My brother texted me the news this morning and I couldn't believe it either.

UW was my first favorite wrestler and was the reason why I was one of the only kids that didn't like Hogan. Him, Rock, and Bret Hart are still my 3 all time favorites. WM 6 & 7 have always beeen my two favorites because of his matches with Hulk and Macho Man. I remember painting my face like him all the time too. Man how time flies.

RIP Warrior.
Now i feel bad for fast forwarding through his speech on my DVR.  I was 
 during the segment too.  
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Man I wish I had the network. Just watched wm6 hulk vs warrior on youtube video quality was poo smh. Trying to find warrior vs savage.
He looked like a fool with the Eddie stuff but people still listen. Can't stand the guy, he acts so arrogant but has no reason to be nor any backing for the attitude
That's the thing.  I will readily admit that from about the time that SuperCena won the title for the 50th time til around Rumble this year, my viewing of the product has dipped drastically compared to my days of watching every single wrestling program on TV and hawking sites for backstage news.  That being said, I always feel like I'm left to defend the business against fools like Cowherd who just like to hear the sound of their own voices as if their **** don't stink.  Some of these idiots just like to feel like they're part of something, even if it means that they have to babble nonsensically and beat a dead horse into oblivion.  Wrestling to me has always been like theater and athletics meshed into one dsyfunctional program and when that dysfunction comes together in the right way from a booking, character, and workrate standpoint, it can be a work of art.  Why people feel the need to act as if the nonsense they tune into every week is somehow pure and sacred compared to it is beyond me.  As troubling as it is to see so many die young, people need to stop acting as if it's simply a wrestling problem and realize that it was a problem with the culture overall in the 80s and 90s.  Controversy and hate sells though, not education and awareness.
Now i feel bad for fast forwarding through his speech on my DVR.  I was :rolleyes  during the segment too.  :wow:

Why feel bad? For the most part it was cringe worthy.

Most of us are ultimate warrior fans for what he did in the ring and not on a public platform.
My question from raw

1 Why the sudden drop of the WOMENS Championship.....were they trying to keep the shock value
2 Is the wyatt vs shield storyline going on
3 Why didn't bray pin cena ?
I was never a big Warrior fan but my brother was…

I remember watching Wrestlemania VI and how it was awesome that they were at the Sky Dome. Hero v hero and to see Hogan pinned clean as a sheet was eye opening for me. And Wrestlemania VII with Savage, another classic.  5 Savage elbows couldn’t put him down. Such classic childhood memories to bear witness, now another piece has been taken away.

RIP Warrior.
Warrior vs. Savage is probably my favorite wrestlemania match ever. Just perfect storytelling and the legendary post match segment too.

RIP Warrior.

Haven't watched wrestling since the early 00's but the Ultimate Warrior and Macho Man were the 2 guys then got me into wrestling as a child. I never looked into his personal life as deep as others did so I only am aware of what he did in the ring and for that I'll always appreciate him and be a fan.
My question from raw

1 Why the sudden drop of the WOMENS Championship.....were they trying to keep the shock value
2 Is the wyatt vs shield storyline going on
3 Why didn't bray pin cena ?

Cena can't lose cleanly.
AJ dropped the title due to her relationship with Punk. The company punished her.

With all of the Warrior bashing this weekend, I see why people hate smarks. The things that were said about him had me :smh: as I read. People saying he wasn't a legend and he believed his own hype only to do a complete 180 after last night's news. No, he wasn't a great wrestler. Hell, he wasn't even good, but his personality and aura made up for the fact that he possessed little technical ability. Everyone can't be Mr. Perfect or Daniel Bryan in that when they're in the ring, you know they are going to give you the best of their ability. Some people have a purpose and Warrior's was as an entertainer. I was fortunate enough to see him face off against Owen Hart at a MSG house show when I was younger. It wasn't a long match, but when his music hit, the Garden absolutely erupted. The shaking of the ropes and pinning Hart after hitting the flying clothesline had the place going crazy. If you were to ask people who truly remembered what he was like and his impact during his tenure in the WWF, you'd get a completely different response than I what I saw over the weekend. RIP.
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