Adidas NMD thread

I said "Yeah you're a tattoo artist that has sneakers so what.". He also called the olives the weakest pair out of the 4 to get me to go down, which isn't true at all.

Lol this isn’t hilarious to learn what happens behind the scenes, when all that is presented on the video is “homie came through in he clutch for me” as if he was gifted them.

Olives obviously best of the US pairs and that’s not even up for debate.

+1 LOVE the olives.
On Douchegod; DB's will be DB's

Anyone else get tracking besides @blackfrankwhite? :nerd:

I received tracking on my Talcs
Was not expecting the resale prices on this AI pack. Totally missed the launch but figured I would pay 20-30 over retail at most. Any chance the prices come down?
May not be a big deal to some of you but I thought it was.. FTL has the R2 navy on sale for only $104. I bought me a pear for that price. Good sizes were up as of this morning. Normally $170.
I like the colors but I don't like the model

I assume anyone with a previous purchase with them got pre access

carted easily.....:rofl:
hype is real when adidas makes nmd limited lol.... wondering if the glitch or khaki were limited if people would be freaking out as well

I could not agree more! I like the khaki pack for their own merits. Just because a shoe is rare does not make it "fire".

The man makes the closes; the close never make the man!
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