52 Week Money Challenge ... week 26 of 52. halfway there...

i have a better idea.
deposit 10% or whatever u deem comfertabel into your savings from each paycheck
thats what im going to be doing.

Damn I thought this was the standard.

This 52 week challenge is some middle school piggy bank **** dawg.
It's going to be awfully hard in Nov and Dec. Look at that schedule.. Weeks 45-48 (Nov) = $186 and Weeks 49 -52 (Dec) = $202. That's why I think it's better to do it in reverse. We're all going to have a lil bit more cash earlier in the year, mostly because of tax refunds.
Damn I thought this was the standard.
This 52 week challenge is some middle school piggy bank **** dawg.

i usually save close to 30% of my paycheck depending on my expenses for the month.

i will still be participating, on top of my usual savings.
I'm down but I will try to double the amount in savings each quarter to make it more interesting.
I just made an account at a credit union where I just send 25 dollars from each check to that account. I just changed my taxes for 2013 to claim 1 allowance so I`ll prob start sending 50 bucks per check. I`m not worried about the interest, its just money I wont see so come some rainy day I~ll use it.
I'm in for the challenge. Although I already have a steady saving system, doesn't hurt to add more.

Like many others, I think I'll try to put my own twist on this weekly challenge. In addition to the original charted plan, I'll try to do a second set, but doubled.

I got a Giants piggy bank for Christmas :lol: so this will be a great way to start using that. I'll double up in the piggy bank.

Currently, I do $25 bi-weekly.
I withdraw $20 - $30  in QUARTERS every Friday (payday) and put them into a big ol piggy bank... i cant have my checking and savings account linked. im not disciplined enough.. if i want something and dont have enough money in checking, i just transfer from my saving account using my smartphone 

getting the money in change helps fight the temptation of cheating my savings.!! works for me... 
Could be interesting. This plus the keep the change savings could lead to some nice surprise savings at the end of the year.

Of course this won't be my only savings.
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I like the idea
....of doing it in reverse
... or just doing the average($26ish) per week. so I'm not beat at the end of the year
I'm intrigued, I get paid monthly though and already put a significant sum in my savings account.

Might do this with a totally separate credit union account, then use that money on a vacation/trip.

Good idea.
It's about baby steps, brote.

Exactly. Some people need

I'm down but I will try to double the amount in savings each quarter to make it more interesting.

Good idea. Got half of the office doing this. I'm going to start backwards and double so its not too crazy at the end of the year. Income tax should be here soon so that'll definitely help jump start a decent savings this year.

Depositing my amount tomorrow.
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