I think if you are paying more than retail, you don't have a "connect". IMO, a connect is someone who will get you access to the shoes at retail price (or less). Like a brother or friend who works at a store and sets a pair aside for you to buy at retail or less. Or if it's an even quid pro quo, like the friend at footlocker sets a pair aside for you, while you work in men's department at Macy's and let him buy ralph lauren polos using your employee discount. That's a connect.
If you are paying someone at footlocker $50 to set a pair aside which you then pay retail for, that's not a connect, that's bribe.
That said, I have no hate at all for anyone willing to pay above retail for shoes nor do i think they are stupid for doing so. I won't, but if it's worth it to someone else to do so, more power. That's their preference.