A look back on the Pistons-Pacers brawl

I remember coming home from my football game, and not believing my dad when he told me. I was eating a double-double while I was watching that ruckus
The whole thing was terrible, but Jermaine O'Neal coming out of nowhere to sock that one guy was awesome.
I think I was at a cotillion or some formal-!%+ event, mashing refresh on my phone on NT trying to find out what happened. That Pacers team really was nasty,wasn't that Reggie's last year too? I coulda sworn I saw him trying to hold someone back. And Croshere's messed up jersey looked so
I can't front, that Jermaine O'neal sliding punch had me DYING. Son came out of NOWHERE and nearly killed that poor fan for basically no reason.
I couldn't be the only one rewinding the video onyoutube for that shot and seeing Stack run up in the crowd and mash on someone.
I love when people blame Artest talk like they would have been PERFECTLY FINE with someone their beer on them.

The person I feel the WORST for is Artest.

Ben Wallace COMPLETELY overeacted on Artest initially, and then kept forcing the issue as Artest was being contained. How are you going to go at a guy that issurrounded by half a dozen people and try to continue on with him? He's surrounded; give it up. Go brick your free throws and let's go on with thegame.

But no. He knew that Artest was a basketcase, so he went after him. I've never seen him even think about bodying Shaq like that on one of Shaq's fouls.

That's where I place first blame; on the guy who started it (Ben Wallace). And no, fouling someone is not 'starting it'.

And with Artest laying on the scorers table, someone throws their beer at him?! And he's supposed to just brush it off like no big deal?! Let me throw abeer in the face of any of you that think he overeacted, and let's see if you don't do the same damn thing he did, charging at me to kick my tail."Oh, it's different, because he's a profession...", man, save that garbage logic. He's a PERSON. A professional athlete is STILL aperson, just like you are a person.

So that's where I lace second blame; on the fan (who was granted a LIFETIME BAN from the Palace).

THEN I blame Artest, third.

And both Wallaces should have been suspended for more games. Rasheed went into the stands, and Ben instigated the whole thing by not letting it die down, byforcing a small issue to become a large issue.
I was on NT that nite

it was crazy

every post in the sports forum was about the game

I remember the post that laker4life made

he was like :

" yo this fight got me hype yo,I'm shadowboxing in my living room ,I'm so crunk my lil sister is crying"


and there was another post saying " R.I.P. RyanKMD "

they were saying that he was the white guy that artest went into the stands after

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

I remember the post that laker4life made

he was like :

" yo this fight got me hype yo,I'm shadowboxing in my living room ,I'm so crunk my lil sister is crying"


Ska basically said what i wanted to say.. but i still get so heated when i think about this game that I can't even put my anger into words...
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

once again, i can't believe those who say it is Wallace's fault are serious... ya'll need to go and watch the vid again

it was actually OVER for about a minute. the coaches and Pistons players were already in there and had broken it up, and Wallace was already on his way to the locker room. the incident Wallace initiated was OVER. Steven Jackson was a little excited, but everyone else was calm and collected and prepared to move on.

now about a minute later, there was a completely separate incident. Artest got hit by a drink, and went into the stands. the two events were as independent as can be. you can't tell me Wallace caused that second incident.

because he didn't look that agitated, he was basically just chilling on the sidelines. initially, he had never even made a move to retaliate to Wallace. he was basically calm up until that point. it's not like he was already over the edge. as soon as he was hit with the drink he just snapped.

so clearly Artest is the one who couldn't show restraint. in the blink of an eye, he went from being calm and just chilling on the sidelines to a barbaric animal.

how are we so sure that if Artest was hit with a drink at any other time, he wouldn't have gone into the stands then? it looked like his going into the stands had more to do with him and his bad temper, as opposed to Wallace getting him riled up.

Uh...if Ben didn't cause that whole incident, Artest wouldn't have been on the table, the game would have been over and they Pacers would havecontinued on into the playoffs and possibly the Finals. Ben caused the whole game to be delayed. Again, look at the "hard" foul. What was so hardabout it? It wasn't a tap and go foul, but it wasn't anywhere near a Flagrant. Ben over-reacted. He didn't MAKE Artest go into the stands, but thewhole atmosphere was set up by him charging on Artest who was backing away the whole time. Someone in ths thread that was there already stated that most fanswere leaving the arena before the scuffle and came rushing back in when it happened. So yes, if Ben had of just show his free-throws, the event would havenever happened.

Also, like Ska mentioned...I really don't think Artest is a 'barbaric animal' for reacting to someone throwing a cup full of liquid at his face.ESPECIALLY after his adrenaline was already up from the Wallace thing. Anytime your in an altercation, your adrenaline WILL go up. I mean...he's sitting ona damn table, trying to calm down...and some idiot throws something at his face for no reason? THAT is the barbaric animal if there is one. I mean, how lowclass can you get? Again, I wish that guy would go to the Rucker and throw beer at somebody. They'd still be looking for his body this time next week.

And about Ben Wallace, Ska, thats a great point you make about him choosing to go after Ron-Ron and not someone else. Because I have seen Ben get elbowed inthe face, hacked, bodied, etc by Shaq, much worse than "Artest's hard forul" and I have never once seen him even attempt to step to him. Sowhatever. In these types of events, its always easier for the media and most casual fans to assign blame to one "thug" or easy scape-goat.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I FR3SH I wrote:



When I first saw that I was
at the same time
He came out of no where.
I had to rewind this part when i saw it today...

But as far as the incident goes someone called me when I was on the way to my mans house and I could not believe what I was seeing...David Stern was notplaying when he gave out those suspensions
" yo this fight got me hype yo,I'm shadowboxing in my living room ,I'm so crunk my lil sister is crying"

and there was another post saying " R.I.P. RyanKMD "

they were saying that he was the white guy that artest went into the stands after

I'll never forget that. I was watching the game and on NT and when it first went down I remember saying the Pacers just ruined their season and people werelike "your crazy"

I said Artest would get suspended at least 30 games and people were like "your crazy" 10-15 games tops

Then I remember getting into an argument with somebody and dude wanted to fight. I then proceeded to give dude the Mapquest to my house.

After that I think ska came in telling everybody to calm down and this was before he was a mod if I'm not mistaken.

Either way that was easily the most relied up I have ever seen NT.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

I was on NT that nite

it was crazy

every post in the sports forum was about the game

I remember the post that laker4life made

he was like :

" yo this fight got me hype yo,I'm shadowboxing in my living room ,I'm so crunk my lil sister is crying"


and there was another post saying " R.I.P. RyanKMD "

they were saying that he was the white guy that artest went into the stands after


Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I think you're memory's a little shaky on that part about me.


Everybody was on some "Fight Club" type tip that night. I'll never forget you being the lone voice of reason even though I disagreed with youabout Artest. I still think if he wanted to fight somebody he should have went after Ben Wallace because dude he facesmush-slammed wasn't even the dudethat threw it.
I remember this like it was yesterday I was with this chick and right when I was bout to go in for the kiss out the corner of my eye I see BREAKING NEWS and Iturn around real quick to see wat was going down and I see this brawl I was like Oh snap and proceeded to watch the fight.

To this day I want to know why Rip Hamilton was sooo angry
This is probably the only time ever Bill Walton was on air live and had NOTHING to say. Dude was speechless.

"this is an absolute disgrace"
At the time I was living in the dorms and damn near the entire floor was huddled around the tv for hours just re-watching the footage. Over and over again.

Bill Walton saying, "This is just disgraceful."

Greatest part of the ENTIRE night...J. Tinsley running out with the dustpan.
Dude whoever that fan was, he was on point with his accuracy. IMO it would be pretty hard to hit someone form a distance with a cup of beer. If you think aboutit if he missed Artest probally nothing would have happened the odds were not in his favor but he hit em and it happened.

With me saying that YES it was Artest's fault if u dont think so you out ur dam mind
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