A look back on the Pistons-Pacers brawl

This was wild. I remember it like it just happened. It's probably the most memorable thing I've ever seen on live television. And to think I almostchanged the channel. I'm glad I could witness history.
once again, i can't believe those who say it is Wallace's fault are serious... ya'll need to go and watch the vid again

it was actually OVER for about a minute. the coaches and Pistons players were already in there and had broken it up, and Wallace was already on his way to thelocker room. the incident Wallace initiated was OVER. Steven Jackson was a little excited, but everyone else was calm and collected and prepared to move on.

now about a minute later, there was a completely separate incident. Artest got hit by a drink, and went into the stands. the two events were as independent ascan be. you can't tell me Wallace caused that second incident.

because he didn't look that agitated, he was basically just chilling on the sidelines. initially, he had never even made a move to retaliate to Wallace. hewas basically calm up until that point. it's not like he was already over the edge. as soon as he was hit with the drink he just snapped.

so clearly Artest is the one who couldn't show restraint. in the blink of an eye, he went from being calm and just chilling on the sidelines to a barbaricanimal.

how are we so sure that if Artest was hit with a drink at any other time, he wouldn't have gone into the stands then? it looked like his going into thestands had more to do with him and his bad temper, as opposed to Wallace getting him riled up.
Detroit fans are as worst as Raider fans back in the day
That brawl really ruined the Pacers. With SJax, Artest, and JO, they had a good shot at being Eastern contenders with the Pistons.
Artest may have overreacted but stephen jackson and jermain oneal acted like some straight gangstas..those are the kind of teamates I'd want to have if Iever got in a brawl..
Action Jackson
I remember thinking that was the funniest thing I'd ever seen live, made me forget about the Lakers losing to the Suns

I remember watching this and being so ridiculously hype.. I was ready to go to war with anybody that said they were from Detroit.. Ben Wallacehad his panties all in a bunch because Ron Artest did the right thing and fouled him so he wouldn't get a layup.. Dude was upset because his team gotcompletely outplayed.. He threw a fit, threw a towel at Artest trying to get a reaction out of him and it wasn't workin.. I can't even go on about thisevent, i still get a burning feeling inside of me when i think about this fight...
Jermaine O'Neal, Ron Artest, Jamaal Tinsley, and Stephen Jackson have a collective IQ of 2.

Honestly, what do you expect when you put together a collection of morons like that?
Originally Posted by THE SAUNA


I remember watching this and being so ridiculously hype.. I was ready to go to war with anybody that said they were from Detroit.. Ben Wallace had his panties all in a bunch because Ron Artest did the right thing and fouled him so he wouldn't get a layup.. Dude was upset because his team got completely outplayed.. He threw a fit, threw a towel at Artest trying to get a reaction out of him and it wasn't workin.. I can't even go on about this event, i still get a burning feeling inside of me when i think about this fight...

Just think, JO slid in and took out your frustrations for you
it was amazing, after that jermaine oneal was my favorite player in the league for a little bit
Jermaine O'Neal's punch was the most vicious thing I've ever seen. I remember I was about to turn the tv off when a local sports channel was like"WOW...breaking news, there is a brawl going on at the Palace of Auburn Hills", I hop onto NT and literally 85% of the posts in the sports forum wereabout the fight, Mods had to work overtime that night.
Honestly, that Pacers team would've won the title
They were REALLY good

It's a shame, it really is
This was CRAZY but all i HOPE, yes HOPE happened was that the little scary piece of +%*# with the Blue Wallace jersey and hat on got his $%* STOMPED!!!! Everytime I see the vid and how he just ducks out of the way after throwing the drink, i just wanna punch him in the face.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Detroit fans are as worst as Raider fans back in the day

Your grammar is impeccable. Simply amazing.

I turned the game on just as it was finishing up. It was right after one of our high school football games and we were waiting for the local news to come onto watch highlights.

I still have my "FREE ARTEST" shirt. I wore it in Indy a couple of weeks after the fight at the RCA Dome during the state championship footballgames. Everyone was loving it.
One of the funniest quotes is at the beginning, when Mike Breen says "Rasheed Wallace and Stephen Jackson are trying to bepeacemakers [between Artest and Ben]"

Boy if you only knew...
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

once again, i can't believe those who say it is Wallace's fault are serious... ya'll need to go and watch the vid again

it was actually OVER for about a minute. the coaches and Pistons players were already in there and had broken it up, and Wallace was already on his way to the locker room. the incident Wallace initiated was OVER. Steven Jackson was a little excited, but everyone else was calm and collected and prepared to move on.

now about a minute later, there was a completely separate incident. Artest got hit by a drink, and went into the stands. the two events were as independent as can be. you can't tell me Wallace caused that second incident.

because he didn't look that agitated, he was basically just chilling on the sidelines. initially, he had never even made a move to retaliate to Wallace. he was basically calm up until that point. it's not like he was already over the edge. as soon as he was hit with the drink he just snapped.

so clearly Artest is the one who couldn't show restraint. in the blink of an eye, he went from being calm and just chilling on the sidelines to a barbaric animal.

how are we so sure that if Artest was hit with a drink at any other time, he wouldn't have gone into the stands then? it looked like his going into the stands had more to do with him and his bad temper, as opposed to Wallace getting him riled up.

how is it not wallace's fault? had he not over reacted to a slap on the wrist, this whole incident would no have happened. artest would not have hadto lay down on the table to avoid anything, he would have been in the back court w/ the rest of the everyone on the court while the flagrant shots we'rebeing taken. entire situation avoided. you can call them 2 seperate incidents all you want, but the WHOLE THING could have been prevented had microphone headnot gotten heated over a ticky tack foul. and if you want to say it was over, then why didnt the game start back up yet?
watched it live too.. i was really shocked ESPN dint go to commercial and left it on.. i was like ? damn kids are watching this right now and they showing thefight ?
at mike green or grier or whatever guy becoming a fight commentator..
You guys are arguing two different things in my opinion.

Yes, it was Wallace's fault for instigating the scene between the players on the Pistons and the players on the Pacers. PLAYERS VS. PLAYERS. Yes, thatstarted all with Ben Wallace.

Now, the second part is the argument that it was Artest's fault. You guy's are treating these NBA players like the are superhumans and you belittle thefans. Both fans and players are humans. So whose fault was it? IT WAS THE FAN WHO THREW THE DRINK AT ARTEST. If you are going to blame someone for the incidentin the stands, blame the single fan because he is the one who threw the drink and HE instigated the fight. On top of that, Artest reacted (or maybeoverreacted) in a harsh manner.

You guys can sit and argue and argue about who's fault it is. But you only argue about the NBA players. Please include the %+**#%* fan in your argument.
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