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You drove 5 HOURS for a raffle ticket?

Those pairs have BEEN accounted for b, backdoored to hell. The few pairs they will actually raffle off, well could be 1 in 10,000.

I did 15 raffles in NYC/Jersey for the PB release and not one hit. 5 hours for ONE raffle? Youre out of your mind.
2 locked down at my spot [emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji] .. Good luck to all with this release. See you release day for online pairs. Hopefully many to go around with confirmed and online.

Many stores did do BD though.
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2 locked down at my spot [emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji] .. Good luck to all with this release. See you release day for online pairs. Hopefully many to go around with confirmed ans online.

May stores did do BD though.
you secured two pairs?

I'm assuming it's spots in SoCal. Do you mind If ask what spots?
you secured two pairs?

I'm assuming it's spots in SoCal. Do you mind If ask what spots?

SoCal is correct.. When they say they're not getting them, that just means they went through the BD.
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has any stores started raffling yet in LA/OC?
All Bait locations are giving out raffle entries from today until thursday till' closing hours. 
2 locked down at my spot [emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji] .. Good luck to all with this release. See you release day for online pairs. Hopefully many to go around with confirmed and online.

Many stores did do BD though.

Tf it's Monday??? How sway
so you got got that BD connect, major key bro.

Was random, through a friend of a friend. copped the last few myself manual. Yeezy's usually require sleepless nights for me and a lot of work. Kinda nice, might be able to actually sleep a little. Lol
Was random, through a friend of a friend. copped the last few myself manual. Yeezy's usually require sleepless nights for me and a lot of work. Kinda nice, might be able to actually sleep a little. Lol
I've yet to cop a pair at retail and I have worked my *** off every release, I'm hoping this release is the one = ) Let's DO IT!
I've yet to cop a pair at retail and I have worked my *** off every release, I'm hoping this release is the one = ) Let's DO IT!

Hopefully you hit this time. Have a feeling a good amount will be on confirmed and online. Stores that are not even in LA are now doing confirmed so that's some positive news.
Hopefully you hit this time. Have a feeling a good amount will be on confirmed and online. Stores that are not even in LA are now doing confirmed so that's some positive news.
 Yeah I live in a small market though, so I don't have a chance on confirmed so it's online or bust. It makes me feel a little better when they release on footsites it's more fun because we have more chances (although an illusion for me at least lol)

 Thanks man I hope you hit too!
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