Air Randy has been SHUT DOWN.....for now.

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not a petition really, all it takes is for all of us to send an email to nike with link to his site.
It's a win-win w Nike manufactoring overseas in china.....They're saving money while making money.  And the "fake epidemic" is only allowing them to justify their price increase.  I'm sure the market isn't so different.
Originally Posted by RhInoSpOrt

Originally Posted by 1man2lives

Nike is the one whose selling the shoes. There making a killing off these early site. Intead of throwing the B grades awway like the old days. They rather sell them to these sights by the truck load. There just unstamped B grades people not fake. Nike is letting this happen and you can't st.op nike

Exactly. This is Nike's cash cow. Making a profit on something that was to be written off.

Exactly what i was thinking. I always felt like Nike was behind air randy. Such a brilliant idea to sell what they should be throwing away for more than retail.
Just don't support them. If you got fools wanting to throw their money out to them let them cook.
Im down.
EDIT: [email protected]

Do work.

We could just have /b/ or lulzsec hack his website. Lulzsec would have a field day %%*!+#+ it up 
like Nike cares 

do something better with your time then complaining about knock off Jordan's; you can just wait til they release 
This thread is just gonna bring more traffic to his site. I petition to lock this thread. Who's with me?
ive sent a few emails. if a couple people do it as well then we get their attention. if you guys dont want to do it then so be it.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by UPandCOMING32

Its hard to report an overseas site...he operates from and in asia,not u.s jurisdiction...but he does ship to america so I guess he can be shut down somehow...but I don't see nike giving a #*!% about him or others,nike makes their money regardless,and with sites like randy,marqueesole,sds,etc. Who promote products months in advance of rd,nike gets free marketing/exposure which builds HYPE which = $$$$
you think Nike cant do anything? you do know they dont just work in the USA right?

If Nike wants to they can easily shut him down
Why would Nike shut down something they condone? 
Get a clue genius. 
Originally Posted by Zyzz

ive sent a few emails. if a couple people do it as well then we get their attention. if you guys dont want to do it then so be it.
Come on Inspector Gadget; you don't think Nike is aware of this?
This only matters on Niketalk. My streets consider their shoes as real b-grades. My streets dont follow the internet.
Petition ain't gonna do a thing. I've talked with some people in Nike PR about airrandy, marquee, etc. and due to some loophole, they can't do a thing about these things getting leaked and sold early.
I understand why people would want to shut AR down due to people selling his shoes on eBay as legit pairs from FTL/FA/FNL however it won't work due to the fact that there are too many sites and too many ignorant people. For it to stop, you'd first have to inform the people still buying from these sites that they may have fakes/b-grades which cost more than retail for legit pairs.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Petition ain't gonna do a thing. I've talked with some people in Nike PR about airrandy, marquee, etc. and due to some loophole, they can't do a thing about these things getting leaked and sold early.
So does air randy sell legit nike B grades or variants?  If he sells real B grades I'm sure that Nike has some part in it, whether we know or not. 
I learned my lesson from mental kicks a little while ago.   Thankfully I got a full refund.
you got it backwards

"I like Nike but wait a minite
The neighborhood supports so put some
Money in it
Corporations owe
Dey gotta give up the dough

To da town
or else
We gotta shut 'em down "

Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Petition ain't gonna do a thing. I've talked with some people in Nike PR about airrandy, marquee, etc. and due to some loophole, they can't do a thing about these things getting leaked and sold early.
So does air randy sell legit nike B grades or variants?  If he sells real B grades I'm sure that Nike has some part in it, whether we know or not. 
I learned my lesson from mental kicks a little while ago.   Thankfully I got a full refund.

Story about mental kicks?
lol he wont get shut down ,, u guys mad cuz u didnt get wat u paid for?? well u did get wat u paid for u took a risk when u bought off his site u couldnt wait to release date , its air randy not or eastbay u never know what u gonna get from some of these sites same as marquee sole,, all these sites that push earlier releases help nike out , they build hype showing early pics selling the kicks for 200 over retail  making everyone else wait tor release date to get them for retail, nike knows the deal,,
So you are going to stop another man from putting bread on his family's table?

Sounds like a plan, I'm in!!!!!!!!!

What goes around comes around...those complaining on here about letting him cook and such will be the first ones to make a post when they get stiffed on Ebay and sent some crappy !!+ variant quality "B-grades". 

Dude is fraudulent....point blank.  I don't do business with grimey folks profiting off of lies and such.  If that is your you.
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