
it's just dumb. Heave it 70 feet at the RIGHT basket.

D'antoni shouldn't bench him for it, but it's not like nate has been playing well anyway.
I knew people would take this *@+# and blow it out of proportion.

Up tight lames. We win and fools find something to complain about. Give me a break.
I have no issue with it...but D'Antoni and to a lesser extent Mike Breen (then again, he takes issue with everything) seemed to have a problem.

Knicks came away with the win...that should be the only thing that matters.
mike is the most laid back coach in the league.

yet he went off on nate....because he knows disciplined teams..SUCCESSFUL teams dont $##@ around like that. Like who the $##@ does that? When was the last timeyou saw ANY player do some *%!* like that

We're 3 and *@@%@#% 9. Let the clock run out and walk to the bench *@@%@#% dodo bird.

dont have a problem with mike puting nate in his place at all.
no, a big deal shouldn't be made of it.

But when Eddy Curry tells you you're wrong, you know you %%$%#* up.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

I knew people would take this *@+# and blow it out of proportion.

Up tight lames. We win and fools find something to complain about. Give me a break.
Word. D'Antoni (& co) really need to focus on things that actually affect the game and figure out how to beat teams that have a few winsunder their belt instead of wasting energy on pointless symbolism.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

To the Gr8,

since you can type ur !%@ off.. I say you type up a well structured letter to Dolan/Walsh, explaining about the whole Iverson thing

How Duhon sucks, don't drive, Iverson wll drive and be able to draw defenders to kick out to gallo
How we need a consistent scorer, he can be cut easily IF something did go wrong, its only one year
They owe it to the fans after we allow the rebuilding process. why not win this season while rebuilding..
Iverson has lot to prove.. We have games to win.

Find a way to put all of this in 2 paragraphs or less and send it to Knicks Management

I'm serious

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Find a way to put all of this in 2 paragraphs or less and send it to Knicks Management

I'm serious

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Find a way to put all of this in 2 paragraphs or less

I'm serious
i dont think you are

What they said.
GR8 would have 1.5 pgs just about Eddy Curry alone

Not to mention printouts of all those "TAKE A SEAT" pics of Curry he'd post

2 paragraphs or 2 pages. GR8 the knicks future lies in your hands....

yall clowns though

but on the real, i have been ranting about AI for DAYS now. Im still not over this #*##. !!!%+*% pathetic

beating the Nets though


and why the $*!# was Nate out the whole game??/ media making a HUGE deal over this?? I mean dude knew the buzzer sounded, hes not ******ed. I mean it mighthave been a LITTLE stupid but that is all, it was basically like a warm up shot... Why not take the quick 3, who cares whose basket it was? Maybe his shot wasoff, and if you play ball you know that even one make can get you going. This may be the over reaction of the year
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