72-year-old woman tasered by police

When I first saw it I was cracking up

She basically dared him to do it. Telling the officer she's getting back in the car? Not signing the ticket? And besides he's trying to get her fromwalking into traffic if I remeber the vid correctly (can't view it at work).

Forget that she had it coming.
Cop did nothing wrong.

lady wouldn't sign, mouthed off, used the old lady card and resisted arrest. I'm sorry but your not getting away with all four.
Video was chopped to favor the police officer.

What a coward to have to use a Taser to subdue an old lady. Instead of smiling, showing respect to an elderly and having some restraint and control, thisdeputy allowed an old lady to get to him. And if the lady signed the ticket that should have been an end to it, yet the officer demanded respect so he wentoff.

No wonder we live in a world where innocent victims are killed everyday by these trigger happy egotistical cops. Trust me a few of my buddies are in the forceand have heard enough stories of what they do for kicks and laughs.
A. Get into a wrestling match with an elderly woman a feet away from 70mph traffic risking serious injury or death

B. Wrap scene

I'm with Officer Tackleberry on this one.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Video was chopped to favor the police officer.

What a coward to have to use a Taser to subdue an old lady. Instead of smiling, showing respect to an elderly and having some restraint and control, this deputy allowed an old lady to get to him. And if the lady signed the ticket that should have been an end to it, yet the officer demanded respect so he went off.

No wonder we live in a world where innocent victims are killed everyday by these trigger happy egotistical cops. Trust me a few of my buddies are in the force and have heard enough stories of what they do for kicks and laughs.
A. Get into a wrestling match with an elderly woman a feet away from 70mph traffic risking serious injury or death
70mph? Look at that video. Do you see any traffic there? Plus it was a construction zone and his patrol vehicle most likely had its lights on soI doubt vehicles would be passing them at high speeds.

Wrestling match? For what reason? For refusing to sign a ticket? Refusal to sign a moving citation gives a police officer a right to shock someone?

The officer plain and simple lost his temper and shocked her. The officer even told the press that he felt his life was endangered.

Dude exemplifies the meaning of being a coward. I mean just imagine what the officer's peers must be thinking of him. I mean damn you really need totazer that lady? You really felt your life was in danger? You let an old lady like that rile you up?

Next time that Deputy should call for backup and SWAT just in case.

I still vividly remember the Oakland incident on New Years when an officer shot a young black man in the back so reading %$@* like this pisses me of becauseyet again another example of a PEACE officer abusing his power.
She didn't need to be 72 and driving in the first place, she deserved every bit of those 10,000 volts.
power tripping cop... whats new? You talk back to them and they will attack.. must be nice to have that edge over people.. scumbag status for those select few.

mouthing off is no justification for getting tased.. they demand that respect and if not given, i guess a law is broken
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

power tripping cop... whats new? You talk back to them and they will attack.. must be nice to have that edge over people.. scumbag status for those select few.

mouthing off is no justification for getting tased.. they demand that respect and if not given, i guess a law is broken
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

A lot of you are more focused on her false perception that her age would save her from a ticket, you are missing the actions of the "cop."

Its some of her tax money that pays that sucker to do that type of mess. He probably turns the camera off when he gets someone black.


Morons on this board are so QUICK to play the race card when race had nothing to do with this issue in the slightest.

You dont DARE a cop to tase you after hes given you SEVERAL warnings. I dont care who or what age you are.

She was SPEEDING to begin with! Take the Ticket "L" and move on!

Cop did his job. You cant provoke a cop like that.
Seriously, age and race doesn't matter. She broke the law by speeding, failed to cooperate with the officer, and dared him to tase her after severalwarnings. She ultimately deserved it.
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