Allen Iverson to Memphis

Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

dude is on wet saying ai could still get 25 ppg

ai cant get 25 ppg with the right amount of touches and minutes? are you serious?

this dude averaged 26 almost 27 not last year but the year before...meaning the second he lost those minutes...his scoring went down...

you're crazy...he can easily still get 10-12 FTA per game.
I mean dude is one year removed from averaging 26 in Denver. It's not out of this world to assume he could still average 25 (in a situation where had agreen light) right now.

I'm not a big numbers dude...but Iverson took the least amount of shots in his career last season. That means you obviously can't look at the Detroitsituation and assume dude is Jason Terry all of a sudden.
Originally Posted by SickWitIt

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Some of the reactions from Grizzlies players after AI signed:


They do not look too happy.

AI definitely needs to drop Reebok already, and those braids.
this is the new group stoneface pic
*runs off to use it in another thread*
Originally Posted by 1stand15th

All jokes aside his new teammates DID NOT look enthused at the signing. Bad sign?
Should they be smiling like little kids in a candy shop or something? I'm sure their presence wasn't obligatory. If they really were THATopposed to it they probably wouldn't have been there.
I wish AI the best . I hope he finds a way to resurrect his career in Memphis (for those that think he fell off I mean, I personally just think he had a offyear, it happens). Nah, I don't expect his teammates to be skinning and grinning, but them dudes look like the doc told them they have a few months tolive.
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

dude is on wet saying ai could still get 25 ppg

ai cant get 25 ppg with the right amount of touches and minutes? are you serious?

this dude averaged 26 almost 27 not last year but the year before...meaning the second he lost those minutes...his scoring went down...

you're crazy...he can easily still get 10-12 FTA per game.
On THIS team he CAN'T average 25
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

As big of a Juice fan as I am, I think Westbrook has a higher ceiling. Juice is way more polished offensively, but Westbrook is a stat stuff. He has a chance in a few years to be a 18-20 PPG, 5-6 RPG, 5-8 APG caliber player that can also lock up the opposing PG.

and thats all i was saying
Exactly, AI is anti winning, so why try and cover it up with a fake title?

Let his true legacy shine through.
come on CP i have no problem bashing AI over the years just like you but if AI would have done the Steph thing you would call him out for doing the Gary Payton ring cashing
No, see, the fact that he doesn't try to chase a ring just proves my point that I have been making for years. He doesn't care about winning. He could care less about a title. He just wants to shoot. Thas it. He just wants to score, and and jack up jumpers, thas it. Nothing else matters to him. He's a fraud. And all his followers have been lied too.

I don't know you at all, but by reading this, I'd say you're younger than I am and have just started watching basketball.

He didn't want to win or had the desire?


Mindless morons.

Go buy yourself a brain.
Notice how all his followers are being reduced to arguing over how much he can score and thas it now?

Like it @#$%^& matters whether he scores 25 a night, or 18 a night, but still loses regardless.

But they don't care, he's AI.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Notice how all his followers are being reduced to arguing over how much he can score and thas it now?

Like it @#$%^& matters whether he scores 25 a night, or 18 a night, but still loses regardless.

But they don't care, he's AI.

How many variations of the same thing are you going to say already? We get don't like Allen Iverson.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by CP1708

Notice how all his followers are being reduced to arguing over how much he can score and thas it now?

Like it @#$%^& matters whether he scores 25 a night, or 18 a night, but still loses regardless.

But they don't care, he's AI.

How many variations of the same thing are you going to say already? We get don't like Allen Iverson.

I actually used to like AI just fine. Alot actually. Believe that or not. But then I figured him out, and his people wore me down.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by CP1708

Notice how all his followers are being reduced to arguing over how much he can score and thas it now?

Like it @#$%^& matters whether he scores 25 a night, or 18 a night, but still loses regardless.

But they don't care, he's AI.

How many variations of the same thing are you going to say already? We get don't like Allen Iverson.

I actually used to like AI just fine. Alot actually. Believe that or not. But then I figured him out, and his people wore me down.

So, if the Grizzlies make a significant improvement in wins next season, will you still say he puts up his numbers and the team loses?

I would have to agree with Nas, that he would probably average around 18 off the bench. Even if he started, I would say around 22 at best. I see alot ofbalanced scoring between those 4 players though. OJ might still be around 18, but he will be more efficient due to him being open alot more than he was lastseason. Rudy will average around 18 or 19. I see Randolph averaging around 16 a game and AI averaging around 18. I see one of them averaging 20ppg (eitherOJ,Rudy or AI). I really think OJ FG% will rise along with his FT attempts, asts and rebs. He's bound to have a great sophmore year and he might put upclose to the same numbers, but his percentages would be alot better.
I'm going to say he'll probably end up doing low 20's per game but I would hope that it's mainly because the other players are kicking in anddoing their part. I just hope that all this "teamwork" stuff people like to point out actually wins them more games. If not, A.I. needs to takecharge of the squad and do his 25ppg.
I don't there's anyway in hell that AI can put up 25 ppg with Gay, Mayo, and Randolph on the team.

This whole "project" has disaster written all over it.

Gay and Mayo didn't mesh well on their own...and you throw Zach Randolph and AI into the equation?
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I don't there's anyway in hell that AI can put up 25 ppg with Gay, Mayo, and Randolph on the team.

This whole "project" has disaster written all over it.

Gay and Mayo didn't mesh well on their own...and you throw Zach Randolph and AI into the equation?
Well, I know nobody is going to be able to average no more than probably 22 a game at the most, while the other scorers average around 19 or less.OJ was a rookie last season, Gay was use to being the man on the team. They had to adjust to each other. Late in the season, it showed that they started tofinally come together so I believe that they will be ok. Randolph working in the post may actually help them more than hurt them if he doesn't force theaction. Having a legit post threat will lead to easier buckets for Gay and OJ.

"It's going to be interesting because he's such a great player," said second-year guard O.J. Mayo, who was one of 10 Grizzlies in attendance Thursday. "I definitely know he's got a chip on his shoulder this year. I'm just happy to have him on our side. For (team management) to make the moves they've made this offseason makes me a lot happier."

Notice the comment about him being happy with the front office moves. We need to be able to retain OJ when he becomes a free agent.
Seems like OJ is extremely happy about it since he wanted AI. This will be good when it comes to keeping him long term once his deal runs out.This also alludes that he wasn't very happy previously and wanted to try to win games by adding more talent. So, this move may help Memphis long-term inkeeping guys like OJ, Rudy and Gasol around.
To developing players, minutes and touches are like oxygen. Any possession dominated by Randolph or Iverson is a play where Gay, Mayo, Conley or Gasol miss an opportunity to improve. Meanwhile, Randolph, Gay, Mayo and Iverson were all, last season, in the NBA's top 75 in using possessions. To be wanting the ball more is to be human. To be wanting the ball more, while being a really bad team, is often to breed dissent -- A player begins to believe the team would win more if only he could shoot more, and quickly you're building the opposite of a winning culture.
I wouldn't be surprised if Memphis trades Iverson in the middle of the season if they're under .500 like I expect them to be. No point in keeping himunless they're competing for a playoff spot.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

I wouldn't be surprised if Memphis trades Iverson in the middle of the season if they're under .500 like I expect them to be. No point in keeping him unless they're competing for a playoff spot.

i thought you cant do that with a player on a 1 year deal?
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