60 mother @@$@%#% pounds lost in 71 days

Originally Posted by Andrew630

How much did you weigh before, NobleKane?
i think he said 300

@ 400 calories though

even a petite female has to eat like at least 1,200 calories a day
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

u have gastric bypass? How did you lose that much weight, that fast? Probably not being healthy about it....prove me wrong.

you are correct thus why i said if i die dont be surprised. and NO no gastric bypass surgery. that is for people who have no will power....no determination.....

i eat under 400 calories a day all low fat low carb. drink about 8 bottles of water a day.

my exercise routine is quite disturbing. 7 days a week. light weight training 2 hours a day. ab and lower leg workout and heavy bag hitting for 45 minutes. i walk and run about 6 miles a day.

if you wanna lose that much in little time you must have no life lke i do. i am obsessed with weight loss. my life consist of work and work out. thats it.

Thats a good look son
wow...this takes me back. did the same thing when i was around 13/14....got *#%@#@ tired of being the fat kid. sometimes i wouldn't eat or drink for 1-3days at a time and worked out like a madman. I actually took it as a source of pride to be able to exert that amount of will power and when i lost that # ofpounds i felt like a god. didn't even look at it as a bad thing....i was so focused on being skinny. don't put your insecurities and lack ofself-esteem ahead of your good judgement and common sense. if you want to lose weight do it the smart way...the healthy way. it'll take longer but it willbe worth it.

you want to be ripped right? you're not going to do it like this....don't pay attention to weight, pay attention to your physical condition. one manstanding 5'9" can weigh 210 lbs. and be fat while another can stand and weigh the same and be cut like a mother. you say you're going to look likea stick and then add muscle? you need to eat in bulk to gain muscle....definitely not a good idea to go from 400 and under to 2000++. If I were you I would nipthis in the **# before it gets way out of hand (if it hasn't already). not sure how serious it is for you but from what you said your daily routine isI'd say it's pretty serious. it's only going to get worse.

-two cents
i know its not smart nor safe but being overweight aint healthy either. alot of you saying this and that probably never had to deal with all this *%!+ and probably because you guys always ate right and had that discipline. i applaud you but when your back is against the wall desperate times call for desperate measures....

I definitely have not been a disciplined eater for most of my life. We used to go to McDonald's a minimum of 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day when Iwas a kid. My dad was 285 lbs for most of my childhood and then he had heart trouble, so he changed his whole diet. Now he eats almost no meat, mostly fish,beans, and vegetables. He lost 110 lbs in less than a year just by changing his diet and walking a couple miles every day.

There's no need for you to be anorexic if you want to lose weight. You're probably better off eating like 2000 calories a day and not losing any weightthan you are eating 400 calories and dropping the weight as fast as you are. That is terrible for your organs. I believe they need at least 1200 caloriesminimum to function properly.

Over the summer I had been eating badly and one day after a big meal I felt some chest pains. It scared the ##%+ out of me and I realized I had to change, so Imaintained a strict diet with ~2000 calories a day and very low fat with a lot of fruits and vegetables. Mind you I was already pretty thin (6'4 and like210) but I wasn't healthy. Even though I only dropped like 10 lbs, my cholesterol levels and all my other numbers were impeccable when I got bloodwork doneat the end of the summer. Maintaining good eating habits is REALLY hard for me, and I fell back into eating some junk food and soda once I got back to school(not as bad as I was before though). Trust me I know it's pretty hard to deal with being overweight (I went from 165 to 235 in 9 months after I hurt myknees) and how hard it is to eat disciplined. My grandfather died of a heart attack when he was 40 and most of the men in my family have had heart problems,and yet I STILL have a hard time staying focused on eating healthy, so I know how you feel. But I don't think starving yourself is the way to go man. Yourbody still needs nutrients and SOME fat.
Originally Posted by Ebonics

dude doesnt want to listen..let him die....IMO i thinks dude is lying..you think people is going to believe that you ate 400 cals for 71 days?..lol..bullocks...the initial reason people go on diets is to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle..this dude is the reverse..doing it just to be skinny without knowing the consequences..you think you can lose all your muscles eating 400 cals and magically work to get them back?..you are slowing your metabolism..thus you wont even be able to lift like you used to when u were fat..and thats not the goal...grown %$$ man pulling a feminine move thinking he can get that quick fix...grow up brother...hit up a couple websites..since you wont listen to those who know more than you

again why the +*%# would i be lying for? a feminine move? sound like somebody is mad. why? i really dont know. just because you cant eat 400 calories a day?also if you check the thread i treat myself every 2 weeks to normal eating for one day then go back on it.

thank you all for your props and concern. if im still here april 1 2009 and feel better than ever it was a success. if not then you guys can say you wereright.
yo bro you can eat more than 400 calories.... heck you gain weight from eating over 2500 calories or eating before you go to bed....

My fam loss mad weight too. He did it by eating 3 meals a day and exercising everyday.
damn only 400 calories? that is not healthy at all, i think the average man needs at least 1800 calories a day to maintain survival.
Yea you can eat WAY more, still lose weight fast and more healthily, as well as not cannibalize your own muscle mass and you'll feel much better becauseyour brain actually uses more than 400 calories a day alone, mostly carbs. It's one of the reason people can't stay on Atkins. It makes you groggy andirritable. Just select clean sources of calories like fresh fruit (I like honeydews, and apples to blend into cottage cheese which is a good protein for thelast meal because it's casein), low fat or fat free dairy products like milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese, and grains such as oatmeal, brown rice,wheat bread, and pasta, and lean meats for your protein such as chicken breast.
I didn't read all the posts, but damn eating 400 cals a day? 2 bowls of cereal will surpass that.
My goal is to melt off 35-40 lbs of fat in about ayear. It's been 1.5 months and I took off ~13 lbs and I thought I was moving fast.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Elocin023

wow, that's sick.

and 60 pounds isn't enough?
how much more do you want to lose?

i want to be skin and bones.

for the question of how much did i weigh. i was 300 pounds but i am one of those dudes that dont look what they weigh. i looked much slimmer than 300 pounds. which has me wondering if something is wrong with me? i want to get at around 150-160 pounds so in all i am looking to lose 150 pounds in total....
Sorry, but a dude that weighs 300 pounds is still gonna look like he weighs damn near 300 pounds. I really don't care how good you were atcovering it up, or whatever.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

before and after pics? I can't believe no one has asked yet.....

(someone probably did but I ain't going through no 7 pages to find out)
Wanksta asked that on page 1.
Originally Posted by Pakwan

Impressive. I've only lost 30 pounds in 2 months. But, I wasn't trying hard.
That's still a hell of a drop, bro. That's 15 lbs in 1 month or about 3-4 lbs a week.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

before and after pics? I can't believe no one has asked yet.....

(someone probably did but I ain't going through no 7 pages to find out)
Wanksta asked that on page 1.

Originally Posted by wanksta23

you have a before and after picture?

how much more you planning to lose?

well anyways, why won't he post 'em???
Just to put things in perspective...

When a prisoner in a military prison has discipline problems and takin away freedoms will not deter the negative behavior, put them on a diet. Legally the dietmust contain AT LEAST 600 CALORIES.... all prisoners break due to a 600 cal diet.

Yall think this dude is doing good on a 400 calorie diet???your kidding your self.

Dude has a mental problem and it stems from the way he sees himself.

No different than a anorexic girl.
Originally Posted by Apple Windows

I hope you die, it may be rude but thats just me. Ignorance is astonishing

You're a fool. Death, fam? Really. It's not that serious. Just leave.
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