so you are gods chosen people, you are the real jews?

The negros, native americans and latinos are without a doubt the Nation of Israel.

You think we caught that much hell on this Earth out of "convenience" ?!!?!?!? :rofl:

Maaaannnn... If only you can humble yourself and learn, you might be able to gain some of this knowledge...and believe me, it's a beautiful thing. :pimp: But a lot of you guys are not spiritual so it just won't resonate. :smh:

The 12 Tribes of Israel

so you are gods chosen people, you are the real jews?
The negros, native americans and latinos are without a doubt the Nation of Israel.

You think we caught that much hell on this Earth out of "convenience" ?!!?!?!?

Maaaannnn... If only you can humble yourself and learn, you might be able to gain some of this knowledge...and believe me, it's a beautiful thing.
But a lot of you guys are not spiritual so it just won't resonate.

The 12 Tribes of Israel

so why did god disown you?
no, but it seem to be convenient to appropriate someone elses history and claim it as your own...especially when said people were once refered to as gods chosen people. Why not say that black people where caananites?
I've actually heard that as well. Not saying I agrre but I've heard a speaker say that they were a mixed race of people so take from that what you will. Personally, I've done research into numerous African Kingdoms mainly confined to Nigeria (NAIJA! 234! 419! EARLY!) ant connections are astounding. A lot of these monarchies popped up at different times during the common era after the fall of the Nile Valley Collapse. Few of these people will tell you they are autochthonous. Where did they come from? Many oral traditions and even cultural customs point towards North East Africa. The modern desication of the Sahara makes it seem as though Africa has always been this fragmented but it has not.
so why did god disown you?

[COLOR=#red]The Most High did not disown us, he gave us into the hands of the gentiles for a time (particularly Esau - Caucasian people).

My people were serving other gods, not keeping the laws etc, and the Most High did away with us. And of course, your arms too short to box with God, so what you think we had to go through? Look at our condition today :smh: :x ... Likewise if you disobey your physical parents, they whoop your *** to get you back in order right?!

But the end is hear my man, and the Most High is calling all of his people BACK to him before he sends destruction to this Earth.

If you really care, here is an in depth lesson on my peoples connection to the Most High himself. [/COLOR]

First and foremost, lets get something straight, not all "black people" are the same, I hope you know this.

Secondly, I dont WANT us to be the Jews/Nation of Israel, but we just are. I've posted a number of things which backs this claim up.

Third, with reclaiming that identity and coming back to our customs, we will inherit our rulership, which is next.

99% of these videos posted in here have already been watched by me over a 6 year period... Once you get the truth of the scriptures, you'll realize most of that stuff is nonsense. (no offense smangalang)

Fourth, this ain't for everybody... not all of you will get it. No matter how much proof, evidence, facts, maps, books etc will come to you, your mind will not comprehend it.
Can you hit me with the abridged version? I'm east african and this stuff is kind of interesting.
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so why did god disown you?
The Most High did not disown us, he gave us into the hands of the gentiles for a time (particularly Esau - Caucasian people).

My people were serving other gods, not keeping the laws etc, and the Most High did away with us. And of course, your arms too short to box with God, so what you think we had to go through? Look at our condition today
... Likewise if you disobey your physical parents, they whoop your *** to get you back in order right?!

But the end is hear my man, and the Most High is calling all of his people BACK to him before he sends destruction to this Earth.

If you really care, here is an in depth lesson on my peoples connection to the Most High himself.

but the scriptures said that god will no longer look to jewish people as his chosen people.
but the scriptures said that god will no longer look to jewish people as his chosen people.

First and foremost, no such thing as JEW-ISH people. I don't mean to play semantics, but come correct.

Secondly, the scriptures also say :

[COLOR=#red]1Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. [/COLOR]

Show the scripture/verse. :nerd: Prove your point.
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but the scriptures said that god will no longer look to jewish people as his chosen people.
First and foremost, no such thing as JEW-ISH people. I don't mean to play semantics, but come correct.

Secondly, the scriptures also say :

1Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Show the scripture/verse.
you're the one claiming jew.
Matther 31:43


This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. 

Seriously ach? :lol:

Ha Mashiyach was talking to the wicked pharisees in this who were concerned with buying and selling in the temple and passing judgement on the Nation of Israel.

Furthermore, this does not say anything about what you mentioned. Lemme guess, everything you learned about the Bible was from a "christian" perspective huh? Hmmm... jehovah witness??

As previously said, humble yourself and learn all over. YOU DON'T HAVE THE ANSWERS!

Only way you gonna get this truth/light I'm trying to give to you is if you start all over like a baby/

[COLOR=#red]Isaiah 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. [/COLOR]
Can you hit me with the abridged version? I'm east african and this stuff is kind of interesting.

[COLOR=#red]Whatever you wanna know, just ask or PM... All the basics you need is within this thread though, go back a few pages [/COLOR]
Matther 31:43


This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. 
Seriously ach?

Ha Mashiyach was talking to the wicked pharisees in this who were concerned with buying and selling in the temple and passing judgement on the Nation of Israel.

Furthermore, this does not say anything about what you mentioned. Lemme guess, everything you learned about the Bible was from a "christian" perspective huh? Hmmm... jehovah witness??

As previously said, humble yourself and learn all over. YOU DON'T HAVE THE ANSWERS!

Only way you gonna get this truth/light I'm trying to give to you is if you start all over like a baby/

Isaiah 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
I give you an answer to your question and yet you proceed to mock the answer with cliches. I'll play along.


19 “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet.  20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”

21 “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.  2Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
^ just stop. You won't win. & as I said a little while go, this ain't for you. You haven't watched ANYTHING I posted thus far to even get a different perspective.

[COLOR=#red]Moving along: Who is Esau?[/COLOR]

^ just stop. You won't win. & as I said a little while go, this ain't for you. You haven't watched ANYTHING I posted thus far to even get a different perspective.

Moving along: Who is Esau?
What is there to win? Truth is truth, what is written is written. It's sad when you try to use lies and cliches to make yourself feel better about yourself. You assumed that I didn't know what I was talking about, and I gave you two appropriate responses. And now suddenly I'm not built for this

You are the one presuming and assuming. You played yourself because you thought that I wasn't up on knowledge. Claiming that you're Jewish only because you want to be associated with 'god's chosen people' seems quite convenient as a method to make you feel better about yourself. Furthermore, it insults others because now you're going to be some sort of king because you're black? This kind of thinking is the breeding ground of hate.

I made this thread for the sole purpose of highlighting some of the social political aspects of African history, something that is rarely discussed on this country. I did not intend for this thread to be on some: 'blacks are going to be rulers' and 'white people are the cursed Esau'. I could run circles around your arguments and your position simply because it comes from a weak minded perspective, namely putting others down to prop yourself up. That's the same thing that the slave owners did, and your kind of thinking is the genesis of such actions.

I don't need anyone to put me up on 'knowledge', mom and pops raised me well. Been around the world, and I can read with my two eyes and make sense of things with my mental faculties. I assume that most of the people on this board can do the same. 

So if you can do me a favor and chill with the the blacks are going to rule whites rhetoric that would be cool. If you want feel free to make a nation of islam thread or black israelites thread, and you can have such discussions in there. Maybe we can keep the discussion in here based upon objective history and have people formulate their own interpretations, no?
& You're dealing with your emotions now, stop acting like a female

And you best believe, the same way my ancestors were used for slavery, everybody else will get to be in that position too :wink: ..wouldn't that be JUSTICE? Would that not be FAIR?

[COLOR=#red]Jeremiah 30:16 [/COLOR] Therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey.

[COLOR=#red]Revelation 13:9[/COLOR] If any man have an ear, let him hear.
[COLOR=#red]Revelation 13:10[/COLOR] He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

Damn this book is cold :smh:

Anyway, bedtime! See yall in the morning :pimp:
& You're dealing with your emotions now, stop acting like a female

And you best believe, the same way my ancestors were used for slavery, everybody else will get to be in that position too
..wouldn't that be JUSTICE? Would that not be FAIR?

Jeremiah 30:16 Therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey.

Revelation 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Revelation 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

Damn this book is cold

Anyway, bedtime! See yall in the morning
[COLOR=#red]Yeah I know, once a slave starts talking crazy like that, it gotta be discarded, or pushed to the side :lol:.. "Black man ruling the Earth?!? NO WAY!" :lol: ..Anyway, shalom ach! :pimp:[/COLOR]
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