Definitely see the Shield winning by the skin of their teeth. Their momentum is gone. Like the Grantland article said, the roster size has a lot to do with it.
I just can't see how that will work...I thought they got very lucky with weather this year in NY/NJ. Don't know if it would be smart to chance it in Boston...

Having been to this years Mania and a concert at Foxboro, I can say that it was cold at WM this year in the meadowlands. The wind there was a constant 20mph in the parking lot. That area is so open that it is common for this to occur there. MA generally wont be as windy. Now, they could also push it to mid April if they wanted it in MA, which would give more time for nicer weather. Don't forget, MA is not Maine, it is not much colder than NYC/NJ.
Definitely see the Shield winning by the skin of their teeth. Their momentum is gone. Like the Grantland article said, the roster size has a lot to do with it.

Where's dat article?

And uhhh....where exactly is Ryback's gimmick going? Can't tell if Ry*****, or RyPussy

Man....Kaitlyn slapped the **** outta Big E, and speared the **** outta AJ :rofl: What a sell

Dolph Cara >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sin Cara :lol:
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Started the PPV Prediction Contest but have some things going on tonight.  It will be finished in the morning.

I'll be at MITB, Sec 106A.  I've already talked with a few of you.  If you're going, DM me or better yet, tweet me @4wrestling.
Man rewatching the Wyatt's Debut. Everything BUT the actual attack on Kane was vicious. I got chills watching those dudes come down to the ring. Happy to see the fans were happy to see them as well.

The Wyatt Family attacks Kane: Raw, July 8, 2013 - YouTube
^I'd say you can pencil in Orton and Bryan not winning....but...Orton has jobbed at a pretty high rate as of late, and since he hasn't held any WHC/WWE title in awhile, I could easily see him winning. And Cole (I think) yelling "HE COULD WIN HIS TENTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP" is almost a green light for him winning.

Something 4W can appreciate
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With Kane always being put in the MITB matches for the high flyers, I wonder if they replace him with a returning Big Show, unless the "All Star" gimmick means its only for previous briefcase winners.
What's the name of the wrestling podcast that has been mentioned in these threads before?
NT WWE Money In The Bank PPV Prediction Contest
  • SIX HUNDRED possible total points
  • Spell your NT name correctly.
  • You may only enter once.
  • You cannot change/update/edit your entry once it is submitted.
  • The PPV Preshow match between The Shield and The Usos does not count towards any questions.
  • Entries are due by 8pm ET on Sunday.
  • Good luck!
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