I think it was on Wrestling with Rosenberg where AJ said she would be down to lose the title if it meant building up another diva she could feud with. I guess Paige was that diva, doubt her loss had anything to do with Punk.

Yea I figured they both have the same type of "anti diva" so they call it approach and both are pretty passionate
He's been hesitant in signing with the WWE because he is unsure of how they would use his character. In TNA, he's most likely going to be given alot of freedom.

Well, maybe 2 years ago I would be scared of him going to WWE because he wouldn't be able to wrestle, but they have NXT and that is the wrestling show. He can do his thing there. But we know in TNA he would be given the green light and show all of his talent.

Doesn't matter either way
This dude I used to work with keep trying to get me to watch TNA. Can't get into it at all. I hope he goes to nxt. Build a fan base then bring him up.
Man, NXT/WWE has some many of those same type of dudes.

Good Worker
In Shape

Type of dudes. Seriously.

Devitt (If)

Throw some color in there WWE
Especially now that Reigns and Rusev out... Xavier woods doesn't help the cause... neither did Camacho and Hunico. It's 2014 and WWE still have a cholo gimmick...
Just watched the D. Bry RTWM doc. Thought it was great.

Really hoping his marriage lasts with Brie. She seems awesome, and he's a guy who won't look to start arguments and would want to keep things as easy going as possible.
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Prince better off going to WWE. TNA might no exist by the end of the year. He might not make it to main even level at WWE, but at least he knows the promotion will still be up and runningz
I am with the guy that said give RVD a IC run. Big E has killed that belt I remember when that belt was a big deal.
I'm not that hip to Prince Devitt, other than the pics I've seen of his entrances, but why are you guys wanting him in E so bad?..If you like him then you'd want him as far away from WWE/NXT as possible..Cause you know he'll just end up being some dude named Asher Smith that wear red trunks w/some squiggly design on it..The second he signs, his entire gimmick will be dead and he won't be allowed to you 87% of the moves that make you guys like him to begin with..
I'm not that hip to Prince Devitt, other than the pics I've seen of his entrances, but why are you guys wanting him in E so bad?..If you like him then you'd want him as far away from WWE/NXT as possible..Cause you know he'll just end up being some dude named Asher Smith that wear red trunks w/some squiggly design on it..The second he signs, his entire gimmick will be dead and he won't be allowed to you 87% of the moves that make you guys like him to begin with..

IDK, Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville have been working out pretty well so far.


I am with the guy that said give RVD a IC run. Big E has killed that belt I remember when that belt was a big deal.
Man. Being someone who remembers when greats had the IC belt it's really embarrassing. But most belts get no respect anymore. Most have suffered from some loss of prestige. :frown:
I am with the guy that said give RVD a IC run. Big E has killed that belt I remember when that belt was a big deal.

That belt was dead long before Big E won it. Remember, he beat that loser goof Curtis Axel for it :lol:. Cody Rhodes attempted to put some life back into it, but that belt has only recently meant something when Jericho gets it. At this point I rather Fandango be IC champ.
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