66 Billion Dollars with no college degree is unreal right Vol. Richest Man in America

is it not a catch 22 then? I need experience for a job but I need a job to have experience. Where are these perfect candidates that have a degree and experience?

You are suppose to graduate at the top of your class, volunteer, work full time, learn an additional language, and commit to extracurricular activities all while dedicating time to gaining experience for the job you don't know about that you're gonna apply for 5 years down the line...

Rich people had reality tv long ago before we did watching us jumping through hoops to ensure the financial safety of their destiny and not our own.
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not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.

This sound like a post of someone tryna make themselves feel better about not going to college. Stop reaching. Many people without degrees wouldn't even be considere for the most sought out professions out there. That's like saying the old guy who sweeps the operating room would get hired as a surgeon faster than the person who just graduated medical school at 22. For the most part college grads and non college grads aren't even competing for the same jobs and when they are the more educated person wins all things equal.
not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.
This sound like a post of someone tryna make themselves feel better about not going to college. Stop reaching. Many people without degrees wouldn't even be considere for the most sought out professions out there. That's like saying the old guy who sweeps the operating room would get hired as a surgeon faster than the person who just graduated medical school at 22. For the most part college grads and non college grads aren't even competing for the same jobs and when they are the more educated person wins all things equal.
i agree with you some people are arguing for the sake of making themselves feel better...but with all due respect ninja will soon be graduating from a driving class program at the local cc at the young age of 30.

but its not fair to use extremes. 

No one is saying that doctors shouldn't get degrees, so same for lawyers, or immunologists. But not every, of the modern professions, requires a degree. This is evident from the curriculums of modern education alone.
not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.

This sound like a post of someone tryna make themselves feel better about not going to college. Stop reaching. Many people without degrees wouldn't even be considere for the most sought out professions out there. That's like saying the old guy who sweeps the operating room would get hired as a surgeon faster than the person who just graduated medical school at 22. For the most part college grads and non college grads aren't even competing for the same jobs and when they are the more educated person wins all things equal.

What are you talking about? I have a college degree and job and see people who are staying in school to avoid the job market (not the main reason of course). I worked as an intern on a construction site where the forman told me he didnt get an education past the sixth grade. Of couse mr janitor at a hospital isn't getting picked over a med degree student but what if mr janitor has some knowledge and opens his own janitorial businees and starts caking?
What are you talking about? I have a college degree and job and see people who are staying in school to avoid the job market (not the main reason of course). I worked as an intern on a construction site where the forman told me he didnt get an education past the sixth grade. Of couse mr janitor at a hospital isn't getting picked over a med degree student but what if mr janitor has some knowledge and opens his own janitorial businees and starts caking?

Lol @ that what if. The bottom line is that med student is more likely to succeed
than the old janitor. Sure one out of a billion sanitary consultants will revolutionalize their field.
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not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.

This sound like a post of someone tryna make themselves feel better about not going to college. Stop reaching. Many people without degrees wouldn't even be considere for the most sought out professions out there. That's like saying the old guy who sweeps the operating room would get hired as a surgeon faster than the person who just graduated medical school at 22. For the most part college grads and non college grads aren't even competing for the same jobs and when they are the more educated person wins all things equal.

What are you talking about? I have a college degree and job and see people who are staying in school to avoid the job market (not the main reason of course). I worked as an intern on a construction site where the forman told me he didnt get an education past the sixth grade. Of couse mr janitor at a hospital isn't getting picked over a med degree student but what if mr janitor has some knowledge and opens his own janitorial businees and starts caking?

you should have dropped out in the sixth grade too, why'd you waste your time getting a diploma?
Want to know the secret to success. Own property, mind the tax man, keep an eye on your money and work your *** off at something. No degree required.

besides, six pages and no one has attempted to define "success"

Peace - doesn't require a degree.

Solid financials - doesn't require a degree.

Ability to take care of you family - doesn't require a degree.

Good relationships with those around  you - doesn't require a degree.

Society has no idea what success is, no idea what the point of life is. Make  your own success, that might not require a degree. If alternative schools can give people solid jobs, with good retirements and some stability, than I'm all for it. I think it's a joke how heavily we emphasis college, and how little we emphasis financial stability, or strong family units.

"Produce" thats what society tells us, then they push us away from jobs that actually produce stuff. Entertainment and Business, those are the jobs society values despite the reality that most of Americans would be happy with a stable job where they cna have some dignity (i.e not flipping burgers at 30+). Of course not everyone is going to be Bill Gates, statistical impossiblity, but everyone can have a home, everyone can have a family, everyone can have peace; thats success.
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Want to know the secret to success. Own property, mind the tax man, keep an eye on your money and work your *** off at something. No degree required.

besides, six pages and no one has attempted to define "success"

Peace - doesn't require a degree.

Solid financials - doesn't require a degree.

Ability to take care of you family - doesn't require a degree.

Good relationships with those around  you - doesn't require a degree.

Society has no idea what success is, no idea what the point of life is. Make  your own success, that might not require a degree. If alternative schools can give people solid jobs, with good retirements and some stability, than I'm all for it. I think it's a joke how heavily we emphasis college, and how little we emphasis financial stability, or strong family units.

"Produce" thats what society tells us, then they push us away from jobs that actually produce stuff. Entertainment and Business, those are the jobs society values despite the reality that most of Americans would be happy with a stable job where they cna have some dignity (i.e not flipping burgers at 30+). Of course not everyone is going to be Bill Gates, statistical impossiblity, but everyone can have a home, everyone can have a family, everyone can have peace; thats success.
is it not a catch 22 then? I need experience for a job but I need a job to have experience. Where are these perfect candidates that have a degree and experience?

You are suppose to graduate at the top of your class, volunteer, work full time, learn an additional language, and commit to extracurricular activities all while dedicating time to gaining experience for the job you don't know about that you're gonna apply for 5 years down the line...

Rich people had reality tv long ago before we did watching us jumping through hoops to ensure the financial safety of their destiny and not our own.

so much real
This Hood dude is getting all his perspectives about college from people who live on his block that went to Harlem Kommunity Kollege.


If you go to school, do your best, have a plan, get some experience in the form of internships. It's a jungle out there everybody is fighting for the same jobs. College grads and even grad school grads know the importance of experience in their chosen field.

Experience + grades + education + luck + networking = success. Going to a good school can give you all the recipes but the days of going to school to slack off are over
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Want to know the secret to success. Own property, mind the tax man, keep an eye on your money and work your *** off at something. No degree required.

besides, six pages and no one has attempted to define "success"

Peace - doesn't require a degree.

Solid financials - doesn't require a degree.

Ability to take care of you family - doesn't require a degree.

Good relationships with those around  you - doesn't require a degree.

Society has no idea what success is, no idea what the point of life is. Make  your own success, that might not require a degree. If alternative schools can give people solid jobs, with good retirements and some stability, than I'm all for it. I think it's a joke how heavily we emphasis college, and how little we emphasis financial stability, or strong family units.

"Produce" thats what society tells us, then they push us away from jobs that actually produce stuff. Entertainment and Business, those are the jobs society values despite the reality that most of Americans would be happy with a stable job where they cna have some dignity (i.e not flipping burgers at 30+). Of course not everyone is going to be Bill Gates, statistical impossiblity, but everyone can have a home, everyone can have a family, everyone can have peace; thats success.

ALL of this
not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.

This sound like a post of someone tryna make themselves feel better about not going to college. Stop reaching. Many people without degrees wouldn't even be considere for the most sought out professions out there. That's like saying the old guy who sweeps the operating room would get hired as a surgeon faster than the person who just graduated medical school at 22. For the most part college grads and non college grads aren't even competing for the same jobs and when they are the more educated person wins all things equal.

What are you talking about? I have a college degree and job and see people who are staying in school to avoid the job market (not the main reason of course). I worked as an intern on a construction site where the forman told me he didnt get an education past the sixth grade. Of couse mr janitor at a hospital isn't getting picked over a med degree student but what if mr janitor has some knowledge and opens his own janitorial businees and starts caking?

you should have dropped out in the sixth grade too, why'd you waste your time getting a diploma?

Because having a diploma is the safe thing to do but do not act like it's the only way to have success in life
is it not a catch 22 then? I need experience for a job but I need a job to have experience. Where are these perfect candidates that have a degree and experience?

That's why u do internships while in college. If it's a field like engineering or finance/accounting, they'LL hire u full time after graduation
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I think it's crazy that people in this thread are suggesting that people without degrees are doing better than people with degrees nowadays and in this economy.

Lets get some figures to back that up. And not figures that only concentrate on 1% of the population

I think it's crazy that people in this thread are suggesting that people without degrees are doing better than people with degrees nowadays and in this economy.

Lets get some figures to back that up. And not figures that only concentrate on 1% of the population

just from the ppl i mingle with


im sure that isnt the case all over obviously
Want to know the secret to success. Own property, mind the tax man, keep an eye on your money and work your *** off at something. No degree required.

besides, six pages and no one has attempted to define "success"

Peace - doesn't require a degree.

Solid financials - doesn't require a degree.

Ability to take care of you family - doesn't require a degree.

Good relationships with those around  you - doesn't require a degree.

Society has no idea what success is, no idea what the point of life is. Make  your own success, that might not require a degree. If alternative schools can give people solid jobs, with good retirements and some stability, than I'm all for it. I think it's a joke how heavily we emphasis college, and how little we emphasis financial stability, or strong family units.

"Produce" thats what society tells us, then they push us away from jobs that actually produce stuff. Entertainment and Business, those are the jobs society values despite the reality that most of Americans would be happy with a stable job where they cna have some dignity (i.e not flipping burgers at 30+). Of course not everyone is going to be Bill Gates, statistical impossiblity, but everyone can have a home, everyone can have a family, everyone can have peace; thats success.

good post
I didn't step foot in college and I have surpassed many people in my work field that have degrees, simply by working smarter and harder, and ok, kissing some ***.
but seriously, it's amazing to me.  I didn't think the"corporate" world and the people in it would be like this, they are mostly all robots that never think out of the box and only do what they are told.  Does college teach you that or something?
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The more education you have the more options you have. The older people I come in contact with all say they hae had 7-8 different careers. Not jobs but careers. And with a college education you have the ability to move from career to career where as someone without a college degree will have a much harder time changing careers. And like anything college is what you make of it. If you get your degree in potery making you might have a hard time finding employment because it is such a small field. And degrees like psychology philosophy sociology all require advanced degrees for most employment types. If you go to college network, do internships and learn transferable skills you will have a leg up and you will be fine for both the short term and more importantly the long term. 
The more education you have the more options you have. The older people I come in contact with all say they hae had 7-8 different careers. Not jobs but careers. And with a college education you have the ability to move from career to career where as someone without a college degree will have a much harder time changing careers. And like anything college is what you make of it. If you get your degree in potery making you might have a hard time finding employment because it is such a small field. And degrees like psychology philosophy sociology all require advanced degrees for most employment types. If you go to college network, do internships and learn transferable skills you will have a leg up and you will be fine for both the short term and more importantly the long term. 

bein your own boss beats working 7-8 careers

i guess im just use to growin up with an entrepreneur of a mother, she hasnt worked under someone since i was in grade school

makes her own damn hours, own vacations whatever. follow in footsteps i shall
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bein your own boss beats working 7-8 careers

i guess im just use to growin up with an entrepreneur of a mother, she hasnt worked under someone since i was in grade school

makes her own damn hours, own vacations whatever. follow in footsteps i shall
I dont think so. i cannot see myself doing the same thing for 40+ years. Id rather experience different things and learn new things.  
I dont think so. i cannot see myself doing the same thing for 40+ years. Id rather experience different things and learn new things.  

lol that made no sense

you can do that as an entrepreneur while not bein restricted

to each their own though.
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Outliers people, outliers. I you know damn well Kiki an Jim bob aren't living good without their college degrees. Being educated gives you a leg up but it isn't everything. Education + experience + connections + luck is the key to success. Unfortunately for many none college grads many people who went to college and grad school do have experience these days. A lot of non trad students out there.
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