7/27 WWE Smackdown - Bryan v Kane v Del Rio v Mysterio #1 Contender Match for Sheamus @ Summerslam

Isn't RAW 20th Anniversary coming up soon?

Might see Stone Cold there.

That seems like an more important thing to celebrate than a 1000th episode.
Remember when I said Slater was the best seller/jobber a year ago and everyone pissed on that notion? Yeah, well **** everyone ever who thought that. Slater BABY :pimp:
Damnnn if the glass would've broke >>>>>>>
I was waiting for this...overall the show was ok. I think that's my fault for hyping it up too much also.To be honest it kinda felt like a regular raw sprinkled with some legends. Had some good moments. I never marked out though. As far as the end. It's good CM Punk is heel again. I guess Rock getting involved had to put the turn over but I wasn't expecting that seeing as Rock won't be back until Dec/Jan unless they plan on using him earlier. Thought we was gone find out who was behind GTV. Sucked that Austin couldn't get away from his movie. This Raw could have used him.
I don't think it's OUR fault for getting hyped up over last night's show.  Everything we were told were last night's show was being treated bigger than a lot of PPVs.  Hell, even CM Punk said last night was like WrestleMania on Twitter.  We were right to have high expectations, and for me, they didn't nearly live up to them.  I was expecting a LOT more guys from the past, and all we got were the same exact legends we see every time they do a legends show.  Everything was rushed through.  Not an enjoyable show for me and I'm not looking forward to 3 hours of Raw every single week.
Agreed. Reports have come out before saying that WWE's main focus was going to be punk beginning this summer.
Yeah I agree too.

Sheamus aint ready for the #2 spot just yet and it wouldn't make sense to make him heel out of the blue....but then again, this is WWE.
Sheamus might not be ready, but he's got the rocket on his back.  Sheamus is clearly the #2 face in WWE right now and I don't see his push ending anytime soon.  He's the new HHH.
I can finally agree with your generic self.
Don't you have to post some inside scoop of Punk turning heel right now?
Last nights Raw was very ehhhh; favorite part was CM Punk owning the Rock.

I think with a whole bunch of old viewers coming back, they should have showcased their new stars instead of burying them (Sandow) or not even giving them a chance to shine (Ziggler and Rhodes).

LOL I'm starting think that when I read this thread weekly my favorite part is how mad 4wrestling gets. I understand you've grown up watching this since you were young (assuming most of us has as well), but my dude you have to calm down you are going to kill yourself over a product we all know that isn't what it once was, but learned to accept it. With that said keep making these posts and keep gettin mad cause I really enjoy it.

I was furious last night mainly because I was expecting a blow away show.

My frustration may go down in coming weeks because it's going to be a struggle to stay awake for 3+ hours.
hymen :rofl: :rofl: Wish the NTUS title match was a triple threat so I can pin you instead of DEEK

Damn Rock was hyped the hell up after that spinebuster :lol: :lol: :pimp:
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I agree that things were rushed last night too. I was hoping to see Legends that we have not seen in the past few weeks, or ever for that matter. Definitely was hyped up to be some sort of PPV Wrestlemania type feel, but it wasn't. I do give them credit for cramming so much into three hours, though. Sheamus is HHH's new trophy, so I see him getting a big push for the long haul as well. Would like to see him in some better feuds though to build credibility in both his character and in-ring skills, including with the mic.
no ken shamrock, no mean street posse, no scantily clad former divas preferably kristal :smh:

punks turn :nthat: feel like his best work was done as a heel and I wish they would of let the SEC go on a while longer.
Raw does huge rating:

Monday's 1000th episode of WWE Raw did a 3.84 rating with hours of 3.48, 3.95, and 4.09. The regular two hours averaged to a 4.02 rating.

1000th Raw averaged 6.02 million viewers for all three hours. The standard two hours averaged 6.31 million viewers. It was the first time an episode of Raw topped six million viewers since the commercial-free episode in June 2009.
I'd say it's a overwhelming fact that everyone who's not employed by WWE thinks the show sucked..There were 2 or 4 pretty good, not great, segments and this will go down as a very forgetable Raw..I guess we can all start getting excited for the 20th show and hope Vince is no longer in charge by then so things can go back to being fun and exciting again..
I didn't expect a 3 hour long reminisce fest.

If they brought back a lot of the OG raw stars, it would eat up time from the current stars and their storylines.
Just got done reading both Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair's books..Both were pretty good and both were worth the read..For two guys who basically can't stand each other they are very similiar..Both "authors" stroke their own ego's pretty much the whole time and put the blame for most of WCW's problems on others..I'd say Flair came off more willing to accept responsibility for his bad deeds and Eric came off a little more honest..Flair's book is definately the better wrestling book, but Bischoff's has a pretty good insight on how the actual corporate business is run..I'd recommend everyone, except WCW hater 4Hogan, to read them both..Just started to into Road Warrior Animal's book and it seems pretty good so far..

confirmed matches so far for NTSlam August 19th (same day as Summerslam ARE YOU READING WOLFMAN??)

Tag-Team Turmoil to crown new tag-team champions

The Scotts (GunnaScott and ScottFrost) vs. The Flys (EdgarFly and Mr DragonFly Jones) vs. "Mr. CK" CaseKicks and JD Curt vs. (need a team here) 

Singles Match

4Wrestling vs GHIMS

2 Falls Match. First Fall for the NTCore title, Second Fall for the US title.

Hymen Man(c) vs. Peep Game(c) vs. The Deek

NTWT Championship

Hombrelobo(c) vs. ITO

if everyone does their part (especially the main show), NTSlam > SummerSlam

Also still toying with the idea of a wrestling trivia-based competition to take place at NTSlam with the winner getting 20.00 to the charity of their choice. if anyone has any input or wants to throw some ideas out there as far as how we can structure this, let me know.
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confirmed matches so far for NTSlam August 19th (same day as Summerslam ARE YOU READING WOLFMAN??)

Tag-Team Turmoil to crown new tag-team champions
The Scotts (GunnaScott and ScottFrost) vs. The Flys (EdgarFly and Mr DragonFly Jones) vs. "Mr. CK" CaseKicks and JD Curt vs. (need a team here) 

Singles Match
4Wrestling vs GHIMS

2 out of 3 Falls Match. First Fall for the NTCore title, Second Fall for the US title.
Hymen Man(c) vs. Peep Game(c) vs. The Deek

NTWT Championship
Hombrelobo(c) vs. ITO

if everyone does their part (especially the main show), NTSlam > SummerSlam

Also still toying with the idea of a wrestling trivia-based competition to take place at NTSlam with the winner getting 20.00 to the charity of their choice. if anyone has any input or wants to throw some ideas out there as far as how we can structure this, let me know.

Peep Game is probably still gonna find a way to have GHIMS job to him.. even though their feud is over.

But ours is just starting... and I'll become the first person ever in NTWT to hold 3 belts in my career. Let alone 2 at the same time.

Case & Curt being crowned the new NTWT Tag Team Chamions is like music to my ears..
I wish you smarks would quit complaining about who did and didnt show up on this show, Most Wrestlers we love and remember are either rotting away in Orlando or rotting away in a cemetery somewhere, pickens is real slim when it comes to Wrestlers over the past 20 years......................Sad

Austin coming in stunning Hunico and Jinder Mahal, going in every corner of the ring and chugging beers down his throat would not have made a DAMN!!!!

BTW, who says Punk is heel????? The 6 years old that will be booing him next week?
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