500 Days of Summer Appreciation

it was a good and entertaining movie, nothing that blew my mind away
i was thinking of annie hall the whole time
I thought it was a good movie. Something different because as a the movie states, "Its not a love movie but a movie about love."
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Pretentious and excessively quirky. It tried so hard to be different.

why not try to be different? whats the alternative? boring, that's your answer. the alternative to being different is just plain boring. id rather an artist try his best to be different rather than just be like everything else. never really understood why people make this comment.
It tried hard to be different but was not different.
-hipster male
-boy and girl love same bands
-precocious kid sister character
-all knowing, superfluous narrator
-quirky (but shallow) secondary characters
-over-use of gimmicks (parodies of classics, messing with aspect ratio, etc).
-character driven to tears over art (the graduate)
-characters trying hard to appear intelligent, summer mentions reading classic literature (she doesn't come off as intelligent, she's rather shallow).
-male is well meaning but a simp
-female appears to be honest and forthright but her actions say otherwise

In sum, why not just make it a drama/comedy without all the bs quirk trappings? The plot is strong enough that it doesn't need all those gimmicks to appeardifferent. Despite it's attempts, it is NOT different.
I love this movie, but Summer had me heated by the middle of the film. She played with Tom's feelings, saying she didn't want a relationship, butacting like they were together. She was so hot and cold, and I knew she'd end up hurting him. I loved the scene with The Graduate viewing. It was obviousthat Tom never saw the movie as more than a movie, but for Summer it was an emotional experience. It was clear that they were two very different people withtwo very different perspectives on life.

I saw way too much of my old self in Tom. lol. Pining after a dude who'd play me for stupid. Summer played Tom though, and I hate that she used him untilshe found someone better.
Saw this movie over the past weekend. I thought it was going to be a chick flick, but it was more for the fellas to me.
I've had a bootlegg of this for the longest time. I guess I'll watch it tonight then.
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