Allen Iverson to Memphis

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Not for long because the team would be in salary cap hell like your Mavericks previously because they gave a huge deal to one of those guys who wouldn't start on over half the teams in the league. After looking back at it, I would rather for Memphis to stay put and sign some nice bench players than to sign any of those two to long-term deals. Let Arthur start another season and get their starting PF in the draft. They can still do that next season since you see them only winning 35 games. By that time, AI will be gone and Z-Bo will only have 1 year left.

Locking up 10mil of salary to a guy like Lee or Millsap when you have to re-sign Rudy next year, Conley and Gasol the year after isn't that smart. Memphis still wouldn't have a low post scoring threat which is what they have been missing. Lee or Millsap wouldn't be able to be a dominant scoring threat in the post next season and it will result in our perimeter players being doubled and trapped just like last season. Whoever Memphis brought in to play PF needed to be a legitimate threat in the post along with being a good rebounder.

Let's say Memphis signed Lee for 50mil/5yrs. Memphis gets a top 5 pick again in next year's draft. They draft the PF they NEED. Now, they stuck with Lee for the next 3-4 years because nobody is going to want to take his heavy contract. Memphis would've been better off staying put completely.

And the team will be competitive. If they wasn't looking to compete at all, they wouldn't went on and on about signing Iverson.
Paul Millsap and David Lee wouldn't start for half the teams in the league?

Why do they have to re-sign Gasol? If Thabeet is what they expect him to be, they aren't keeping Gasol. There's no sense in it... They aren'tplaying those two on the floor together...

Why do Lee or Millsap have to be dominant post scorers? Gasol can score. Rudy and OJ will always be their top two scorers... Lee and Millsap have both proventhey're capable of keeping defenders honest... It ain't like they're Erick Dampier and teams can just leave them standing on the blocks and roamthe paint. Not even close... Both those dudes are very good rebounders capable of scoring points to keep defenders from sagging off them... Teams double or sagoff, those guys will make them pay. There's no question about that.

And no, Memphis is not going to be competitive... They're the least talented team by a mile in one of the toughest divisions in basketball and they'regoing to be one of the worst teams in the league. Period. You're sitting here talking about them having a Top 5 pick in the 2010 draft while sayingthey'll be competitive...
Who's better than KD on that team?
You didn't know? Oklahoma City was a BETTER team when Kevin Durant didn't play last year!
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Zach Randolph
Rudy Gay

Marcus Williams...

The potential of that squad is scary...

...I'm just not sure whether it's dark horse playoff team scary or Isiah Thomas/2005 Knicks/NBA Live scary...
i've gotta say, ON PAPER they look decent

On paper...

Hope he does well there though
Memphis just reminds me of the Knicks a few years ago throwing players togther and praying it works and common sense tells you it wont
After all, what matters is what is best for the team not the individual and God did tell AI to come here. Surely God mentioned that somewhere in the conversation!
Memphis now has a legitimate starting 5, an outstanding scorer coming off the bench and an improved defense to go with the scorer. They may still be the butt of jokes around the league but at least they are a scary joke now. With 6 players capable of scoring 30 pts in a game on any given night no team can afford to overlook the Grizzlies anymore.

Are the playoffs possible? Who knows? A lot depends on how things happen. Will the Grizzlies be able to avoid the injury bug? Will other teams? Will the locker room blow up or will the presence of two legitimate veterans make the team focus harder. Can AI teach the team to win close games this year?

The good news is that the team has shown their willing to take chances to make this team better and to provide legitimate entertainment for the fans. That alone should be worth something.

That's from 3 Shades of Blue. Good Memphis blog for people who don't follow the team and gives realistic views.

Paul Millsap has a reasonable deal at 4 years-$36M. At worst, think of it as a 3 year deal since he could be dealt during that last year
. He's only 24 and will only get better. He can score in a variety of ways and is a beast on the boards (averaged 16 and 11 while Boozer was out last season). He would've been perfect in Memphis
Do you really think Millsap would be better year in and year out? His ceiling isn't that high.

Paul Millsap and David Lee wouldn't start for half the teams in the league?

Why do they have to re-sign Gasol? If Thabeet is what they expect him to be, they aren't keeping Gasol. There's no sense in it... They aren't playing those two on the floor together...

After looking at the teams in the league, no they wouldn't.

And you don't know how Thabeet will pan out. You want Memphis to completely give up on Marc Gasol who has already shown tremendous work ethic during thesummer just to give Thabeet the starting spot? Whichever player is better at the time will stay. They might just keep both to have depth at the position.It's not even just re-signing Gasol I'm trying to get it, its their entire core. They have to worry about giving big deals to Gay and OJ and deals toConley and Gasol.

Like I said, Memphis would've been better off just riding with Arthur if they were gonna sign Lee or Millsap. If they were so perfect, then OKCshould've got one of them because they need them more than the Grizz.
And no, Memphis is not going to be competitive... They're the least talented team by a mile in one of the toughest divisions in basketball and they're going to be one of the worst teams in the league. Period. You're sitting here talking about them having a Top 5 pick in the 2010 draft while saying they'll be competitive...


And I said they would still be able to get their PF of the future, but they would have to probably trade up to get him. You said they would be one of the worstteams. And that division isn't that tough anymore with teams like Houston falling. New Orleans isn't scary either. But, ok the team is one of the leasttalented teams in the league.

Let's look at a matchup comparison of each team MEM/OKC. Why do you only talk about Durant on the team? Good thing I don't save quotes on here becauseits alot of quotables in this thread. that I'm going to love to bring up come season end.
Yes, Marbury, Curry, Robinson, Crawford and Randolph reminds you of the Grizzlies. The most scary thing about that roster is that all of their key playersaren't even listed.

Zach Randolph
Rudy Gay

Marcus Williams
Sam Young
Demarre Carroll

Only two players 28 and older on the team and they will only be on a contract for 1 and 2 years.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Anyone who takes the Detroit fiasco and blames that solely on Iverson is a moron, im sorry. That was ya boy Joe Dumars' fault. Iverson did not fit well with that team because no1 bought into it actually working. Because ya did soooooooooo well when he sat out the last month and a half of the season.

indifferent.gif're the biggest Iverson fan soo its obvious to see why your blinded by reality....Im glad he be blackballed outta the league...especially after he messes up Memphis young players progression......and p.s., whatever reply you have, i dont care to read.

You're stonefacing him but he's 100% correct. That was all on Joe Dumars. You do not trade one of theee best PG's and game/tempo controllers in the League for a flat out scorer. Don't get it twisted i love A.I but that situation was doomed to fail from the word "Go". Chauncey made Detroit what it was, he put everybody in the position they needed to be, calmed them down when $!!# started getting out of control, kept people in the game, got his when it was needed and carried the team when it was needed. He was the coach out on that court, he was the head, when you remove that the body has no choice but to fall.

How the hell do you expect to succeed putting such a dominant personality with a rookie coach who didn't know what the %%%! he was doing?
Thank you now I dont have to type that up and people just breeze by it bcuz of the SN. Yea Im a fan of Ive but I am also not a D-Rider. If it wasIverson's fault I would admit that. But you cant take away arguably the best PG in the league and then try to replace him with Stuckey and expect tosucceed. Really? Stuckey is your PG of the furture? Good call Joe
.Thats str8 that dudes wanna disregard my opinion because of the screenname. But I would love to hear some arguements why I am wrong other than "O look athis SN PSSSSSSSSHHHHHH his opinion doesnt mean anything. Iverson Sucks"

Rasheed basically said F this im shootin 3s for the rest of the season, Rip didnt want things to work from the jump because he is in love with Chauncy and wasbutt hurt he got traded. Stuckey who hasnt proved %#+* in the league except that he misses FTs in the clutch wouldnt even let Iverson get the ball in theoffense because he was afraid that he was gonna get benched. Bottom line the team didnt gel because no1 on the team wanted it to. Either way have fun with thatteam you got now. I got a feeling another trade will be going down this season that you can blame a @*+%$@ season on rather than blaming Joe Dumars for blowingup a team that was still competing.

And I will say this again. I made this SN when I was 15. Im 23 now, I am far from one of these little kids on here who argue sports with a "U Mad?"or "
" to everything. I actually put *@%* behind mystatements, but again if you choose to dismiss them based solely on a SN that is on you.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Paul Millsap has a reasonable deal at 4 years-$36M. At worst, think of it as a 3 year deal since he could be dealt during that last year
. He's only 24 and will only get better. He can score in a variety of ways and is a beast on the boards (averaged 16 and 11 while Boozer was out last season). He would've been perfect in Memphis
Do you really think Millsap would be better year in and year out? His ceiling isn't that high.

He doesn't have a high ceiling, but you know what you're going to get out of him. The team (and organization in general) needs stabilitywhich is something he would have provided. He may not ever be a 20 and 12 caliber player, but 16 and 10 would have been realistic and welcomed.
Why are you so damned concerned with Oklahoma City? It's likeyou've got penis envy...

After looking at the teams in the league, no they wouldn't.

And you don't know how Thabeet will pan out. You want Memphis to completely give up on Marc Gasol who has already shown tremendous work ethic during the summer just to give Thabeet the starting spot? Whichever player is better at the time will stay. They might just keep both to have depth at the position. It's not even just re-signing Gasol I'm trying to get it, its their entire core. They have to worry about giving big deals to Gay and OJ and deals to Conley and Gasol.

Like I said, Memphis would've been better off just riding with Arthur if they were gonna sign Lee or Millsap. If they were so perfect, then OKC should've got one of them because they need them more than the Grizz.
You really believe those two wouldn't start on half the teams in the NBA?
Whatever. I'm not gonna argue about that. They'd both be the best bigMemphis had on their roster IMMEDIATELY... *shrugs*

Who said anything about giving up on Gasol right now? You've got him under contract for two more seasons... You play those seasons out and see whatThabeet's got... If he's what you think he is, you make a decision with Gasol at that point... You don't need to spend cash re-signing him becauseyou've got a very good center, who's younger and already under contract... He's a sign-and-trade candidate, so you'll have that option at yourdisposal to get some kind of value in return. It's not giving up on him or letting him go for nothing... It's being smart with your assets. You'rebitching about spending cash on Lee or Millsap, why do it with Gasol two years from now if Thabeet is what they drafted him to be?
Good thing I don't save quotes on here because its alot of quotables in this thread. that I'm going to love to bring up come season end.
Works both ways there my friend... You're the only one right now that looks entirely irrational with your expectations of what that team is...There's a reason nobody agrees with you... Not people around the NBA, not people on this board... Nobody outside of that organization and their 45 fans thinks that team is a competitive, push-for-the-playoffs team...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Why are you so damned concerned with Oklahoma City? It's like you've got penis envy...

After looking at the teams in the league, no they wouldn't.

And you don't know how Thabeet will pan out. You want Memphis to completely give up on Marc Gasol who has already shown tremendous work ethic during the summer just to give Thabeet the starting spot? Whichever player is better at the time will stay. They might just keep both to have depth at the position. It's not even just re-signing Gasol I'm trying to get it, its their entire core. They have to worry about giving big deals to Gay and OJ and deals to Conley and Gasol.

Like I said, Memphis would've been better off just riding with Arthur if they were gonna sign Lee or Millsap. If they were so perfect, then OKC should've got one of them because they need them more than the Grizz.
You really believe those two wouldn't start on half the teams in the NBA?
Whatever. I'm not gonna argue about that. They'd both be the best big Memphis had on their roster IMMEDIATELY... *shrugs*

Who said anything about giving up on Gasol right now? You've got him under contract for two more seasons... You play those seasons out and see what Thabeet's got... If he's what you think he is, you make a decision with Gasol at that point... You don't need to spend cash re-signing him because you've got a very good center, who's younger and already under contract... He's a sign-and-trade candidate, so you'll have that option at your disposal to get some kind of value in return. It's not giving up on him or letting him go for nothing... It's being smart with your assets. You're *****ing about spending cash on Lee or Millsap, why do it with Gasol two years from now if Thabeet is what they drafted him to be?
Good thing I don't save quotes on here because its alot of quotables in this thread. that I'm going to love to bring up come season end.
Works both ways there my friend... You're the only one right now that looks entirely irrational with your expectations of what that team is... There's a reason nobody agrees with you... Not people around the NBA, not people on this board... Nobody outside of that organization and their 45 fans thinks that team is a competitive, push-for-the-playoffs team...

I know how long he's under contract for. And that's what I was basically talking about. So, saying the team is going to be one of the worse teams inthe league and can't compete with other teams is such an accurate expectation? But, saying that the team will be better than last year and that they willbe able to compete and possibly get to 40 wins is irrational thinking? You act like I'm saying they are competing for a championship.

I understand what has to go right for the team to be successful. I understand what is going on with the team. I understand how people view the move. The thingwith most of you is that you can't view it from both sides. You view it one-sided like most moves. Its obvious that you don't know what the team iscapable of until you see them on the court. I'm not going to be one let down at the end of the season because I don't see the team having a damn onegame improvement. 35 games or more is my expectation for the team. I'm glad that's too irrational. An 11-game improvement from last year would be goodon my end.

And I'm not the one on OKC's %*%#. That's most of the people on here thinking they are the next coming of Portland. What makes it more funny isthat they think they will be a team that can compete for the playoffs next season. I like OKC, but you can't tell me that their roster is better thanMemphis and that they're a better team. They both have = young talent. Period.
Grizz had alotta trouble scoring last year so that should definitely improve..

I wish he'd accept a bench role so he could just come in and shoot as much as he wanted, but we'll see
I say they end the season with a winning record at least. That is a very talented team, and now that AI is there, their offense is only getting better.
However, I'm just waiting to see how existent ball movement will be on that squad.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

I understand what has to go right for the team to be successful. I understand what is going on with the team. I understand how people view the move. The thing with most of you is that you can't view it from both sides. You view it one-sided like most moves. Its obvious that you don't know what the team is capable of until you see them on the court. I'm not going to be one let down at the end of the season because I don't see the team having a damn one game improvement. 35 games or more is my expectation for the team. I'm glad that's too irrational. An 11-game improvement from last year would be good on my end.
Winning 35 games isn't exactly competitive though... Competitive to me is fighting for a playoff spot... Would you call Charlotte, Indiana, orNew Jersey last year competitive? I wouldn't. They can improve and not be competitive... I never said they wouldn't be better. I just said they'renot gonna be a competitive basketball team...

46 wins missed a playoff spot in the West last year. Memphis would have to see a spike of 25 games to meet the standard for a playoff team last year... Idon't see that number going down this year either... Phoenix might be worse, but Utah will be better and I think New Orleans will be too... And theClippers, Oklahoma City, and Golden State will probably be better too...

theres only one ball to go around, and i doubt iverson wants to play the role of a scorer off the bench.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Mayo at the point...Iverson at the 2?

That means no attempts for Rudy Gay

Who cares? I dont understand the infatuation with Rudy Gay. Dude is not that good. Period. I mean, hes not a superstar, yet people treat him like one. Hes nota big scorer, he doesnt make his teammates better, he doesnt have eye popping stats. What is the big deal with him? He was picked in the first round of themock draft.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Mayo at the point...Iverson at the 2?

That means no attempts for Rudy Gay

Who cares? I dont understand the infatuation with Rudy Gay. Dude is not that good. Period. I mean, hes not a superstar, yet people treat him like one. Hes not a big scorer, he doesnt make his teammates better, he doesnt have eye popping stats. What is the big deal with him? He was picked in the first round of the mock draft.
The past two years he's averaged 20 pts, 6 asts, 1.5 threes, 1 steal, and 1 block per game. Not to mention he is a freak athlete. I'm notreally sure how you can say he isn't that good.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Mayo at the point...Iverson at the 2?

That means no attempts for Rudy Gay

Who cares? I dont understand the infatuation with Rudy Gay. Dude is not that good. Period. I mean, hes not a superstar, yet people treat him like one. Hes not a big scorer, he doesnt make his teammates better, he doesnt have eye popping stats. What is the big deal with him? He was picked in the first round of the mock draft.
Where did I ever say Gay was "that good" ? All I'm saying is the guy's fga are going to drop off considerably if Iverson andMayo start.
Originally Posted by DsLee559

I say they end the season with a winning record at least. That is a very talented team, and now that AI is there, their offense is only getting better.
However, I'm just waiting to see how existent ball movement will be on that squad.
But as we all know, talent and especially offensive talent does not necessarily equal 42+ wins in the NBA.

It's not a great on-court decision IMO but it'll make the Grizzlies more relevant to the public and probably bring in some much needed revenue to thatsorry franchise.

I'm guessing they'll fall way short of .500...probably win around 30-35 games.

What does Memphis plan on doing in the future with Thabeet and Gasol? Will Gasol be moved to PF if Thabeet develops into an NBA starter? Memphis has a lot tolook forward to in the next 2-3 years but the fans shouldn't get too excited about adding Iverson.
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