I remember when I was a kid/teenager I'd always stay glued to the tv so I could see what kind of paint UW was going to be wearing..And I think the thing I'll always remember him for, besides the Hogan match, was how cool he made the IC/WHC belt look..It was always a big deal to me and my friends to see what color belt he'd be wearing on tv or a ppv..

That white leather Winged Eagle belt and the yellow IC belt are my 2 favorite WWE/F title belts of all time..The one thing nobody can ever take from him was his originality..From the different leather on his belts, to the 100 different styles of make-up, to the crazy air brushed trench coats the guy was in a category by himself..I still got my Coliseum Home Video vhs of WrestleMania 6 and my UW wrestling buddy in my parents basement somewhere..

no doubt.

i thought his face paint and the blue title belt were insane.
He was in his prime when I was a little kid, and I thought he was the absolute coolest thing ever. As I got older, I realized that he wasn't very good in the ring at all and shot some slander his way, however, the enormous impact that he had on wrestling cannot be taken away.

I feel awful for slandering UW all weekend.


You shouldn't if that how you felt then rock with it, you can still feel sad about his death.

I was never a fan of his goings on outside of wrestling but that speech really was he artful and genuine.

WWE should pay tribute to Warrior by bringing back his IC belt and putting a serious importance back into it
Colin Cowherd going in on wrestling right now

I was listening to that earlier. I almost couldn't tell if he was serious or not, cause a lot of the things he was saying could be compared to how 50+ y/o conservatives view rap, still thinking people are walking around in G-Unit tank tops and throwbacks. He just seemed really out of touch with stuff.
I was listening to that earlier. I almost couldn't tell if he was serious or not, cause a lot of the things he was saying could be compared to how 50+ y/o conservatives view rap, still thinking people are walking around in G-Unit tank tops and throwbacks. He just seemed really out of touch with stuff.

He was totally serious dude goes in on stuff all the time if he doesn't like it. He went on an hour rant not too long ago on people who watch Game of Thrones. He's a clown
Man her and Summer Rae are almost in the same class. Overhyped blond AWG
El Santo
Tiger Mask
Mil Mascaras

Would all be DEFINITELY ranked ahead of Ron if the world were to end today.
I was gonna say Liger, then Tiger, then Ron Ron, with Mascaras a close 4th..People just don't understand how amazing Jushin was..My favorite lightweight/cruiserweight of all time..
You're about to have me tracking down my old data disks with Liger matches.  Liger/Benoit was something special.
The Daniel Bryan documentary was damn good. Really enjoyed it.

Side Note, I like their being two belts. It's all about the representation to me. One belt is for the 117 men in the WWE that have held that belt spanning from 1963 to 2014. Pretty awesome... But the other belt man. You are talking about the NWA and WCW. What It represents as well... to be thee guy... you hold all those names and all that prestige in two hands (or shoulders etc.) I don't want to see one belt... I don't want All of my childhood reminders, or favorites, or memories to go away. There Are some things you don't need to tinker with, they can stand the test of time.

It might seem silly, especially with how WWE heads treat the belts, but it's just how I feel about it.
I agree.  Even though I was a major WWF mark as a kid, that WCW belt and the WWF eagle belt were always my favorites.

I may need to cave and get on the WWE Network train.  I have so little idle time after work as it is so I'll have to figure out a way to avoid going HAM reliving my childhood. 

It's crazy how stuff happens. Took a whole lot of years for people to get right, make amends and be at peace, and then Warrior passes. Makes amends with Vince, is able to give his HOF speech, and able to walk down to the ring, shake the ropes, and speak one final time. Wow.
This dude was seriously the very first idol I've ever had in my life and I was so glad I got a chance to meet him and tell him that
I started watching his new DVD today too.
So dope fam.
It's crazy to think that he was essentially giving his own eulogy on Monday...
That's the surreal part.  I was sitting there watching this thinking wow.  He's finally at peace.  Then I wake up to this...
What is he saying?

The same things that everyone says when a wrestler passes away and then he went on to make fun of wrestling fans basically calling them losers and lonely people who don't have girlfriends.
I can't believe anyone actually listens to that dude.  I'd rather listen to a Jim Rome marathon.
He looked like a fool with the Eddie stuff but people still listen. Can't stand the guy, he acts so arrogant but has no reason to be nor any backing for the attitude
Weird considering he worked with Beadle who is the ultimate wrestling fangirl/groupie.
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Hulk Hogan ‏@HulkHogan 1h
We talked,both forgave each other,we hugged ,we shook hands as we told each other I love you,I am so sad,God bless his beautiful family After Warriors promo on Raw Pat was happy we were friends,UW told me his wife was also happy too,oh love HH

View media item 907458
[COLOR=#red]In all seriousness... I never ever, and do not, like the Warrior. Everything I said still stands. I expressed how I felt over the weekend and have no bashing to do on a man's grave.

But I most definitely do not wish death on any man and especially his family. I feel really sad for his two little girls more than anything. That loss man... rest in peace warrior. Glad that it seemed like he said his peace, got his demons out, and talked to and made good with the people in the back. [/COLOR]
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Wow, side note I've been reading up on wrestler deaths and had no idea about this on Dino Bravo :smh:

Dino Bravo (Adolfo Bresciano)
On March 10, 1993, Bresciano was found shot dead. He was 44 years old. He was hit by 17 bullets, 7 to the head and 10 to the torso, while watching hockey in his Vimont, Laval, Quebec home. His alleged role in illegal cigarette smuggling in Canada is popularly believed to have led to his officially unsolved murder. Rick Martel has stated in interviews that because of Bresciano's notoriety from being a popular professional wrestler, he was able to attract many customers (particularly natives), thus crossing the mafia. Right before his death, Bresciano confided to friends that he knew his days were numbered. He was a nephew by marriage of Montreal crime boss Vic Cotroni, and was believed by authorities to be involved in his organization for some time.
Yea, I didn't know about Dino Bravo either until I posted that vid lastnight. Didn't know about Crash Holly and Scary Sherri either...
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Weird considering he worked with Beadle who is the ultimate wrestling fangirl/groupie.
Never heard of her.

But yall dude know not listen to those non-wrestling folks that only come around when one of our boys die. Not listening to Cowherd nor do I give a damn about what he has to say.
Though I didn't watch him much growing up outside of old recorded VHS', he seemed like a powerful force in the ring and really connected with the fans well.

Good to know that he finally got some closure and buried the hatchet with many in the business so he could go on and live his life with no regrets. His Raw promo, and the quotes in it were great and can be used in any context. RIP.
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