
Nice win. We snap Mavericks' winning games streak. We'll take it. Bill Walker is a beast from the downtown. Douglas is balling.
Originally Posted by d3simet

Nice win. We snap Mavericks' winning games streak. We'll take it. Bill Walker is a beast from the downtown. Douglas is balling.

 Didn't break the Cavaliers season record.
Horrendous NYC weather today....my goodness.

Wheres the guy who said Toney couldnt ball?

And chris duhon got off the bench for once? wow
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

good luck in the playoffs knicks...........oh wait..........
lol really come up with something more original than that
Seriously.   Someone just sounds SALTY cause they got blown out by the 'Knicks'
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Is Chris Duhon still alive? lol. I have not heard one thing about this guy recently. Feel kind of bad for him, but not really


i went to a play missed the game. i was 10 rows away from scarlett johanson

apparently douglas went off. dantoni has made some duuuuuumb moves this season

playing duhon over douglas is the biggest one ughhhhhhhjhhhh
Cav fans get Lebron to make them a respectable franchise after decades of trash and they have the nerve to call the Knicks a crappy franchise? The Knicks might be wack now and for the past decade but the NYK History and Franchise > Cavs Franchise...Especially if LBJ leaves for a different team w/o winning them a championship
if we end up winning about 27 games.... this season wasn't that bad. not perfect but we completed our goals.

we straight up dismantled the team. most of our players gave up.

got rid of jefferies. got our cap space. got a cheap bill walker. gallo and wilson both showed flashes. got tmac for nothing. honestly this would have been a good year.

i don't like that dantoni didn't play douglas but i can understand his reasoning (just not how long it lasted cuz he is stubborn). we can't forget that he played jefferies just to get his value up. so he wanted to make the playoffs at the same time. he was juggling too many things. and chris duhon really was a GREAT point guard for the first half of last year. so while we may be mad he didn't develop hill and douglas.... i understand that he was really trying to make the playoffs. i don't care about hill at all though. but we all said tony can play.
This season wasnt bad?

We didnt get Tmac for free, we gave up our damn lottery pick, and a future pick.
i don't care about hill. we don't have 4 years to make this guy into a great player. i still think we are going to buy or trade for a pick.

this whole season was BS. we all knew it. it would have been nice to sneak into the playoffs but it doesn't mean that much. i don't care about a meaningless sweep out of the playoffs.

free agents aren't going to base their lives on what our team "achieved" by making the 8th seed. that isn't anything to be proud about. 70% of the players won't be on this team next year. if last season i told you that we could have enough cap room for 2 max players but only win 27 games...would you take that? because i know i would in a heart beat.

tmac staying for pennies is just a nice added bonus. it's  a no risk all reward situation
We need a future, young talent to build upon and use them as role players. You cant just throw a bunch of players and say bam, playoffs.

Thats the reason why Zeke messed up so bad. He traded a lot of draft picks away, and made a bunch of horrendous decisions, but we'll save that for later.

And, they do. Who wants to go on a team who cant even 10 wins (NJ). Everyone wants to go on a team that has a direction, not a team whose starting straight from scratch.

And making the playoffs would have been a good "playoff experience" to our youngers. You cant possibly tell me that wouldnt help Gallo, Chandler, and Douglas' growth. Maybe even Bill walker too.
how were we ever going to make the playoffs aand trade jefferies at the same time?

our center never played. a lot of our success this year was dependent on that fat *!#% actually playing basketball. plus we traded hughes. harrington is messing this core up more than anybody. we do have a good young core. but they won't get anything done until they have a leader. at least one star.

yes an 8th seed would have been nice but not at the expense of all that cap room.

yes we can build for a chip very quick. boston just did it.
I would be more then happy for just one max FA, depending who it was.

Dont get me wrong, clearing cap was a great move, i just think donnie gave up the wrong pieces.
Barea Could Sign With Knicks

Posted: 3/14/2010 6:33:00 AM
Source: Marc Berman of the New York Post

Mavericks backup point guard J.J. Barea, who could become an unrestricted free agent this summer, told The Post he has the Knicks as his top choice if he doesn't stick with the Mavericks.

Barea, who is from Puerto Rico, said re-signing with Dallas is his preference, but when asked about the Knicks, he lit up like the sun over San Juan.

"Hey, if I got to go somewhere, the Knicks is the place," Barea said. "It's New York City. A lot of Puerto Ricans over there. And I like the coach [Mike D'Antoni] they have now. I love his system and the way they play. If I got to go somewhere, I would love to be there."

Click Here to see the full article.

Read more: http://www.hoopsworld.com...d=20100314#ixzz0iAslduy7


point is from the top tier players the just good players. people wana come here
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