9 year old gives birth...

Right because its fine to do it with big 8 year olds:rolleyes
I NEVER said it was fine to touch a bigger kid.

Steezy was wondering how it was possible and I gave a straight answer. The fact is under any circumstance there should never be some 9 year old giving birth
I have a sister whose 9. I remember the day she was born. To me she's still a baby. I couldn't imagine her telling me she's pregnant. Things aren't the same as they used to be. People are becoming parents younger and younger. Sadly in about 10-20 years this will probably be the norm, and we will be considered old fashioned for seeing a problem with it. :smh:

Although this is an extreme, its still a relatively new concept to the world that girls who are 13, 14 years of age aren't supposed to get pregant.
Daily in Africa. Rape is actually considered a game for boys, they gang up on one girl and boom.

But the thing is, this is a developed first world country. Things like this shouldn't be happening. But I guess my point is flawed as well considering Dubai. I'll restate then, this just shouldn't happen. It's sick.

Mexico is a developed first world country? Maybe the vacation parts of Mexico, but I wouldn't go as far as to call it developed. Maybe developing.
I have a sister whose 9. I remember the day she was born. To me she's still a baby. I couldn't imagine her telling me she's pregnant. Things aren't the same as they used to be. People are becoming parents younger and younger. Sadly in about 10-20 years this will probably be the norm, and we will be considered old fashioned for seeing a problem with it. :smh:

Why would this be considered the norm? If anything, it was the norm back in the day and back in Ancient times. I don't know what would make this "normal" in a country like the U.S. Back in the day people used to impregnante 10 year olds like it was nothing.
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Daily in Africa. Rape is actually considered a game for boys, they gang up on one girl and boom.

But the thing is, this is a developed first world country. Things like this shouldn't be happening. But I guess my point is flawed as well considering Dubai. I'll restate then, this just shouldn't happen. It's sick.

Mexico is a developed first world country? Maybe the vacation parts of Mexico, but I wouldn't go as far as to call it developed. Maybe developing.

Hold up, you're right. My fault I was thinking the US.

but Mexico does have a lot of Major cities. So I wouldn't go as far as to say a developing country.
Why would this be considered the norm? If anything, it was the norm back in the day and back in Ancient times. I don't know what would make this "normal" in a country like the U.S. Back in the day people used to impregnante 10 year olds like it was nothing.

History repeats itself. Yeah back in the day when people married young, started families and raised children, But when times changed more emphasis was put on education and trying to provide better for their families so that's what people did. I remember when I was in hs my junior year and one of my classmates got pregnant. She got kicked outta school because they didn't want her influencing other young girls, or making it seem like it was ok. Everyone was whispering and buzzing about her being pregnant. It was a BIG deal. If you told me today a junior in hs was pregnant I wouldn't even give it a second thought.
I have a sister whose 9. I remember the day she was born. To me she's still a baby. I couldn't imagine her telling me she's pregnant. Things aren't the same as they used to be. People are becoming parents younger and younger. Sadly in about 10-20 years this will probably be the norm, and we will be considered old fashioned for seeing a problem with it. :smh:

Why would this be considered the norm? If anything, it was the norm back in the day and back in Ancient times. I don't know what would make this "normal" in a country like the U.S. Back in the day people used to impregnante 10 year olds like it was nothing.

People had to marry and reproduce at a young age. Without modern medicine, life expectancy was low. 30-40 years was looked at like we see 80 year olds today. Without early marriage and reproduction we would have probably lost the human race. Or be in dangerously small numbers.
People had to marry and reproduce at a young age. Without modern medicine, life expectancy was low. 30-40 years was looked at like we see 80 year olds today. Without early marriage and reproduction we would have probably lost the human race. Or be in dangerously small numbers.

True that's why I'm saying this notion that smashing 10 year olds will become the norm in the future is idiotic. People don't think.
True that's why I'm saying this notion that smashing 10 year olds will become the norm in the future is idiotic. People don't think.

If it was idiotic we wouldn't be reading this thread. Having sex/a child with a 9 year old is wrong, dead wrong. But it happens way more than we know. Look at the direction of the world. It's definitely not getting better. Innocent children getting killed at school, we can barely go to the mall or the movies without looking over our shoulder. So do you honestly think that underage sex is gonna stop tomorrow?? Things that were once taboo are becoming accepted, the world is not the same as it once was. I was making a statement, Just as you did. In no way does that make me an idiot.
True that's why I'm saying this notion that smashing 10 year olds will become the norm in the future is idiotic. People don't think.

If it was idiotic we wouldn't be reading this thread. Having sex/a child with a 9 year old is wrong, dead wrong. But it happens way more than we know. Look at the direction of the world. It's definitely not getting better. Innocent children getting killed at school, we can barely go to the mall or the movies without looking over our shoulder. So do you honestly think that underage sex is gonna stop tomorrow?? Things that were once taboo are becoming accepted, the world is not the same as it once was. I was making a statement, Just as you did. In no way does that make me an idiot.

He said it wouldn't become the norm. And it isn't the norm. And one event couldn't tell if it will become the norm.

He didn't call you an idiot either, he said the idea of this becoming the norm is idiotic.

And it is. The only this that would make this normal is if something tragic happened such as a nuclear war wiping out 90% of the worlds population and humans needing to reproduce.
If it was idiotic we wouldn't be reading this thread. Having sex/a child with a 9 year old is wrong, dead wrong. But it happens way more than we know. Look at the direction of the world. It's definitely not getting better. Innocent children getting killed at school, we can barely go to the mall or the movies without looking over our shoulder. So do you honestly think that underage sex is gonna stop tomorrow?? Things that were once taboo are becoming accepted, the world is not the same as it once was. I was making a statement, Just as you did. In no way does that make me an idiot.

This is what happens when people are completely ignorant to history. :smh:

Having sex with a 9 year old is wrong but it was very common in earlier times in human history for reasons already mentioned by Sir Charles. I didn't say underage sex is gonna stop, I was arguing against your assertion that it is becoming more common, especially in the developed world. There is a reason why these things are more common in places with outdated religious laws and less common in more progressive parts of the world.

Kids have been getting killed since the dawn of man. Children have been suffering of starvation, diseases, war in many parts of the world before school shootings became the next big thing in the news. There is more to life than what you hear in the news. These things aren't "new", it's funny how Americans think the world is getting worse the second their privileged lives finally experience and inconvenience.

Things that were more taboo are now becoming accepted, this doesn't mean everything that is taboo is becoming accepted. That's like me saying yo in the year 2050 murder and rape is gonna be legal. That is idiotic.
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He said it wouldn't become the norm. And it isn't the norm. And one event couldn't tell if it will become the norm.

He didn't call you an idiot either, he said the idea of this becoming the norm is idiotic.

And it is. The only this that would make this normal is if something tragic happened such as a nuclear war wiping out 90% of the worlds population and humans needing to reproduce.

Dude reminds of when white people watched the civil rights protests and where like "Hey hun are you seeing this? Apparently, the police have been beating up negros like hot cakes". Dudes assume everything they see in the news that they were previously ignorant of is new under the sun. :lol: The world is a dark and violent place, we as Americans sometimes forget. Kids are getting shot everyday in Chicago yet it took Sandy Hook for Americans to be reminded of how violent the world is.
True that's why I'm saying this notion that smashing 10 year olds will become the norm in the future is idiotic. People don't think.
If it was idiotic we wouldn't be reading this thread. Having sex/a child with a 9 year old is wrong, dead wrong. But it happens way more than we know. Look at the direction of the world. It's definitely not getting better. Innocent children getting killed at school, we can barely go to the mall or the movies without looking over our shoulder. So do you honestly think that underage sex is gonna stop tomorrow?? Things that were once taboo are becoming accepted, the world is not the same as it once was. I was making a statement, Just as you did. In no way does that make me an idiot.
This post is to logic as KFC is to chicken.  

Innocent children being killed at school has absolutely nothing to do with underage sex, and the notion that the world "definitely isn't getting better" is factually incorrect.  Violent crime has gradually been on the decline since colonial times (http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2010/06/16/a-crime-puzzle-violent-crime-declines-in-america/).  Don't try to romanticize the past or act like society is going down the gutter.  Humans have a tendency to think society is becoming progressively worse when in reality it's becoming progressively better.  

You honestly think that our society runs the risk of having sex with 9 year olds becoming the norm?  If anything, hysteria over pedophilia and instances like these is at an all time high as a result of the amount of media exposure it's given (To Catch A Predator, for example).  

Just because you made a statement doesn't mean it's legitimate.  Not all statements are created equal.
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Exactly. I'm tired of the idea of "Current Events" because all it is is stupid things that cause us pain, and yet it's happening everyday somewhere else. It's hard to find news about other countries, like in Africa. When was the last time the war was on the news?

I talked first hand to a man who had witnessed it, and escaped. It's really some terrible things that dwarf this story.
People had to marry and reproduce at a young age. Without modern medicine, life expectancy was low. 30-40 years was looked at like we see 80 year olds today. Without early marriage and reproduction we would have probably lost the human race. Or be in dangerously small numbers.

On point
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