7/27 WWE Smackdown - Bryan v Kane v Del Rio v Mysterio #1 Contender Match for Sheamus @ Summerslam

Why Hasn't Alex Riley Appeared On WWE TV As Much?

Backstage politics...

Alex Riley was on WWE TV quite often a year ago after turning on The Miz and starting a singles run. He has since been appearing less and less and usually was not booked well.

The push was reportedly ended because of an incident with John Cena. Cena was ribbing Riley in front of other wrestlers and Riley became upset. When he reacted in an angry manner, this was looked at as "breaking the locker room code" among the wrestlers.

Ooooooh Cena :lol: :lol:
Welp, Kharma said on her Twitter that she was granted her release from WWE. Said she could be back though.

And even thought i'm not that much of a fan of Riley, his matches on Superstars have been pretty solid.
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If punk is doing a stable I would love to see him form a Indy/Roh stable with Colt, Hero, Ambrose etc.
World Wrestling Entertainment has reportedly suspended Damien Sandow for 60 days after a Wellness Policy test revealed he has been using a performance-enhancing thesaurus.

A press release issued by WWE said that “Mr. Sandow’s expansive vocabulary has been a cause of concern for some time,” and that the contraband thesaurus was discovered in his luggage at an airport.

Sandow responded to the suspension on Twitter (through his personal scribe Ignatius), calling the suspension: “a baseless and untenable affront that casts aspersions on my venerable personage.
Why Hasn't Alex Riley Appeared On WWE TV As Much?
Backstage politics...
Alex Riley was on WWE TV quite often a year ago after turning on The Miz and starting a singles run. He has since been appearing less and less and usually was not booked well.
The push was reportedly ended because of an incident with John Cena. Cena was ribbing Riley in front of other wrestlers and Riley became upset. When he reacted in an angry manner, this was looked at as "breaking the locker room code" among the wrestlers.
Ooooooh Cena :lol: :lol:
childish employees
Punk as the leader of Nexus was a disaster.
Please no more stables for Punk.
Just let him be on his own

The nexus was a joke a month after it debuted, wasn't punks fault.

Punk with a stable of guys like rollins, ambrose & others would be great. A stable of independent stars would work.
World Wrestling Entertainment has reportedly suspended Damien Sandow for 60 days after a Wellness Policy test revealed he has been using a performance-enhancing thesaurus.
A press release issued by WWE said that “Mr. Sandow’s expansive vocabulary has been a cause of concern for some time,” and that the contraband thesaurus was discovered in his luggage at an airport.
Sandow responded to the suspension on Twitter (through his personal scribe Ignatius), calling the suspension: “a baseless and untenable affront that casts aspersions on my venerable personage.
Scared the crap out of me :rofl:
- “Road Dogg” BG James is being groomed to be a top agent for WWE, partly because of his loyalty to Triple H.

- Those close to Steve Austin say he likely will not wrestle another match. Austin has had both knee and shoulder surgeries without doing any pro wrestling. Austin’s recent knee surgery would generally keep a wrestler out of action for seven to nine months. Austin would be touch-and-go at best for a WrestleMania 29 match.

- It sounds like WWE won’t be launching their Network until 2013 sometime. The latest launch date that we heard before now was November but sources close to the situation expect it to be pushed back several more months. It’s possible WWE may tie the launch in with the WrestleMania 29 festivities.

Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer was interviewed by a newspaper in Stamford this week about the Network. Meltzer says the paper was under the impression that the Network won’t launch until next year. They didn’t know for sure and were planning on reaching out to WWE for comment before the interview is published.

With that said, WWE continues to work on digitizing their library for the Network and they are still hiring new employees for the Network.

- Randy Orton is scheduled to return to WWE TV next week during RAW from Cincinnati, OH. Orton is also scheduled for the SmackDown tapings in Indianapolis, IN.

Despite his recent suspension and reported heat with WWE management, he is expected to be pushed upon returning because of WWE’s depth issues with the roster.

Dixie Carter has announced on Twitter that someone will step up and take control of TNA Wrestling while Hulk Hogan is out recovering. Here is what she wrote.

Dixie Carter ?@TNADixie

While Hulk Hogan is recovering, I’ve asked another man to step in and take control. He appears right at 8/7 Central on @SpikeTV tomorrow.

Moments afterwards, Eric Bischoff chimed in on Twitter by writing, “It’s about to get real interesting!”

Matt Morgan continues to hint on his Twitter account of the possibilities of a WWE return.

When asked by a fan on Twitter when he would be back on Impact Wrestling, Morgan replied, “id say somewhere in between NEVER and EVER. Appreciate ur support though!”

When he was later asked if would be returning to WWE, Morgan wrote, “Tick-Tock…..”

Looks like Velvet Sky is gone from TNA. Sign her Vince.
@Kharma kharma, if you dont mind me asking, is it actually true that you were granted release from the WWE??? I Miss you So Much :'-(

@CatherineNikita yes, I was. It doesn't mean I'll never be back.
character building takes time even WITH proper build, it takes exponentially longer when you constantly flick the motor on and off.

Sad yet true. Just look at Mason Ryan, Big Zeke, Jackson Andrews:smile:lol), and a bunch of other guys.
I don't have any sympathy for Kharma and her release. She brought this on herself by getting pregnant following her signing to the WWE. That may sound harsh especially considering that her child was stillborn, but you gotta call it as it is.
- Word on Kharma’s WWE departure is that she had been in Florida training for her return to action but got the knock for being out of shape, hard to work with and stubborn about suggestions of how they wanted to change her character. She had been losing weight since we last saw her.

- We noted before that Kelly Kelly was set to be brought back for RAW 1000 but did not appear on TV. As of this past weekend, she had not informed WWE of a time when she was going to come back or any future plans asking for more time off. Some people in the company even thought this would be her return full-time but that was never the plan.

- Derek Foore, the 2010 NAIA national wrestling champion at 197 lbs from Notre Dame, is now using the ring name Chad Baxter in WWE developmental. Foore has a resemblance to a young Kurt Angle and was signed by Gerald Brisco. Marcus Anthony, a large bodybuilder type from OVW, is using the name Lincoln Broderick.

- The Undertaker was said to be very relaxed backstage at RAW 1000. His official return to the storylines is scheduled for Survivor Series in November.

- F4Wonline.com reports that The Rock is scheduled to win the WWE Title at the 2013 Royal Rumble pay-per-view and then defend it against John Cena at WrestleMania 29.

- We had been talking about WWE planning a big summer angle, similar to the Nexus and CM Punk “pipebomb” angles of the past few years. The CM Punk heel turn on RAW 1000 was that long-planned angle.

- One person in WWE who was asking around noted that they couldn’t find one person happy about RAW going three-hours permanently.

- The aerial view of the Las Vegas strip that WWE used on RAW last week was actually several years old and not new footage. It had a shot of the Aladdin Casino, which was re-branded as Planet Hollywood in 2007. You could also see other casinos that have since been shut down.

- While advertising for WWE’s 2013 Extreme Rules pay-per-view says it will be the first pay-per-view after WrestleMania 29, cable company sources report that there is a WWE pay-per-view booked for April 28th, 2013. It appears WWE is doing a show with a new pay-per-view name three weeks after WrestleMania.

- WWE contacted a lot more talents for RAW 1000 but never used them on TV. There were significantly more former talents backstage than ever came close to appearing on TV.

- Regarding Dolph Ziggler’s crazy bumps, it’s said that he comes up with all of the ideas and pretty much pushes to be allowed to do them. The big bump at Money in the Bank with Tensai was exactly as he had envisioned it and pushed for.
What's the point of The Rock winning the title then only losing it Cena (of all people) :smh: .. Didn't they just had the Once in a lifetime match?
If Rock is scheduled to win at the RR then where does that leave Punk and his rematch? Will they have it the next night or will his rematch be part of the Elimination Chamber?
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