Adidas NMD thread

Oversaturate the market with NMD's then proceed to try and generate hype after the fact. Makes sense from Nike's playbook.
Yeah it’s frustrating. These would be an easy cop like all the recent NMDs if those dummies didnt go and make them so limited.

Now people are suddenly gonna be all about the NMD again. Go away and let me have my shoes :angry:
Correct me if im wrong; but im guessing all 4 colorways might be Adc and Europe exclusives?

Noooo! These Red Apple 2.0s might be harder to get fhan we first thought.

That is so disappointing about the red apple 2.0's...even sold another pair of red nmds I had to be ready to get these.
Correct me if im wrong; but im guessing all 4 colorways might be Adc and Europe exclusives?

ADC US is getting the Olive and Tan colorways exclusively this Friday 10/20 via Confirmed Online.

ADC Europe is getting the Red and Black colorways exclusively this Friday 10/20 via Confirmed Online.

No word yet if they’ll switch that up so everyone has a chance at each pair, but I’d have to imagine they will. I’d be pissed if they don’t.

Also no word if other retailers are gonna get these, but given how limited Adidas is making these I’d say no.
adidas loves to release certain colorways in certain areas. I wouldnt anticipate the EU colors dropping state side or vice versa.

that being said, thankfully im over NMDs. Im happy with my all white and all black pairs. I would have tried for the red apples though.
I'm 100% going for those Olives. Tempted to grab a pair of the Pink R2s just debating if they'll will sit for a couple of weeks. I really wished they bring over those EU exclusive multicolor Xr-1s.
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