72-year-old woman tasered by police

The lady was in the completely wrong, but the officer should of just let her sign it when she was out of the car. If he had done so, none of the tasering wouldof been necessary.
I just have to say YES that old lady was acting bad, but when you get pulled over are you happy go lucky or all peachy keen to bepulled over??????? then the cop was being a BEEZY and I find it ironic that is what his last name is, just spelled diifferently. If you watched the videoall the way you would first ask 1. WHY DOES SHE NEED TO STEP BACK, when he keeps yelling in her face to STEP BACK, they wereclearly a few feet away from traffic and she proved to be more than capable of making it out of her vehicle without getting hit by car so what was the reasonfor that?? 2. IF SHE WOULD HAVE JUST TOOK THE TICKET and left or if the officer would ahve left her the ticket and took off thenit all would have been avoided.. BY LAW when an officer issues you a ticket, YOU as the defendant can immediately leave in your vehicle for any trafficinfringement unless you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.. so really the COP is the STUPID @-- for not just leaving...

YEAH THATS TOO BAD how she got served though
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

A lot of you are more focused on her false perception that her age would save her from a ticket, you are missing the actions of the "cop."

Its some of her tax money that pays that sucker to do that type of mess. He probably turns the camera off when he gets someone black.


Morons on this board are so QUICK to play the race card when race had nothing to do with this issue in the slightest.

You dont DARE a cop to tase you after hes given you SEVERAL warnings. I dont care who or what age you are.

She was SPEEDING to begin with! Take the Ticket "L" and move on!

Cop did his job. You cant provoke a cop like that.

You probably a cop lame. His job is to protect and serve, not shock the #%*# outta Beaver's grandma.

Also, I never played the race card you schmuck...I presented a hypothetical situation
being within 10 feet of any street is dangerous, regardless of construction zone or if you think everyone is going slow. too many police and civiliansget killed being careless and way too many people ignore the fact that there's people on the side of the road and continue to speed since the police isoccupied.

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Club29 wrote:

AntBanks81 wrote:

A lot of you are more focused on her false perception that her age would save her from a ticket, you are missing the actions of the "cop."

Its some of her tax money that pays that sucker to do that type of mess. He probably turns the camera off when he gets someone black.


Morons on this board are so QUICK to play the race card when race had nothing to do with this issue in the slightest.

You dont DARE a cop to tase you after hes given you SEVERAL warnings. I dont care who or what age you are.

She was SPEEDING to begin with! Take the Ticket "L" and move on!

Cop did his job. You cant provoke a cop like that.

You probably a cop lame. His job is to protect and serve, not shock the %%@$ outta Beaver's grandma.

Also, I never played the race card you schmuck...I presented a hypothetical situation

just cause she pays taxes that pay him doesn't make her the boss. she disrespected a police officer and should've been arrested for her actions.

race is completely irrelevant.

if anything you should be surprised he didn't let the white woman off with a warning, he arrested her for non-compliance and charged her with resistingarrest, which is exactly what she was doing. the cop shouldn't just leave her alone because she's being difficult, once the decision is made toarrested her (a decision he made when he asked her to step out of the car) then she's gotta put the bracelets on or he's gotta force them on her. itwas basically either tase her or manhandle her and hope to not break her arm. once he pulled the taser out and he threatened to use it any half-brained mammalwould know better than to mess around. she deserved it. it's not like he didn't give her every opportunity to comply.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

A lot of you are more focused on her false perception that her age would save her from a ticket, you are missing the actions of the "cop."

Its some of her tax money that pays that sucker to do that type of mess. He probably turns the camera off when he gets someone black.


Morons on this board are so QUICK to play the race card when race had nothing to do with this issue in the slightest.

You dont DARE a cop to tase you after hes given you SEVERAL warnings. I dont care who or what age you are.

She was SPEEDING to begin with! Take the Ticket "L" and move on!

Cop did his job. You cant provoke a cop like that.
You probably a cop lame. His job is to protect and serve, not shock the #%*# outta [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beaver's grandma.[/color]

Also, I never played the race card you schmuck...I presented a hypothetical situation
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

A lot of you are more focused on her false perception that her age would save her from a ticket, you are missing the actions of the "cop."

Its some of her tax money that pays that sucker to do that type of mess. He probably turns the camera off when he gets someone black.


Morons on this board are so QUICK to play the race card when race had nothing to do with this issue in the slightest.

You dont DARE a cop to tase you after hes given you SEVERAL warnings. I dont care who or what age you are.

She was SPEEDING to begin with! Take the Ticket "L" and move on!

Cop did his job. You cant provoke a cop like that.

You probably a cop lame. His job is to protect and serve, not shock the #%*# outta Beaver's grandma.

Also, I never played the race card you schmuck...I presented a hypothetical situation

No, shmuck. You know exactly what you were implying with your comment.

Eff outta here with that

You think because shes 72 she can get away with mouthing off to a cop after 5 warnings? No. You're obviously a moron.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

A. Get into a wrestling match with an elderly woman a feet away from 70mph traffic risking serious injury or death
70mph? Look at that video. Do you see any traffic there? Plus it was a construction zone and his patrol vehicle most likely had its lights on so I doubt vehicles would be passing them at high speeds.

Wrestling match? For what reason? For refusing to sign a ticket? Refusal to sign a moving citation gives a police officer a right to shock someone?

The officer plain and simple lost his temper and shocked her. The officer even told the press that he felt his life was endangered.

Dude exemplifies the meaning of being a coward. I mean just imagine what the officer's peers must be thinking of him. I mean damn you really need to tazer that lady? You really felt your life was in danger? You let an old lady like that rile you up?

Next time that Deputy should call for backup and SWAT just in case.

I still vividly remember the Oakland incident on New Years when an officer shot a young black man in the back so reading %$@* like this pisses me of because yet again another example of a PEACE officer abusing his power.

Refusal to sign a moving citation doesn't give him the right to shock someone, but being body checked by a citizen with his back towards traffic more thangives him the right.
It's too bad that someone was a 72 year old lady that was already in excess of 15 mph over the speed limit.

Officer Tackleberry 1 - Kathryn Winkfein 0
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

A lot of you are more focused on her false perception that her age would save her from a ticket, you are missing the actions of the "cop."

Its some of her tax money that pays that sucker to do that type of mess. He probably turns the camera off when he gets someone black.


Morons on this board are so QUICK to play the race card when race had nothing to do with this issue in the slightest.

You dont DARE a cop to tase you after hes given you SEVERAL warnings. I dont care who or what age you are.

She was SPEEDING to begin with! Take the Ticket "L" and move on!

Cop did his job. You cant provoke a cop like that.
You probably a cop lame. His job is to protect and serve, not shock the #%*# outta [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beaver's grandma.[/color]

Also, I never played the race card you schmuck...I presented a hypothetical situation
i dont understand how people are even remotely mad at the cop he asked her 5x to do something, she even asked him to taser her if this was some 30 year old guywouldnt even have made the news the old hag deserved it and this is coming from a guy that cant stand cops
Originally Posted by goukiteg

The lady was in the completely wrong, but the officer should of just let her sign it when she was out of the car. If he had done so, none of the tasering would of been necessary.

heres and example of your situation some guy gets pulled over the cop tries to give him a ticket, he then take off running, the cop catches him the guy who ransays ill just take the traffic ticket so your telling me that sounds right he committed a crime after he pulled her over but sense she was ok with the firstcrime he should just let her go on the 2nd one?
Originally Posted by Blazers21NTNP

"I'm not signing that, arrest me.
I'll sign it, I'll sign it.
I'm getting back in my car.
Go ahead, tase me. You're going to tase a 72 year old woman?
Go ahead.


I'm actually glad he had the balls to tase her, some other offices may have been worried about catching flack.

Just because you're old doesn't mean you're above the law.
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