72-year-old woman tasered by police

Dec 10, 2001
AUSTIN, Tex. - A police dashboard camera shows exactly what happened between a deputy constable and a 72-year-old womanin Austin, Texas right before the officer tased her.

The officer says Kathryn Winkfein -- a great-grandmother -- mouthed off and got physical during a traffic stop on May 11, 2009.

Deputy Chris Bieze stopped Winkfein for speeding. After he completed the paper work -- she refused to sign it. That's when things got ugly. According tothe deputy, he shoved Winkfein so she would get away from the side of the highway.

The elderly woman started to tease the officer... "daring" him to use his taser on her. He warned her several times she was in danger of beingtasered.

The officer eventually did use the device that delivers a shock. Winkfein wasn't hurt, but you can hear here moans of agony on the tape right after ithappened.

Travis County, Texas Sergeant Major Gary Griffin says after reviewing the footage the officer followed policy and stands by his decision to use it.

The dash cam video of this incident lasts about 1:45.
Yea... I guess he just should have power bombed her to get her to comply then...
Both the cop and the woman are $##%$@% morons. The cop for using excessive force and the woman for being a jerk.
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Both the cop and the woman are $##%$@% morons. The cop for using excessive force and the woman for being a jerk.

That's what I'm saying....
i hate when old people feel like they have the need to tell you their age..*%%+ is annoying
At the CB comment ! Lady got served but officer should've triedanother alternative, if she died if would've been a big mess and stay in his conscience.
Old lady thinking that +$%$ talking will not get her hurt !
I do have a problem with it....this woman could be some of you NTer's grandmothers (great Gma for the rest of you)

So what if she doesn't sign the ticket, give it to her and go work

OK she talked back, that badge doesn't make you God.

Tasers can kill and this was an inproper use. He couldn't have possibly felt impending danger from a 72 yo woman.

A lot of cops are felines that couldn't work elsewhere and just happened to never get into trouble. All they want to do is
take their frustrations out on others.

Hillbilly %@@ %##@ cop
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