter how 'bad' the area) to the third world...

You would be better served shifting your gripes away from humanitarian aid & towards our failed domestic monetary and trade policies as well as the rampant inconsistencies in our foreign policy (some of which I highlighted above) if you are looking for actual problems to discuss. Keep in mind that the US is very hesitant to provide "aid" in situations not beneficial to us in some way. Does Darfur ring a bell ? (hint: Look at China's role in that situation). Hell, we are hard pressed to even provide support with our WORDS if it's not beneficial to us in some way:

I'm going to stop here before I get too far off topic. 
bro u are right on topic and people need to hear this to realize how arguing over aid going disaster relief and bs budget cuts are chump change in comparison to how much this country spends on other stuff. 
Bill Maher made a great anology on his show the other night about our nations budget and the logic of the cuts.

starts at 3:03

Lets you visually see how ridiculous all this "spending" talk is. 

Could someone imbed please 
Originally Posted by tkthafm


This thread must be a joke.

Instead of crying about how sending some food over to a country in need detracts from quality of life for citizens in the US, why not cry about the billions spent in other countries, not for food, but for funding poorly planned wars/nation building (hint: Iraq, Afghanistan), propping up narco-states (hint: Afghanistan), dictators (hint: Egypt), and funding state terrorism (hint: Israel) ? For the sake of brevity I will ignore the dozens of other examples from history. Fun fact OP: Israel receives more aid than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, & Africa COMBINED. 

This 2001 journal publication estimated aid to Israel to be around 8 million per day. The number is closer to 10 million a day currently. Did you know we've given Israel more than $45 billion in waived "loans" from 1975-2003 ? Source

Are you trolling, or do you legitimately fail to realize how pathetic it is to be mad at some food/medical supplies being sent over (which will be used to HELP victims) when the expenditures to do so pale in comparison to the amount we spend each year to both directly and indirectly KILL and MAIM innocent civilians ? and LOWER our national security while doing so ? 

Do the knowledge, we were paying Mr. Mubarak ~2 billion a year to maintain his dictatorship...roughly the same we gave in aid for the '04 tsunami disaster. 

and for the other guy in this thread comparing DC (no matter how 'bad' the area) to the third world...

You would be better served shifting your gripes away from humanitarian aid & towards our failed domestic monetary and trade policies as well as the rampant inconsistencies in our foreign policy (some of which I highlighted above) if you are looking for actual problems to discuss. Keep in mind that the US is very hesitant to provide "aid" in situations not beneficial to us in some way. Does Darfur ring a bell ? (hint: Look at China's role in that situation). Hell, we are hard pressed to even provide support with our WORDS if it's not beneficial to us in some way:

I'm going to stop here before I get too far off topic. 
bro u are right on topic and people need to hear this to realize how arguing over aid going disaster relief and bs budget cuts are chump change in comparison to how much this country spends on other stuff. 
Bill Maher made a great anology on his show the other night about our nations budget and the logic of the cuts.

starts at 3:03

Lets you visually see how ridiculous all this "spending" talk is. 

Could someone imbed please 
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