66 Billion Dollars with no college degree is unreal right Vol. Richest Man in America

Did any of you clowns READ the article? Nobody is hating on or telling you to not go to college :smh:

people on nt don't read, they use poor inferences of thread titles and responses as a basis for saying the same thing thread after thread. The article clearly doesn't say for go any type of schooling like folks making it out. Bill is talking about reforming education so that businesses and students have other alternatives.
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I think that is partly true, but I would also say that the quality of business ideas is different. The smarter kids are purely creating new ideas. The cc type kids might have great ideas about starting up a business based on ideas that already exist.

e.g. Starting an a electrical services business vs. creating electrical circuits that require less energy and cost 50% less to produce.

Don't sleep on these mit types, once you get in the same room as them you'll realize that it's more than just money or family connections. There are some really smart people out there man.

if dudes at a cc can do this more power to them.


**on a sidenote people who brag about not going to college are just as unbearable as those who brag about going to college.
Its a catch 22 though..... because its the money/connections from day 1...(meaning elementary, high school, environment etc...) that lead to them being smart enough and having the financial resources to get into those ivy league schools.

So we have to look at why are they smarter? Because they were in a better educated system/situation from day 1.
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This system is broken. College doesn't prepare you for life or actual work. It's in need of a major overhaul. Tons of people wasting their time and resources on college, and for what really?
I say that to myself often bro. Our society works like this

-do well/decent in high school

-go to 4 year school


-get job

 find wife

-get married

-have kids

-nice house, awesome family, good income nice/decent house

= American Dream fulfilled.

Thing is too many ppl using the same formula and it ain't working the way it used.


I agree with this. Parents and siblings are pressuring me to go get a Masters ( I work a gov't job right now about to be 3 years) and I'm like why when I work the same position as people with masters and law degrees
I think that is partly true, but I would also say that the quality of business ideas is different. The smarter kids are purely creating new ideas. The cc type kids might have great ideas about starting up a business based on ideas that already exist.

e.g. Starting an a electrical services business vs. creating electrical circuits that require less energy and cost 50% less to produce.

Don't sleep on these mit types, once you get in the same room as them you'll realize that it's more than just money or family connections. There are some really smart people out there man.

if dudes at a cc can do this more power to them.


**on a sidenote people who brag about not going to college are just as unbearable as those who brag about going to college.
I missed this post on my first read through but I see what you're saying with the first part of this post about purely creating new ideas vs. starting a business based on ideas that already exist.

at that list of 50 things that MIT made. I found the name of the person in number 8 to be slightly humorous

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Anyways my point in all this......in this day in age 2013. I know way more examples of ppl who didn't finish college living a better life than most I know who did. Many more. They learned something or gained experience in a different way. College is better if you got grants, loans, scholarships, parents who help. If not think outside the box an maybe go a lil later but gain knowledge and money first to help you. Whatever though I'm just a college drop out with common sense who lacks education though. Life is good. Depends on the person. I'm not against college I'm against the cost and dreams it sells.
It depends where you live and the type of environment you are from...cuz here in Baltimore, the ppl that made it to college are doing better than the ppl that didnt go ( except for the ****** messin with the dope/crime ****, but that brings other issues)

I do agree that ppl should look at cost vs job market/salary b4 they decide to go to college or pick their major cuz its def rough out here, degree or no degree
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He's saying this, but he's biased because he did it. He's the exception, not the rule. The majority of people need a college education to develop the proper intelligence to perform at a high level.
So you're telling me that the purpose of college is to "develop intelligence?" If you really and truly believe this, either you have not been to college or you missed some critical things while you were there.
I'm in Grad school, I'm not saying that that is all that is gained, College is also a weed out system for society,
thats all it really is.

da problem is what happens when EVERYONE has college degrees, then it makes it worthless and everyone's back to square one.

im a huge fan of people going to a vocational school because those people ALWAYS tend to get a high paying job literally as soon

as they graduate.

da problem with college right now is its a debt making scheme as it is now...all these poor kids borrowing money and all they have

to show for it when their done with school is hundreds of THOUSANDS in debt, NO job in this piss poor economy, or being SEVERELY

under employed.

there a THOUSANDS of jobs that aren't being filled because they demand a certain type of discipline, but because everyone takes

crappy degrees that dont make em any money coming out of school.

there needs to be a way to put incentives of degrees that will get you a job in these economy, or get you into school for something

that will get you a job da MIN you get out of school.
Who that article is intended for: the small demographic of already qualified, motivated high school graduates who are seeking an alternative to college to immediately specialize in a particular field.

Who will actually read the article and quote as gospel: lazy NTers and other internet dudes who aren't trying to go to school because they spend all their time copping foambz and chasing yambs on IG.

I don't wear foams or use IG. F college. Imma do it my way. I know too many broke *** graduates already in debt working for crap pay taking on more loans t get into grad school.
omg, what a vicious cycle of failure...by da time you pay off all those loans you'll be too old to enjoy da money you'll be

making from having a job that takes advantage that graduate degree.

dont get me wrong, my cousin got his MBA and makes 120k a year plus bonuses, but when he got his grad degree, he definitely

got his employer to pay for it.
My biggest gripe / question when it comes to college is why is it so ******g expensive.

When you have a demand of kids wanting to go to school every year and the supply coming from banks in terms of private loans and government subsidies, of course tuition is going to go up since its money to be made. Public schools don't get enough funding from the state gvt so they need to increase their costs to pay for their needs also

Anyway, you have dumb kids who are obviously going to fail in college or study some useless major who go into college because they have been taught its the right way... Mike Rowe from dirty jobs said there are plenty of blue collar jobs out there that eventually pay more than some jobs, but getting dirty and manual labor is frowned upon now a days.
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Yeah High School   needs the help not college. College is what it is, but people should be able to come straight outta high school go into the work force. That would create less demand for college anyway and should  allow prices to fall a bit.
I dunno guys.

Having a degree has gotten me jobs that other people could have been way more qualified for.

The fact that I got that piece of paper has made it way easier to find a job since I've graduated.

Plus it's put me in a position to enter short training programs for EXTREMELY good jobs that lots of other people could be qualified for, but might not get into because they don't have a degree unless they've been in that industry for like 10 years already.

The mere fact at I haven't had to hustle AS HARD as someone without a degree to get the same job means something. And where I work I had no experience, but they wouldn't hire someone with mad experience and no degree just cause they use that piece of paper as a cut off for applicants.

For real the only people I see in my area get super successful with no degree all have kids or they work a non-office job that requires a lot more effort. My job is mostly writing and answering emails, filling out paperwork, and maintaining and reorganizing blackboard sites. Someone my age with no degree could easily do my job, but they wouldn't get the job in the first place because the hiring process filters out folks with no degree.
your whole response is da reason why bill gates wants to create a alternative to college.

and in this economy right now, experience with no college >>>>>>>>>>>>>> college with no experience.

you know how many people i know got college degrees who work at SNEAKER STORES?

right now i can make more money then a dude who went to college for 4 years because of my CDL license.

fellas its all about KNOWING what you wanna do, and ATTACK it right from da gate, not taking liberal arts and floating

by school, or taking some artsy fartsy degree and getting a job that isnt in your field.
 College is what it is, but people should be able to come straight outta high school go into the work force. That would create less demand for college anyway and should  allow prices to fall a bit.
you're looking at it too short term and not enough long term.

online college degrees are gonna make college worthless in da future because so many people will have em, then what?

highschool prepares you for college, COLLEGE is SUPPOSED to prepare you for da real world, there shouldn't be people with

college degrees in footlocker trying to make a buck because they can't get a job.
In my field of work, I find that those who have college degrees are the most inept workers I've ever seen. From regular associates to managers.
Some associates themselves even say what a waste their degree has been. And they still are only making $7.25 an hour!
I'm currently making well over what many people with degrees make and I dropped out of college.
I also found the ones who do really well in school are the worst critical decision making people I've ever seen.
The worst is when these people with degrees think they are automatically worth such a large amount of money.
BDW the guy with the bachelors degree probably has a leg up on the competition. If an employer has to choose between someone with a degree and someone without, all things equal he's going with someone with a degree.
not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.
BDW the guy with the bachelors degree probably has a leg up on the competition. If an employer has to choose between someone with a degree and someone without, all things equal he's going with someone with a degree.

not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.

Not true.

That piece of paper is the cutoff in the application process of many jobs.

Mad experience but no degree? Sounds like you're an old person who may not be prepared to dynamic changes in this industry.

No experience and a degree? Sounds like you're some young buck who we don't want to train.

Some experience (even way way less than the guy with no degree) and a degree? Perfect.

And in today's job market, employers are getting to pick from plenty of "perfect" prospects.
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I did not go to business school. You know who else didn't go to business school? LeBron James, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant. - Michael G. Scott
Phil Jackson recently said he believed MJ was a better player than Kobe due to the leadership, social and interpersonal skills he gained from going to college.



you guys responding to this are providing me w/ an immense amount of laughter
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I think it's crazy that people in this thread are suggesting that people without degrees are doing better than people with degrees nowadays and in this economy.

Lets get some figures to back that up. And not figures that only concentrate on 1% of the population
College culture is not all that great either.

The systematic cheating, accepted use of drugs for study aids would make me as a business owner want to shy away from graduates and look at someone with skills and consistent job history.

I've worked under managers before with the sweats from taking add medication. They are not good for a business environment. Especially with the mood swings and raging out on ppl
Not true.

That piece of paper is the cutoff in the application process of many jobs.

Mad experience but no degree? Sounds like you're an old person who may not be prepared to dynamic changes in this industry.

No experience and a degree? Sounds like you're some young buck who we don't want to train.

Some experience (even way way less than the guy with no degree) and a degree? Perfect.

And in today's job market, employers are getting to pick from plenty of "perfect" prospects.



The system needs revamping. Like Ninja stated, what good is your degree if everyone has one and your all competing for the same job? How do you stand out? How is an employer supposed to know your different from the other guy with the same degree? Should he just judge based on what school you went to, what your GPA was, how long it took you to finish, when did you finish?

We all can't be business men. There has to be somebody too buy the products/services. Thats where a plan like Bill Gates is proposing will come in to help everyone PROPERLY discover a career that may not even require college school. Everyone needs a purpose in society. The old formula ain't working.

Sucks seeing so many grads doing jobs that under pay their degree or can't even find a job and they just sitting at home all day wasting their time.

Times hard out here man
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I did not go to business school. You know who else didn't go to business school? LeBron James, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant. - Michael G. Scott
Phil Jackson recently said he believed MJ was a better player than Kobe due to the leadership, social and interpersonal skills he gained from going to college.



you guys responding to this are providing me w/ an immense amount of laughter

Doh... I didnt eem notice "Michael Scott"... smh

Troll successful :lol:
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BDW the guy with the bachelors degree probably has a leg up on the competition. If an employer has to choose between someone with a degree and someone without, all things equal he's going with someone with a degree.

not anymore, if you don't have experience in a field, and your competition got TONS of experience and no college degree

they're picking someone who's been in da field longer.

too many people i know got college debt, no job, and just stay in school cuz they're afraid of da job market right now.

Not true.

That piece of paper is the cutoff in the application process of many jobs.

Mad experience but no degree? Sounds like you're an old person who may not be prepared to dynamic changes in this industry.

No experience and a degree? Sounds like you're some young buck who we don't want to train.

Some experience (even way way less than the guy with no degree) and a degree? Perfect.

And in today's job market, employers are getting to pick from plenty of "perfect" prospects.

is it not a catch 22 then? I need experience for a job but I need a job to have experience. Where are these perfect candidates that have a degree and experience?
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