500 Days of Summer Appreciation

Originally Posted by Crftz333

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
yeah, k...whatever.

This is such a silly reason to hate a movie.. so you're saying they should've replaced all the music with mainstream stuff and it would've been awesome?
Never said anything about the music, holmes.
did not like this movie

and it was very awkward because i went on a date to this movie and i was just like the girl (i don't want a relationship blah)

and then it was weird because the drunk friend in the movie is the brother of a few of my coworkers
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
That's how I felt about 'Memento'. *ducks stones and bottles*
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Originally Posted by Crftz333

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
yeah, k...whatever.

This is such a silly reason to hate a movie.. so you're saying they should've replaced all the music with mainstream stuff and it would've been awesome?
Never said anything about the music, holmes.
okay then - what the #@*! else was so intentionally different about this movie? cuz, i loved it.. but didn't think it was all that differentfrom a lot of movies in this genre... please, i'd love to hear it..
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
That's how I felt about 'Memento'. *ducks stones and bottles*
I can see how someone who didn't understand itwould just dismiss it as "pretentious" but how did 'Memento" try hard to be different? How was it quirky? Please explain
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
That's how I felt about 'Memento'. *ducks stones and bottles*
I can see how someone who didn't understand it would just dismiss it as "pretentious" but how did 'Memento" try hard to be different? How was it quirky? Please explain
Oh, that response wasn't predictable at all.
That's the first thing people say when I say this about 'Memento'... I must nothave understood. Blah blah blah. lol That's okay. Your response and people's reactions to it is basically the source of my beef with the movie. Thewhole time I felt like I was forced to accept it for all that it was and to think it was the best movie ever...and that's why I hate it.

And what do you mean 'how was it quirky?' How was it NOT quirky?
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
That's how I felt about 'Memento'. *ducks stones and bottles*
I can see how someone who didn't understand it would just dismiss it as "pretentious" but how did 'Memento" try hard to be different? How was it quirky? Please explain
Oh, that response wasn't predictable at all.
That's the first thing people say when I say this about 'Memento'... I must not have understood. Blah blah blah. lol That's okay. Your response and people's reactions to it is basically the source of my beef with the movie. The whole time I felt like I was forced to accept it for all that it was and to think it was the best movie ever...and that's why I hate it.

And what do you mean 'how was it quirky?' How was it NOT quirky?
I can understand not liking a movie but you'd be better off just saying "I didn't like it" instead of saying that it it waspretentious or tried hard to be different without backing it up with examples because that sounds like you're just being dismissive.
Maybe the problem is you were told this was "the best movie ever" going in to it so you had high high expectations that weren't met. It'snot the best movie ever but it's pretty original that's why people praise it. Praise for the movie is pretentious but the movie itself isn't imo.
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
That's how I felt about 'Memento'. *ducks stones and bottles*
I can see how someone who didn't understand it would just dismiss it as "pretentious" but how did 'Memento" try hard to be different? How was it quirky? Please explain
Oh, that response wasn't predictable at all.
That's the first thing people say when I say this about 'Memento'... I must not have understood. Blah blah blah. lol That's okay. Your response and people's reactions to it is basically the source of my beef with the movie. The whole time I felt like I was forced to accept it for all that it was and to think it was the best movie ever...and that's why I hate it.

And what do you mean 'how was it quirky?' How was it NOT quirky?
I can understand not liking a movie but you'd be better off just saying "I didn't like it" instead of saying that it it was pretentious or tried hard to be different without backing it up with examples because that sounds like you're just being dismissive.
Maybe the problem is you were told this was "the best movie ever" going in to it so you had high high expectations that weren't met. It's not the best movie ever but it's pretty original that's why people praise it. Praise for the movie is pretentious but the movie itself isn't imo.
There are times in life when people will have their own opinions for their own reasons. Many will have opinions that differ from your own. Beingdismissive is not a crime.

Now if you'll excuse me...I'm going to take this picture of the "Memento" dvd that I just printed out into the back yard so I can piss on it.
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
That's how I felt about 'Memento'. *ducks stones and bottles*
I can see how someone who didn't understand it would just dismiss it as "pretentious" but how did 'Memento" try hard to be different? How was it quirky? Please explain
500 Days of Summer
Directed by Marc Webb
Screenplay by Scott Neustadter & Michael H.Weber

500 Days of Summerhas some positive things working for it. It features two likable actors in the Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel and a plot which is atypical of mostHollywood romantic comedies. It's billed not as love story but a story about love which examines a relationship between two 20-somethings with the good andthe bad, the joys, the heartache, frustration and frequent miscommunication in young love. The film promises a realistic depiction of a relationship withoutthe typical Hollywood story conventions and it delivers to some extent.

Unfortunately the film falls into the Indy hipster trying desperately to be offbeat and ultimately falls into the trap of being too quirky for its own good.Its pseudo-stream of conscious narrative structure and use of plot devices was no doubt inspired by Annie Hall, a filmwhich is the apex of the genre, yet with 500 Days of Summer everything seems to be done to prove itself different andeccentric. The film uses split screen, toys with the aspect ratio, includes an unnecessary homage to classic foreign films, illustrates a reality versusdesired scenario and even has a cringe-inducing impromptu song and dance number.

It also includes a myriad of things which have become hallmarks of annoyingly quirky films: obscure Indy bands and play lists, pretentiousness (a Belle andSebastian yearbook quote), an all-knowing narrator, supporting characters who contribute very little to the plot,flashbacks to childhood, an abundance ofsuperfluous pop culture references, thrown-in literary references to appear intelligent and a laughable and out-of-place reference to The Graduate. All ofthese were seemingly included to make the failed relationship between two young people seem all the more digestible.
500 Days of Summer is Tom Hansen's (Gordon Levitt) story. Much of the narrative is from his pointof view while Summer's character is only partly developed. Tom's real passion in life is architecture but he settled for job writing for a greetingcard company because it pays the bills and perhaps taking a chance and trying to make it in architecture was too much of a bold risk for him. He's somewhatcontent with his job and believes everything will fall into place once he meets the girl of his dreams. I'm not sure I'd call him a romantic buthe's definitely an idealist. Unfortunately for Tom he believes Summer Finn (Daschanel) is the one he's waited for all his life.

Summer is proof that the term "jerk" is not exclusive to men and may be afforded to women as well. She's the type of girl who is not interestedin society's expectations for herself and her gender and assumes others, mainly men, should know this and not be surprised when she contradicts herself.Her character really made me upset because she is the type of girl that dumps on decent men then expects everyone to be friends because she has pretty blueeyes. Summer lets Tom know that she's not interested in having a relationship because she enjoys being independent. Most men would interpret this as Summernot being interested in Tom in a romantic sense and they would be right - to an extent.

Summer claims she doesn't want a relationship yet she sleeps with Tom but then expects him not to see her as a girlfriend ("Why put labels onthings?"). Tom isn't in the friend zone but his relationship with Summer is complicated to say the least. He's involved in a year and halfrelationship with a woman that will never make him happy yet he believes she is his dream girl. Essentially this is the crux of the story.

I believe this conflict between the two main characters is enough to base the plot around and the inclusion of the aforementioned narrative devices andhallmarks of quirk exist only to get in the way of the narrative-they're just not needed. Moreover, it's disappointing that a film with two likeablestars and suitable premise fails because it is so intent on proving to viewers that it is original. Very few films made today are original as most anything hasbeen done before in some way as execution is key in producing an excellent film and that's where 500 Days ofSummer falls short. **
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.
That's how I felt about 'Memento'. *ducks stones and bottles*
I can see how someone who didn't understand it would just dismiss it as "pretentious" but how did 'Memento" try hard to be different? How was it quirky? Please explain
500 Days of Summer
Directed by Marc Webb
Screenplay by Scott Neustadter & Michael H.Weber

500 Days of Summer has some positive things working for it. It features two likable actors in the Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel and a plot which is atypical of most Hollywood romantic comedies. It's billed not as love story but a story about love which examines a relationship between two 20-somethings with the good and the bad, the joys, the heartache, frustration and frequent miscommunication in young love. The film promises a realistic depiction of a relationship without the typical Hollywood story conventions and it delivers to some extent.

Unfortunately the film falls into the Indy hipster trying desperately to be offbeat and ultimately falls into the trap of being too quirky for its own good. Its pseudo-stream of conscious narrative structure and use of plot devices was no doubt inspired by Annie Hall, a film which is the apex of the genre, yet with 500 Days of Summer everything seems to be done to prove itself different and eccentric. The film uses split screen, toys with the aspect ratio, includes an unnecessary homage to classic foreign films, illustrates a reality versus desired scenario and even has a cringe-inducing impromptu song and dance number.

It also includes a myriad of things which have become hallmarks of annoyingly quirky films: obscure Indy bands and play lists, pretentiousness (a Belle and Sebastian yearbook quote), an all-knowing narrator, supporting characters who contribute very little to the plot,flashbacks to childhood, an abundance of superfluous pop culture references, thrown-in literary references to appear intelligent and a laughable and out-of-place reference to The Graduate. All of these were seemingly included to make the failed relationship between two young people seem all the more digestible.
500 Days of Summer is Tom Hansen's (Gordon Levitt) story. Much of the narrative is from his point of view while Summer's character is only partly developed. Tom's real passion in life is architecture but he settled for job writing for a greeting card company because it pays the bills and perhaps taking a chance and trying to make it in architecture was too much of a bold risk for him. He's somewhat content with his job and believes everything will fall into place once he meets the girl of his dreams. I'm not sure I'd call him a romantic but he's definitely an idealist. Unfortunately for Tom he believes Summer Finn (Daschanel) is the one he's waited for all his life.

Summer is proof that the term "jerk" is not exclusive to men and may be afforded to women as well. She's the type of girl who is not interested in society's expectations for herself and her gender and assumes others, mainly men, should know this and not be surprised when she contradicts herself. Her character really made me upset because she is the type of girl that dumps on decent men then expects everyone to be friends because she has pretty blue eyes. Summer lets Tom know that she's not interested in having a relationship because she enjoys being independent. Most men would interpret this as Summer not being interested in Tom in a romantic sense and they would be right - to an extent.

Summer claims she doesn't want a relationship yet she sleeps with Tom but then expects him not to see her as a girlfriend ("Why put labels on things?"). Tom isn't in the friend zone but his relationship with Summer is complicated to say the least. He's involved in a year and half relationship with a woman that will never make him happy yet he believes she is his dream girl. Essentially this is the crux of the story.

I believe this conflict between the two main characters is enough to base the plot around and the inclusion of the aforementioned narrative devices and hallmarks of quirk exist only to get in the way of the narrative-they're just not needed. Moreover, it's disappointing that a film with two likeable stars and suitable premise fails because it is so intent on proving to viewers that it is original. Very few films made today are original as most anything has been done before in some way as execution is key in producing an excellent film and that's where 500 Days of Summer falls short. **

oh my god... how the person writing that review can call ANYTHING pretentious or label it as "trying too hard" is the funniest, most ironic thingi've ever heard.

This is a person who is literally MAD about something.

Honestly - i've seen some bad reviews, and I can understand somebody not liking a film I don't like... but this one seems like a childish grudge thisperson is holding against a movie for some of the stupidest reasons I've ever seen.

I've never seen a reviewer get angry at a movie for trying to pay homage to other film techniques, or for trying to be different. Yes, let's makeevery movie the same... we don't' want to intentionally try to set ourselves apart, or be influenced by other things we've been inspired by asartists and writers.

I know there are a large number of people out there who honestly get mad when you tell them some of your favorite bands, and they are some more obscure orlesser known artists... i dont' know if they just get insecure that they feel like they don't have as good of taste, or they get annoyed because theycan't keep up or something... I don't get it, i'm not sure why other people get upset when people have "quirky" tastes, but if ever therewere a need for a "u madd?" picture, this is it.
Movie was great, anyone different must have been in a bad mood. I particularly like the narration and different plot movement, I really liked the acting aswell, overall one of the better films this year.
Originally Posted by Nothin But Net 87

Is there anywhere online that I can watch this movie at?
Search for it on Watch-movies-links.net

Yo who sings that song when the credit start rolling??
Movie was alright. Got boring at some parts so I fast forward until the end and just figured out from there. Autumn > Summer though.
Just got finished watching it. I really liked this movie, and it did remind me of a modern Annie Hall except Summer was crazy. That party scene had me real madat her. At the end when she saw him at the park I got the feeling that she still doesn't know what she wants even though she's married and that kind oftied into why she was crying when they went to see The Graduate. I thought the little sister was really cool but I was hoping he would actually take interestin her personal life and the story would involve him learning something through helping her solve some sort of problem. And in the beginning of theirrelationship before they got together I swear that's how it be when you're digging a coworker and you're trying to see whassup without out and outhitting on her and messing up the proffesional feel. The whole thing that gets me mad at her is that SHE popped it all off in the copy room, and then you seehow she acts the rest of the time. She was definitely the type of chick who does whatever she wants no matter how contradictory and because she looks goodshe's used to simps like the main character letting her do whatever. The dude she married probably didn't take half the %$+% he did.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Just got finished watching it. I really liked this movie, and it did remind me of a modern Annie Hall except Summer was crazy. That party scene had me real mad at her. At the end when she saw him at the park I got the feeling that she still doesn't know what she wants even though she's married and that kind of tied into why she was crying when they went to see The Graduate. I thought the little sister was really cool but I was hoping he would actually take interest in her personal life and the story would involve him learning something through helping her solve some sort of problem. And in the beginning of their relationship before they got together I swear that's how it be when you're digging a coworker and you're trying to see whassup without out and out hitting on her and messing up the proffesional feel. The whole thing that gets me mad at her is that SHE popped it all off in the copy room, and then you see how she acts the rest of the time. She was definitely the type of chick who does whatever she wants no matter how contradictory and because she looks good she's used to simps like the main character letting her do whatever. The dude she married probably didn't take half the %$+% he did.
I just finished the movie and this is pretty much how I feel. As im watching the movie I'm like, "Wow this guy is getting friendzoned". Then I realize its more than that. This is really some messed up ##%*.

Other than that, the movie was great. Ending was cool. When Autumn said she was meeting someone, I was like, "Damn, this guy just cant catch a break"
Then she changes her mind and its all

I like how the drawing at the end becomes the "real" summer so to speak.
eehhh it was a little too cute for my taste.

even though i usually like cute movies, maybe i was in a weird mood or something.

or maybe i was just expecting more, zooey is like my #1 soooo, i dunno. I liked "The Go-Getter" a lot more.

solid movie overall though.
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.

why not try to be different? whats the alternative? boring, that's your answer. the alternative to being differentis just plain boring. id rather an artist try his best to be different rather than just be like everything else. never really understood why people make thiscomment.
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