A look back on the Pistons-Pacers brawl

yeah, it's ben wallace's fault that Artest went up to the stands to pound people.
I too would like to admit that I'm out of my mind, it isn't Ron Artest's fault. It's a man's human nature to retaliate to a man whoinstigates a fight, albeit he went after the wrong guy.

Secondly, people forget that Ben Wallace started the whole incident with his reaction. Just because Artest was suspended for the rest of the season doesn'tmean he should have all the blame placed on him. Didn't Wallace only get like 5 games or something like that?

This whole thing would've been resolved sooner and nothing else would've happened except for that shove from Wallace to Artest had Wallace kept hiscool. Words were exchanged then Artest laid on the table. BUT! Wallace couldn't restrain himself and then THREW a towel in the direction of Artest. Thatlittle incident kept the altercation alive when it should've already been dead. That lead to the Pistons fans thinking there was still something seriousbrewing and in those few moments the nutcase with the baseball cap threw the beer and hit Artest.

The only reason Artest went after the wrong guy is because the wrong guy was jumping up and down celebrating like he was the one who threw the cup and scored abullseye. But again, this would not have happened if BEN WALLACE had kept his cool. Artest was straight until he got hit with the beer cup.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I remember i was watching this live. Real entertaining.

Im not positive but at the end of the video with the kid crying and the big dude in the grey coming up to him like his dad or sumtin idk. Is he the SAME person at 6:42 beating on Fred Jones?

If so maybe the kids crying cuz his dad is beating down people right in front of him. again assuming its his dad and if its even the same person

yea i was thinking the same thing
one of the most barbaric and shameful acts I have ever seen in sports on both the parts of the players and fans. Absolutely inexcusable.
are y'all dumb? yes, Ben Wallace shouldn't have shoved Artest. i'm not arguing that. it was a shoving match between two nba players/teams,not uncommon. yes it was a heated one, but everything was done until that knucklehead went up in the stands.

"Ben Wallace started it"

sound like some 3rd graders.
yeah since that pacers have been on a downhill slope. I miss my pacers in the playoffs.
My arguments against Wallace are justified. Artest was cool until the beer cup. HOWEVER, Wallace was never cool at ANY POINT. Even before the riot. He kept theincident ongoing. Had he found any sort of self-restraint everybody would've headed back to the bench, including Artest, and no beer cup would've beenthrown.
I believe it was a Friday night, and I got home from a game and sat down to chill with like 1:30 to go. It was perfect timing.

Still, the craziest thing I've ever seen in sports and probably ever will see. I really liked that Pacers team- I didn't think there was anyone beatingthem that year.
you are seriously ******ed if you don't think Wallace started the brawl

Wallace just initiated a little scuffle, but it wasn't a BRAWL until Artest went into the stands.

Artest was the one who elevated the situation off of the court. he ENTERED THE STANDS
you are seriously ******ed if you don't think Wallace started the brawl

Wallace just initiated a little scuffle, but

Little? He pushed Artest half way across the court and continued to try and fight him. Didnt stop untill AFTER the cup was thrown. If Wallace hadnt of pushedArtest, you think any of that would have happened?
i remember coming home from a party totally trashed

turned on sportscenter saw the replay and just started laughing and saying man i am $#%@%* up this ##*$ can't be real and i went to sleep

next morning i woke up and was like ##*$ that was real

the chair being thrown was classic ecw

its also messed up that an old lady got stomped out

as bill walton said ya'll were classless
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

you are seriously ******ed if you don't think Wallace started the brawl

Wallace just initiated a little scuffle, but it wasn't a BRAWL until Artest went into the stands.

Artest was the one who elevated the situation off of the court. he ENTERED THE STANDS

i think i fixed that for ya and you're exactly right.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

My arguments against Wallace are justified. Artest was cool until the beer cup. HOWEVER, Wallace was never cool at ANY POINT. Even before the riot. He kept the incident ongoing. Had he found any sort of self-restraint everybody would've headed back to the bench, including Artest, and no beer cup would've been thrown.

Exactly. And the thing is, the foul was not that hard. What, did he get mad because it was late in the game? So what. Its the NBA, nobody should be'giving up' if time is on the clock. The foul was not that hard. Ben couldn't control his emotions and he sparked everything. He got the fansexcited, he got the players excited, etc. He should have shown restraint. Artest wasn't even trying to do anything, he was backing away the whole time, itdidn't even look like he was saying anything. If Ron had of pushed him back or something, thats one thing, but for what reason did Ben get so heated forover something so small? Its just funny people will say Artest is the one with the problem, he's an animal, etc, but it just seems he's being ascapegoat because of his history and reputation...
Ben couldn't control his emotions and he sparked everything. He got the fans excited, he got the players excited, etc. He should have shown restraint.
at Ben being the one who should've shown restraint.
I was asleep and my brother woke me up to show it to me. Either way, it was crazy. made no sense. looked like a bad video game. I was mad late to work cuzIstayed up to watch the replays.
i'm still in shock that this happened...those pacers fans have this to blame for the terrible situation that team's been in for so long...thatteam's a straight up mess
Originally Posted by Mr Supreme Stussy

most entertaining event in NBA history. hands down. seeing o'neal clean that fat *#*+% clock was priceless

I think stephen jackson was the mvp of that brawl. i still remember seeing dude jump off in the stands, throwin punches like a wildman
I was home from college watching it and doing a paper, subsequently posting on NT....crazy indeed. Had NO idea what was going on when I looked up. Good debatewent on that night on NT.
Ben was the one that set up the whole thing. He didn't get Artest to run into the stands, but he did overreact to a dumb foul, get the fans riled up, anddelay the game so that those riled-up fans had the opportunity to throw something at Artest. If Ben didn't overreact, there would be no opportunity forArtest to lay on the scorer's table and subsequently get nailed with a beer. That's where people are coming from when they say he was the cause.

JO's sliding punch is classic

I'm a fan of the "underrated" scene where Artest comes to the floor and squares up with a fan
I've only seen one personmention it

I was also
after they had the obligatory, corny shot of a kid crying in his mother's arms, it seemed like a cliche in a low-budget movie

The dustpan, the flying chair out of thin air, S-Jax putting his arm around Artest to stomp on some guy, old lady on the ground (only because she was OK in theend), overeager cop with the pepper spray, Reggie, all of it was better than an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond

My classic comedy material that I will always have in rotation includes the Wayne Brady episode of Chappelle's show, 40 Year-Old Virgin, Superbad, and this
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