
Aída Chávez

February 13 2019, 11:10 a.m.
Angela Rye hosts the “Our Vote, Our Power Mid Term Election Special” at Times Square Studios on Oct. 22, 2018, in New York City. Photo: Bennett Raglin/Getty Images
AMERICAN DESCENDANTS OF slaves identifying themselves with the hashtag #ADOS have been openly critical of 2020 presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker over the past weeks.

Some prominent black political commentators are now speculating that these critics are Russian bots.

Angela Rye, a CNN political commentator and board member of the Congressional Black Caucus PAC, has said she believes that some ADOS arguments are not organic, but were “paid for by Russia.” She added that she’s “not saying everyone who uses the hashtag is a Russian bot,” but she does believe “it originated from Russian bots.” Rye went on to argue that the same is true of critiques relating to “some of the stuff around the crime bill” circa 2016 — presumably referring to critics of Hillary Clinton who questioned her support of the bill now widely understood to have caused overwhelming harm to black Americans.

We stand with #ados #notabot #tonetalks#angelaproject

— Amos Jones (@amosnjones) February 5, 2019

On a segment of Joy Reid’s MSNBC show titled “how to spot a bot,” Shireen Mitchell, founder of Stop Online Violence Against Women, argued that the ADOS hashtag is a way to identify foreign influence. “A lot of the ones that are pretending to be black people, black women in particular, who are focusing on black identity, have these sort of aspects in the ways that they’re talking about language,” she said. She went on to say that bots are posing as black Americans using “the vernacular or the language of someone that believes they are a part of our community” to claim authority to represent black Americans.

“This has become a challenge particularly for the Democratic candidates because obviously, in 2016, all this activity was directed to help Donald Trump, or to hurt Hillary Clinton, to do both,” Reid said. “So I’m wondering if this time the party is going to be a bit more prepared. Reid appeared to co-sign Mitchell’s claim, saying, “I did see a huge uptick of bot activity when Kamala Harris announced,” focusing on critics who argue that Harris “is not really black.”

For years, identifying as a black American “descendant” of slaves or ADOS has been a way for black Americans to advocate for the specific needs and interests of those brought to the United States via the transatlantic slave trade hundreds of years ago, as distinct from the interests of more recent African and Caribbean immigrants.

Some critics using the ADOS hashtag have focused on Harris’s race, pointing to Kamala’s Indian and Jamaican heritage as a possible explanation for why, as a prosecutor, she supported policies that disproportionately harmed black Americans. The ADOS movement does have some nativist elements. But it is also true that much of the commentary surrounding Harris appears to relate less to her racial background than her public record. Booker, also a target of ADOS criticism, is an American descendant of slavery himself.

As Attorney General Kamala opposed legislation requiring her office investigate police shootings. When CA was ordered to reduce prison overcrowding she argued against it. The question is basic: Would you elect @SheriffClarke? What's the hell is the difference? #ADOS

— Tim Black ™ (@RealTimBlack) February 11, 2019

THE CREATORS OF the hashtag — Antonio Moore, an attorney in California, and Yvette Carnell, a political commentator — are neither Russian nor bots and are demanding an apology.

Carnell told The Intercept that she thinks calling out ADOS is an effort to delegitimize the grassroots movement they’ve worked to cultivate and to “undermine a real debate that we have about Kamala Harris within the black community.” For years, Moore andCarnell have been doing regular YouTube and radio shows together where they discuss issues like reparations and the racial wealth divide under the lens of “native descendants of American slaves.”

“We thought that there wasn’t enough policy and policy initiatives, policy proposals for Americans who descended from slavery and had ancestors who lived through Jim Crow, reconstruction, all of that, so we came up with the hashtag American DOS or ADOS,” Carnell said, adding that they started the hashtag around two years ago.

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Moore said that accusations like Reid’s are a McCarthyite tactic in the same vein as the attempts to publicly discredit Martin Luther King Jr. “It’s troubling, the lengths that these people will go to undermine authentic Black advocacy in order to prop up the Democratic establishment,” he said in an email. An MSNBC spokesperson declined to comment.

Indeed, people of color who challenge the Democratic Party from the left are often erased or dismissed as somehow not being real. During the 2016 Democratic primary, the hashtag #BernieMadeMeWhite spread as a response to the “Bernie Bro” stereotype, which wrongly claimed that nearly all Bernie Sanders supporters were young white men.

Carnell and Moore cited a truancy program Harris created as San Francisco’s district attorney that threatened parents with prosecution if their children missed school — a policy that progressives argue disproportionately hurts minority and low-income communities — as one of their main criticisms of her. As for Booker, they said they have a problem with his corporate alliances, specifically his ties to the pharmaceutical industry and widely criticized vote againstallowing drug reimportation to the United States.

“We have to be very careful and we have to be very intentional about what your specific policies are for the black community and what does that mean for us if and when you get elected,” Carnell said. “We can’t just sit here and do identity politics anymore. We have to do agenda politics and that’s what has really driven it.”

Moore said they will be holding their first American DOS conference in Louisville, Kentucky, on October 4-5, and intend to ask Booker and Harris to attend to “talk to black Americans about what their black agenda is.”

This is not the first time Reid has dabbled in conspiracy theories. Last year, Reid found herself in hot water when decade-old homophobic blog posts resurfaced. Instead of immediately apologizing, Reid told Mediaite — without offering any evidence — that hackers planted the offensive blog posts as “part of an effort to taint my character with false information by distorting a blog that ended a decade ago.”

Correction: February 13, 2019, 11:52 a.m.
Due to editing errors, a previous version of this article stated that Cory Booker is a “defendant” of slavery, rather than a “descendant.” The article also misgendered Yvette Carnell, who uses “she” pronouns.

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Aída Chávez
[email protected]@aidachavez

First gen American from Ghanaian born parents. Way too divisive of a tool that would essentially destroy the black community from the inside out. I’m in full support of reparations to African Americans who are descendants of slaves in America but not this overt. Free college education should be the extent. Gives us a chance to truly invest in the future.

Lol @ the Dems picking the perfect time to self implode. 2nd term Trump is inevitable at this point :smh:

Speaking in extremes

And what kinda reparation package is this? :lol:
What’s so extreme about free education? No different than what some Native Americans get around the country.

I said your stance on it being divisive is extreme. The movement doesn't harbor any ill will towards the diaspora. Those who use it as such already had ill will towards other folks.

Free education being the extent to which reparations that are given to us? Nah.
Have any ACTUAL specifics been listed as far as expectations with this movement? Just saying the term reparations itself is general. When people say we need much land specifically, where at and and who within the black community is getting this land? When people say we need money, how much money specifically is each and every black person getting as far as a request?
Im a JDOS, so I guess I cant participate in this thread huh?

Dr. Umar preaches Pan-Africanism and this aint it.

Have any ACTUAL specifics been listed as far as expectations with this movement? Just saying the term reparations itself is general. When people say we need much land specifically, where at and and who within the black community is getting this land? When people say we need money, how much money specifically is each and every black person getting as far as a request?

It's been listed in the thread.
Please keep FOX News out of this discussion - it's been proven time and time again that they do NOT have our best interests in mind
What about former slaves from other nations whose family migrated in the late 1800s/early 1900s and lived through the Jim Crow era, where do they fall?
What about former slaves from other nations whose family migrated in the late 1800s/early 1900s and lived through the Jim Crow era, where do they fall?

I don't know. This is one of my issues with this movement. It's equal parts exclusive and nonspecific.

I agree with the gist of the idea but I'm getting the feeling that even if the Dems pay lip service to it, folks (like Tariq) are still going to find something to be mad about.
I don't know. This is one of my issues with this movement. It's equal parts exclusive and nonspecific.

I agree with the gist of the idea but I'm getting the feeling that even if the Dems pay lip service to it, folks (like Tariq) are still going to find something to be mad about.

It's not as complicated as it sounds. Its based on lineage and a certain length to how far you can trace it
but are they drawing a line in the sand with ppl like layziegunts layziegunts who are american born to immigrant parents?

its like saying acl ppl in america gotta go to britain for reparations right?
Please keep FOX News out of this discussion - it's been proven time and time again that they do NOT have our best interests in mind

those 2 links are hard news non partisan journalists (Chris Wallace fox news sunday & da evening news @ 11pm Shannon Bream) with that said,

da irony is im willn to bet da 1st mainstream media outlet that will shine a light to this chasm within da black community will be da immigration restrictionist wing on da right. Fox has a couple who have outlets (tucker, ingram, Coulter) who in their limited hardline restrictionist immigration ideology, have shared critiques on democrats supplanting African American civil rights/agenda for da much larger Hispanic demographic to secure votes/maintain a perpetual under class dependant on government benefits to maintain political power.
It's not as complicated as it sounds. Its based on lineage and a certain length to how far you can trace it
Yeah but what is the cut off, and what is the identification strategy?

I am not asking you specifically for the answer but these questions have to be worked out sooner or later. If ADOS movement doesn't come up with a strict category and way to identify folk, they leave it up to the government. Which opens up another can or worms.
If you would have been in the back of the bus, then you are down with us. This is how it should be. Point a finger at those who would have lived with privilege in the US, and then identify with who would not have. It is pretty simple. But all of this separation based upon ancestral arrival only causes more of a divide. I mean, that was what was going on in West Africa when all of this stuff began to go down in the first place. There was a war over some bullskip, white people stepped in and enhanced the divide. If you are not unified against who the enemy is, you have no chance at winning the fight.
And again, I don't like the tax breaks in their proposal. They need to change that imo

Seeking support through the tax code is a good idea, making tax breaks the cornerstone of an economic is not, given the circumstances.
but are they drawing a line in the sand with ppl like layziegunts layziegunts
its like saying acl ppl in america gotta go to britain for reparations right?

Yes I believe the idea is that each specific group of black people needs to go to their own colonial oppressors in order to seek reparations. In ADOS' case it's the American government because African slave labor in America helped build the USA into the capitalistic global economy that it is today

Honestly in my opinion the TRUE enemy is unfettered capitalism and amoral consumerism. The reparations debate is only a subset of that conversation
but are they drawing a line in the sand with ppl like layziegunts layziegunts who are american born to immigrant parents?

its like saying acl ppl in america gotta go to britain for reparations right?

What that also says is that if I were to have been born in Jamaica, I should be entitled to reparations when no I shouldn't be. It don't work like that.
Yeah but what is the cut off, and what is the identification strategy?

I am not asking you specifically for the answer but these questions have to be worked out sooner or later. If ADOS movement doesn't come up with a strict category and way to identify folk, they leave it up to the government. Which opens up another can or worms.

How far you can go back to tracing your lineage within this country seems to be the default method as of now. That's what distinguishes us. What other ways would there be?
so are ados interested in tracing their lineage back to africa or just to 1619?

like ados stands for american descendants when america wasnt even a country yet right?

or is it reparations from 1776 on?

like there are black americans who dont think they have african ancestry but doesnt ados kind of imply that all ados are africans?
I want to say that every black person who has the opportunity should visit the Smithsonian African American history museum in DC.

My experience there this weekend legitimized the argument in my mind that former colonial powers owe the descendants of African slaves in general (no matter where they are now)
so are ados interested in tracing their lineage back to africa or just to 1619?

like ados stands for american descendants when america wasnt even a country yet right?

or is it reparations from 1776 on?

like there are black americans who dont think they have african ancenstry but doesnt ados kind of imply that all ados are africans?

Lineage to this country. When we speak on America although it represents two continents, it's essentially understood to be USA
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