A seal walks into a club.

Originally Posted by CJ003

A rapist, a homophobe, and a black guy walk into a bar....the bartender says, "Sup Kobe"
Originally Posted by papageorgeo

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait, stop right there. Listen. Stop right there a minute. A man goes into a restaurant. You listenin’? A man goes into a restaurant. He sits down, he’s havin’ a bowl of soup. He says to the waiter; “Waiter, come taste the soup.
Originally Posted by papageorgeo

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait, stop right there. Listen. Stop right there a minute. A man goes into a restaurant. You listenin’? A man goes into a restaurant. He sits down, he’s havin’ a bowl of soup. He says to the waiter; “Waiter, come taste the soup.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

So martin luther king jr walks into a bar

bartender says: what'll it be? Martin replies "just a bottle of water" Bartender gives it to him with no charge, Martin replies "free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, free at last"


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