
Don't expect T-Mac. I don't see us making any moves unless we're moving Jeffries and/or Eddy for an expiring, and I honestly don't see Houstontaking either.
Man i'm so heated right now about the Ivo thing that deep down inside I realllllllllllllllllllllly hope that if Lebron goes to a NY area team, it's theNets ....... But i'm not surprised after they didn't go after him during the offseason
As far as Gallo is concerned, have you guys watched him when he's driving to the basket .... dukes has NO handles .. which really surprised me ... I thinkit was the game against the Pacers where he was pushing the ball on the fast break and looked extremely uncomfortable/awkward dribbling the ball ...
Originally Posted by BangDak

gallos handles arent as good as we would hope, and should def. work on it, but to say he has no handles is a reach.
yeah its a reach but the play in question really exposed how bad it is ....... after watching him do one move then pass the ball or jack up a shot..... I knew it was shaky but after seeing him on that fast break it was nba lvl bad
Honestly I don't understand why they don't just come out and say that D'Antoni hates Ivo's guts ..... instead of all this politics jargon .....runaround
gallos handles arent as good as we would hope, and should def. work on it, but to say he has no handles is a reach.
I dont get whatsup with this theory that AI would have hurt Gallo. I man what do you think hurts him as a player more. A guy taking a few more shots per night(while doing it effectively may I add), or a PG with absolutely no skill and cannot take it to the basket, and is therefore physically inept at the dribblepenetration kickout, therefore making Gallo SWARMED by defenders everytime he touches the ball since defendes dont respect him on the drive???

idk about yall but i choose the latter. AI would put up a few more shots per night, which imo would be good cause right now Gallo isnt ready to be the #1 morelike a 2 or a 3 and a dead on shooter. But defenders HAVE to respect AI off the dribble (unlike Duhon) and therefore they would have to back up on Gallo tohelp out in the paint. We have NONE of that right now. Part of the reason why are offense is so inept and just consists of chucking 3s.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

I dont get whatsup with this theory that AI would have hurt Gallo. I man what do you think hurts him as a player more. A guy taking a few more shots per night (while doing it effectively may I add), or a PG with absolutely no skill and cannot take it to the basket, and is therefore physically inept at the dribble penetration kickout, therefore making Gallo SWARMED by defenders everytime he touches the ball since defendes dont respect him on the drive???

idk about yall but i choose the latter. AI would put up a few more shots per night, which imo would be good cause right now Gallo isnt ready to be the #1 more like a 2 or a 3 and a dead on shooter. But defenders HAVE to respect AI off the dribble (unlike Duhon) and therefore they would have to back up on Gallo to help out in the paint. We have NONE of that right now. Part of the reason why are offense is so inept and just consists of chucking 3s.

dont get me wrong, i want AI. all for it as a matter of fact. its not necessarily taking shots away from gallo, but right now, duhon, nate, douglas, hughes,all need the ball in their hands to suceed. theres just not enough of the ball to get all of them "on fire" and running smoothly. nate+duhon needs togo. as much as i like nate, douglas is playing way better and can actually be part of the future if he keeps developing well.

and handles isnt a huge thing. he can work on it.
Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by THE GR8

I dont get whatsup with this theory that AI would have hurt Gallo. I man what do you think hurts him as a player more. A guy taking a few more shots per night
(while doing it effectively may I add), or a PG with absolutely no skill and cannot take it to the basket, and is therefore physically inept at the dribble
penetration kickout, therefore making Gallo SWARMED by defenders everytime he touches the ball since defendes dont respect him on the drive???

idk about yall but i choose the latter. AI would put up a few more shots per night, which imo would be good cause right now Gallo isnt ready to be the #1 more
like a 2 or a 3 and a dead on shooter. But defenders HAVE to respect AI off the dribble (unlike Duhon) and therefore they would have to back up on Gallo to
help out in the paint. We have NONE of that right now. Part of the reason why are offense is so inept and just consists of chucking 3s.

dont get me wrong, i want AI. all for it as a matter of fact. its not necessarily taking shots away from gallo, but right now, duhon, nate, douglas, hughes, all need the ball in their hands to suceed. theres just not enough of the ball to get all of them "on fire" and running smoothly. nate+duhon needs to go. as much as i like nate, douglas is playing way better and can actually be part of the future if he keeps developing well.

and handles isnt a huge thing. he can work on it.
Why would you NEED to hand the ball over to Duhon, Nate, Douglas, or Hughes if A.I. is playing in the same game? These guys wouldn't darecomplain about touches if A.I. was on the squad. And I'm sure A.I. knows he's on the tail end and can't do it himself.

Man, I can't even think straight right now. I was gonna say more, but *!%# it.

*!%# all of it. I don't think I'll be watching many more games from the Knicks this season. Atrocious management, eggs all in one basket, $%%#%$ upreasoning.

I'll be watching my favorite ex Knick, Jamal Crawford.
To the Gr8,

since you can type ur !%@ off.. I say you type up a well structured letter to Dolan/Walsh, explaining about the whole Iverson thing

How Duhon sucks, don't drive, Iverson wll drive and be able to draw defenders to kick out to gallo
How we need a consistent scorer, he can be cut easily IF something did go wrong, its only one year
They owe it to the fans after we allow the rebuilding process. why not win this season while rebuilding..
Iverson has lot to prove.. We have games to win.

Find a way to put all of this in 2 paragraphs or less and send it to Knicks Management

I'm serious
I dont see how it would have been so bad to sign AI, if he really did hurt us and was a cancer to the team couldnt we have just terminated his contract at anytime we wanted??
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

To the Gr8,

since you can type ur !%@ off.. I say you type up a well structured letter to Dolan/Walsh, explaining about the whole Iverson thing

How Duhon sucks, don't drive, Iverson wll drive and be able to draw defenders to kick out to gallo
How we need a consistent scorer, he can be cut easily IF something did go wrong, its only one year
They owe it to the fans after we allow the rebuilding process. why not win this season while rebuilding..
Iverson has lot to prove.. We have games to win.

Find a way to put all of this in 2 paragraphs or less and send it to Knicks Management

I'm serious
i think you mean 2+pages right? right.
and that bolded part. i say this every damn game. if i can see it, i dont understand why mike cant preach this.
look at the rockets. down by 10 in the 4th with 2 minutes left, yet they manage to catch up. why? they play hard, with effort, and DEFENSE.
why cant mike do this? at some point, fans like me wont be able to take this anymore.
Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

To the Gr8,

since you can type ur !%@ off.. I say you type up a well structured letter to Dolan/Walsh, explaining about the whole Iverson thing

How Duhon sucks, don't drive, Iverson wll drive and be able to draw defenders to kick out to gallo
How we need a consistent scorer, he can be cut easily IF something did go wrong, its only one year
They owe it to the fans after we allow the rebuilding process. why not win this season while rebuilding..
Iverson has lot to prove.. We have games to win.

Find a way to put all of this in 2 paragraphs or less and send it to Knicks Management

I'm serious
i think you mean 2+pages right? right.
and that bolded part. i say this every damn game. if i can see it, i dont understand why mike cant preach this.
look at the rockets. down by 10 in the 4th with 2 minutes left, yet they manage to catch up. why? they play hard, with effort, and DEFENSE.
why cant mike do this? at some point, fans like me wont be able to take this anymore.
So you're saying we should of hired Avery Johnson?

And what's not possible is the Gr8 having that letter to 2 paragraphs
& I was serious about the letter
GR8 would have 1.5 pgs just about Eddy Curry alone

Not to mention printouts of all those "TAKE A SEAT" pics of Curry he'd post
^dudes playing well. he should be in the talks for 6th man of the year if he can keep this up.
props to him.
ok im not going to quote anybody.... im feeling nice drinkin a lil something but thats not that point.... what im tryin to say is we need to get better.....wat are we 2-9? we need to sign iverson to show show signs that we are improving or at least make an attempt like we are tryin too..this season is garbage....we dont have a real point guard exception for toney douglas.... chris duhon is beyond garbage and nate is good but hes not a point despite how short he is... ilike how the knicks use to be when we had randolph and crawford last year... i remembered the offense where we would spread the offense out and it seem like weused the whole court because all our guards were everywhere on the floor and we used the 7sec offense.... last year we outscored everyone but lost a lot ofclose games because we couldn't play D.... but this year we cant even outscore anyone.... even though we shot a lot of threes in the beginning of the yeari like that we had a lot of ball movement last year....this year we are playing a lot of half court offense which is garbage and not doing anything.... i wishthat we play the 7 sec offense and spread the ball around the court so someone gets an open shot... this half court offense will obviously not work because wedont have anybody in the half court and eddy just got on the court.....
That was a wise move on Walsh's not signing AI.

I really hope D'Antoni can bring this team back up. Just for MD.
Not signing AI was smart but I hope no one gives the knicks organization any type of praise for that decision. You shouldn't reward people for doing thething they should do. And god damn the knicks suck.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Coach Mike D'Antoni said Iverson would have come in and played 40 minutes a game, taking playing time away from others who need to be on the court to continue their growth.

"We just didn't think right now we wanted to have that dominant force on the team right now," D'Antoni said.
I mean this quote just pisses me off. You really might as well say "We dont want to win." Which i would have NO problem with if...

a) we had a young, promising PG
b) we had a 1st round draft pick

but we dont have either. so why? What the #*+% is the logic to not get a "dominant force" like iverson. It really mind boggles me. I mean whose growth is he stunting, Duhon? I mean who would you rather give 40 minutes to Iverson or Duhon?? !*#!@, that is a !*%+!#@ ******ed statement by D'Antoni. When you are 2-9 with no 1st round pick, and Duhon starting at the point... why WOULDNT you want a dominant force like Iverson to play 40 minutes a night and give it his all?!


And I'm sorry guys.... no offense to the diehard Knick fans on here.... But %*%% like this is EXACTLY why I just can't root for the Knicks. They("they" being management) ALWAYS seem to do the WRONG thing. I despise Dolan as an owner more than my dislike for anything else sports-related rightnow.

I HATE Dolan. And I will NEVER cheer for the Knicks until he is gone.

Again, I'm sorry to the diehard fans for bashing your team. I'll understand if you guys feel a way towards me. No biggie. But I honestly hope that theKnicks have the worst record in basketball history this season. And I hope LeBron, Wade, or any big name FA turns down NY next season. And I hope the Knickscontinue to fail until Stern forces Dolan to sell the team. Straight up, the Knicks are being run like how the Source mag used to be run. They had to forceBenzino out just to gain respectability back. And they obviously have to force Dolan out before this franchise can PERMANENTLY turn things around again.

Cuz to me, it is TOTALLY unacceptable for the NEW YORK KNICKS to go almost 10 years without a winning record.

They have turned into the East Coast Clippers.

Knick fans deserve better. This CITY deserves better. And I don't think it would be fair that a bum like Dolan gets a player like LBJ or Wade. Cuz bestbelieve if he hasn't done right by the fans in lowering tickets the past couple of seasons, just wait til he brings over a MEGA free agent. Garden priceswill be even further out the roof. How this guy charging all that guap for those seats and we don't have a Kobe Bryant or a Kevin Durant to go see?? FiringHOF coaches left and right before they have even completed a SINGLE season. Don Nelson, Lenny, LB.....

I'm done.

Again, my apologies to diehard fans. But just understand that I hate Dolan and not actually the Knick franchise itself.

^he is coming to the arena today to hand the letter to Walsh personally right????

Just figured he would have that Iverson Replica with the kobes.........

GR8 writing memoirs again I see about this Knick Franchise.

Just your favorite Swamprat checking in GR8. Game should be fun.
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