After Listening TML, Recovery & Distant Relatives The BEST 2 Rappers Alive Are...

Originally Posted by zokid

Agree completely with the topic starter but...

Drake's verse on Light Up>> Jay's

(jeezy) I'm just saying now (jeezy)

If anyone hasnt listened to recovery they shouldnt chime in on eminem. that is his best album outside of Marshall mathers and most the traxks all have meaning to them on this album it isnt just random bashing of gays, women, or stupid accents. its the best album to release this year. Easily better than drakes and DR
Never could really get into Em's subject matter. Has nothing to do with race, dude can spit with the best. I mean I'm not trying to listen to a full-length Bizzare album either.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Never could really get into Em's subject matter. Has nothing to do with race, dude can spit with the best. I mean I'm not trying to listen to a full-length Bizzare album either.

The album (Recovery) SUCKS fam...

The best songs are when he's talkin about how WACK he has been the past couple of years and how BAD his albums have been...

What seperates NaS/Steadman from someone like Em is:

In 01-02:
While NaS & Steadman were goin through their "beef", it kept hip hop exciting for purists and casual fans alike. They BOTH dropped classics in that time span... And just made hip hop WAAAAY more exciting and interesting...

During that same time you have Eminem/Nelly/Ja Rule/Luda a few other cats ushering in a lot of "new" fans to hip hop, these cats were seling CRAZY units... I mean Steadman was doin his 2 mill plus, but these cats was all movin 3 mill or better and were killin the Billboard with MONSTER hits, in Eminem's case, outside of his GARBAGE singles, his music was still on a HIGH level, and he was makin pretty dope !%++.


Obviously 50 was the MOST popular cat around this time, but Steadman dropped TBA in 03 and it is damn near a CLASSIC. NaS dropped Street's Disciple in 04, the 1st disc was AMAZING, 2nd disc... Not so much. Steadman stayed relevent to an extent via his artist Kanye West.

What was Em doin in 04?? Well he dropped Encore... Which by his own admissions, wasn't a very good album...

Steadman had been droppin verses here and there, but was "retired" for the most part, he and NaS made peace, Steadman dropped a !%++ sandwhich with KC, NaS dropped a damn good album, HHID that same year (06)...

Then in 07 Steadman redeemed himself with another near classic AG, and in the summer of 08 NaS dropped Untitled, IMO a CLASSIC album.

Em dropped Relapse... A snoozer, by his own admissions... Tried to redeem himself by outshining, Drake/Kanye/Weezy on "Forever", tried to ride Drake's wave and re-release the album... The true definition of warmed up GARBAGE...

Steadman on the other hand dropped a pretty decent album in BP3, while Relapse has its moments (maybe 3 or 4) there just wasn't enuff of the quality we were acustomed to in his MMLP/TES days... BP3 had a couple joints on there, and you could still see that Steadman has what it takes to be a GREAT MC for LONG time...

Distant Relatives is just a beautiful album, a lot of cats will blab and claim that NaS never musically evolved, but he's the one doin albums in other genres of music that are actually DOPE and prgressive (Sorry Lil Wayne)...

On ANY given day I know that Steadman or NaS can make somethin like "Empire State Of Mind"/"Young Forever" or "Africa Must Wake Up"/"Patience"... With Eminem between his last 2 albums, he doesn't even have enuff god material to make ONE solid album... It would STILL Be atleast 50% filler (That's being REALLY generous)...

Steadman/NaS has just shown me that they are able to be the BEST on ANY given day for WAAAY too long for me to put some newjack, or an on again off again legend ahead of them...

If we ranked all of Em/Stedman/NaS albums in the past 5 years, Recovery & Relapse are the WORST... And if we ranked songs, vereses individually Em just doesn't have enuff to compete with those 2...

Realistically... I'm not sure if Em is TOP 5 Active

After Steadman/Nas
3. Rick Ross (DTR > Relapse > Recovery)
4. Ghostface (OBCL2 > Wu Massacre > Recovery)
5. Jadakiss (TCIH3 > Recovery)
Yea he's ANOTHER cat that's better than Em...

Throw Kanye into the last part about the albums in the last 5 years and he's another cat that's making better music on a consistant basis then Em is...

Wayne too...
Carter 2 > Carter 3 > Relapse > Recovery

#%@% even Drake...
TML > SFG > Relapse > Recovery
Its funny seein dudes put Em down so much,
when they were givin him the most praise for
his Renegades verse sayin he bodied Jay, which
I never agreed wit.

If u cant rock wit Em thats kool, but u cant deny
that man of his skill. He's def up there.
Yea but "Renegade" was in 01...

He's a shell of his former self, where Steadman on ANY given day could drop somethin on the level of a "Renegade", how often do we hear THAT Em on records??...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Yea but "Renegade" was in 01...

He's a shell of his former self, where Steadman on ANY given day could drop somethin on the level of a "Renegade", how often do we hear THAT Em on records??...

So, regardless of his album content, u
dont think he's capable of droppin another
verse on the same level or better?

I see ur argument. There might be some artists
out now that make better music, but dont get it
misconstrued, dude will still body any of them if
he really wants too.

I mean who's really his competition when it comes to lyrics today,
besides the aforementioned in here wit the likes of Jay,NaS, Dre?
We get the point G...

But when was the last AMAZING Andre 3000 verse??

When were the last 10 or 12... With Steadman & NaS they have those type of performances on ONE album... When did Idlewild drop?? I know the double disc was in like 03 or some @+*%, that's 7 years ago... I'm pretty sure Idlewild is like 5 years ago, so what has he done in the meantime to constitute being the BEST ACTIVE rapper?? He's barley ACTIVE to begin with...

Pac has dropped more albums in the past few years and Dre 3000
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Yea but "Renegade" was in 01...

He's a shell of his former self, where Steadman on ANY given day could drop somethin on the level of a "Renegade", how often do we hear THAT Em on records??...

So, regardless of his album content, u
dont think he's capable of droppin another
verse on the same level or better?

I see ur argument. There might be some artists
out now that make better music, but dont get it
misconstrued, dude will still body any of them if
he really wants too.

I mean who's really his competition when it comes to lyrics today,
besides the aforementioned in here wit the likes of Jay,NaS, Dre?

who cares about a verse tho? this is music... rap music not rap verses... who cares how lyrically enabled u are if u make the dumbest music on the *@*%#*@ planet? seriously?

we know em can body verses... he's probably the most talented rapper ever but his music does not show that... im sure there's plenty of nerd $#* rappers who could body someone in a verse but id rather listen to an artist that can body a rapper's catalog with his albums...

oh btw... lupe would prolly give em a run for his money...

eminem needs to get back on drugs asap if he ever hopes to make some decent music again...
^I feel u Time'ron, but then Nay needs to readjust his argument.
NaS just dropped a great album, in which he quoted a verse from,
and for Jay, he quoted a verse from Drake's album, because we all
kno BP3 was nothing great.

And these 2 the best rappers and even they have sub-par/wack albums in there catalogue.
Just saying.
he already listed the albums to prove his point tho...

as weak as bp3 was its more listenable than recovery...

i dont see how anyone can tolerate em's new choppy %%# flow... that @@!$ aint music...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Yea but "Renegade" was in 01...

He's a shell of his former self, where Steadman on ANY given day could drop somethin on the level of a "Renegade", how often do we hear THAT Em on records??...

So, regardless of his album content, u
dont think he's capable of droppin another
verse on the same level or better?

I see ur argument. There might be some artists
out now that make better music, but dont get it
misconstrued, dude will still body any of them if
he really wants too.

I mean who's really his competition when it comes to lyrics today,
besides the aforementioned in here wit the likes of Jay,NaS, Dre?

who cares about a verse tho? this is music... rap music not rap verses... who cares how lyrically enabled u are if u make the dumbest music on the *@*%#*@ planet? seriously?

we know em can body verses... he's probably the most talented rapper ever but his music does not show that... im sure there's plenty of nerd $#* rappers who could body someone in a verse but id rather listen to an artist that can body a rapper's catalog with his albums...

oh btw... lupe would prolly give em a run for his money...

eminem needs to get back on drugs asap if he ever hopes to make some decent music again...
What im not getting is how does Em not show is talent?
Dudes rhyme scheme kills and so does his flow.

Infinite, SSLP, MMLP, TES were all classics and great albums.

You say Em now raps about stupid *%!! but is kind of obvious that you never really listened to


Dude was rapping about homosexuals, raping, killing, diseases, etc.

Its funny because you said that you prefer the old Em and his lyrics but really, Em hasn't changed much

with his topic. Dude still is rapping like he did back then but he also got some more "mature" songs right now

Ex. 25 To Life, Going Through Changes, Talkin 2 Myself, You're Never Over, Mockingbird, Like Toy Soldiers, Sing For The Moment, etc.

Harlem, you saying how Jay could drop somethin on the level of Renegade any day which may be true.

BUT, did you eve listen to BP3? *%!! was pure pop. Lyrically, he was there (besides a couple corny lines)

but dude is nothing but a hop on. He gets the hottest rapper out, and puts them on his album to sell.

Ex. Renegade with Em in 2001. That was when Em fame blew off.

Dude hates to see the white man win. (Im not even white)
As far as Em, how can he be so heavily favored when talkin about the BEST active rappers, when he is rareley (if EVER) @ his BEST??

He recorded "Renegade" AGES ago, before Steadman bought the joint, how often does he EVER spits @%%$ on that level?? When was the LAST time??

Lupe is another cat that's DEF ahead of him.

The Cool > F&L > Relapse > Recovery

I see what it is, white cats will NOT let go of Eminem and his past days of being one of the BEST, then they try to turn around and act as if we don't like Eminem cause he's white... That couldn't be further from the truth, white people just are having a hard time accepting the fact that homeboy is washed up... Even goin as far as playin the "Race Card"

I'm as PRO Black as the next man, but I'd be the first to admit that someone like DMX or Nelly is WASHED up... I guess my situation is a lil different cause its almost a given that another (black) rapper will come and fill in their spot. What we're seein now in the back end of Em-Mania... All those white kids that were lining there walls with Em posters and becoming the "Stan" he once rapped about are becoming unwilling to accept the fact that this MIGHT just be the end of it... And the reason... They don't know if ANYone, will EVER fill his shoes...
Ok I'm listening to Recovery for the 1st time and this album is better than TML IMO. I am really surprised by this effort...
well if u missed it i said i dont like his new FLOW...

ive been outgrown eminem's music but back from like 7th - 10th grade he was the #$#+... just cant rock wit him no more...

he needs to make real #$#+ like on 8 mile... and songs like stimulate...

all that other #$#+ i can do without...

oh yea someone tell him to feature everlast or somethin if he wants singing cuz he sounds soooo terrible when he does it himself
Em obviously isnt as skilled as before and everyone wants him to make another MMLP or TES.
But thats like telling Nas to make another Illmatic.
Jay to make another RD or BP.
Kanye to make another CG or LR.

Em still has enough to be Top 5 in the game. It seems like you skimmed through Recovery only giving it a couple listen
HOPING it sucked so you were blinded. Or, maybe you're setting your expectations too high.
Either way, its you who is confused.

The only reason why i brought out the race card was because judging by your previous post,
it seems like you want the white man to lose. (Im not even white, btw.)
The ONLY way someone can think Recovery is better than TML is prolly based on them having EXTREMELY low expectations for Recovery, and EXTREMELY high expectations for TML...

Recovery STILL managed to dissapoint me, my expectations were about as LOW as possible for an album I wan gonna listen to ALL the way through... And after about 4 or 5 songs I began to regret my decision...

With TML, I didn't really have any expectations, half of the songs had already leaked before hand, and all of them were pretty GOOD...
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