
why is the last couple of pages in here lookin like the yankees thread when ppl where talkin like they where about to drink that good ol draino..
Super Producer J wrote:

Back on topic, SMH at the MTA cutting student metros.

well damn, good thing I don't have kids right now... If this still continues in the future, I'm gonna have my kids work at an early age

edit: oh its not confirmed, nvm
everytime the kniks lose i feel better about the life i live. always remember there are always people out there that are worse off than you are
Originally Posted by s1eepyboy

everytime the kniks lose i feel better about the life i live. always remember there are always people out there that are worse off than you are
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Knicks, according to sources, will make a strong push for Marcus Camby, who 11 years ago played a significant role in helping the Knicks reach the NBA Finals. Walsh has tried for two years to acquire the 7-foot Camby and last month lost out again when the Clippers traded him to Portland. New York Daily News[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"He only has great memories of New York," Camby's agent, Rick Kaplan, said on Friday in Toronto. "But he's having a great time in Portland. He really enjoys that team." New York Daily News[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Knicks' interest in Camby is a clear sign that management is convinced David Lee can't continue to play out of position at center. Although Lee's quickness gives him an advantage over most centers, his lack of size and girth under the basket have hurt the Knicks all season. New York Daily News[/font]

& No, he's not the guy taking us to the championship, but always wanted him to come back and start or play back up C
would you trade wilson for an unproven rubio?

oh wow dolan can't even manage cablevision, i'm very nervous with how he is gonna interfere when we are actually good again.

how you gonna take abc off night of the oscars
Ill give anyone on this team for rubio at this point.

I like camby. he's the guy we need. Im worried about his health though. He hasnt been injured much these past two years, but im not sold yet.
Originally Posted by BangDak

No, it was a good move.

It's a blow in the face to have real "fans" watch this garbage. save that we'll be good next year +%+!#%$#, we've had enough suffering already.

And what are you talking about with the zoned school? Sorry if it was unclear, my original post was trying to say that everyone who had full fare, would now have half fare, and everyone who had half, would have no metrocards at all. i believe that was the last proposed plan? Either way, its still complete +%+!#%$#. MTA isnt even losing money each year, they're just getting greedy (from the article ive read at least). dont shoot the messenger.

Either way they were talking about getting rid of them period .. It'll be half-fares until they completely faze them out .. If the MTA is going to messing with school metro cards then they should just bring in school buses and cut out the subsidies the MTA was getting for giving out metros. I don't know about you guys but I look at this as another form of gentrification or better yet public displacement.
Originally Posted by s1eepyboy

everytime the kniks lose i feel better about the life i live. always remember there are always people out there that are worse off than you are
i lold
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by BangDak

No, it was a good move.

It's a blow in the face to have real "fans" watch this garbage. save that we'll be good next year +%+!#%$#, we've had enough suffering already.

And what are you talking about with the zoned school? Sorry if it was unclear, my original post was trying to say that everyone who had full fare, would now have half fare, and everyone who had half, would have no metrocards at all. i believe that was the last proposed plan? Either way, its still complete +%+!#%$#. MTA isnt even losing money each year, they're just getting greedy (from the article ive read at least). dont shoot the messenger.

Either way they were talking about getting rid of them period .. It'll be half-fares until they completely faze them out .. If the MTA is going to messing with school metro cards then they should just bring in school buses and cut out the subsidies the MTA was getting for giving out metros. I don't know about you guys but I look at this as another form of gentrification or better yet public displacement.
yea it's basically gentrification. I see kids that get on the ferry and go to school in manhattan. But once they're fazed out how many kids are still going to be doing that?
If it was me I know my parents would've been pressing me to transfer over to a closer school. 
Actually, once again lol I agree with DubA

The MTA is shady business

Years ago they were talking about how they had a surplus. Remember when we had those reduced fares back in the holiday season a few years ago?

Then they pulled a fast one on us and they raised the fares again. Then afterward, they said they had another deficit.... UMM whaattt??!! Stuff like that makes no sense to me. Who the hell is controlling that budget?

Btw its funny how we're talking about the MTA in this thread. I guess the knicks and the mta are similar in some ways lol At least Donnie Walsh is taking this to the right direction ( I hope)
This dude TMAC killing me with his inconsistency. One night he drops 20 the next night he drops 2. SMH. That shiit is pathetic. For all the people thinking the knicks gonna sign this and that superstar next season, I dont see it happening. I have to agree with D Wade when he said he see's most people staying put next year with a bigger contract.
Unless Kahn is +%%+#%#@!@*# us (which he very well could be doing), you're not getting Rubio...

David Kahn: Ricky Rubio's coming
March, 1, 2010 15:34PM ET

Minnesota Timberwolves president of basketball operations David Kahn has a message about Ricky Rubio. In a phone conversation today, he explained:

Don'tbelieve anything you read, or any kind of emotional outburst, or anykind of emoting of any sort that he will not play here. Nothing couldbe further from the truth. I'm looking very forward to him starting hiscareer here with the Minnesota Timberwolves in what I assume will be ayear-and-a-half.

Why a year and a half?
Hedoesn't have a buyout at the end of this year. I'm assuming it will bedifficult for him to leave. Barcelona paid a lot of money for hisbuyout, about $5.3 million, they're obviously going to want to amortizethey're investment over a couple years. There is a buyout after that,however.

How do we know what he's thinking? Can you characterize where your confidence comes from? Were you over there?
Iwas over there. I saw him play in Serbia a few weeks ago. We havepeople at most of his games. There's no reason for us to thinkotherwise. We developed a very solid relationship with hisrepresentatives, and more importantly, perhaps, his family, this pastsummer. It wasn't an issue of him having any concern about Minnesotawhatsoever. I think at the end of the day he just felt that him havinga couple more years in Europe would be the smart and prudent thing forhim to do. He had a lot of input from his Spanish National teammembers, who all think he can play here, but also thought that a fewmore years of development would help him. I don't have any reason notto think that's true, either.

Has your view of him evolved at all, since drafting him?
Ithink this year he's had to play in a much more rigid system withBarcelona. It hasn't afforded him the kind of freedom he had inBadalona. But I think there's been an adjustment period, but he's madea really fine adjustment. He's on what is arguably the best team inEurope. So he's surrounded by better players, and playing at a veryhigh level. He's not playing as many minutes, because the team is sodeep. But he's starting and still playing a good 20 minutes a night.

Andwhen I saw him I thought his upper body looked a big bigger. His armshave more definition. I asked him. He told he has been lifting.

He has been working very diligently on his shot ... so we shall see.

It'samusing, too, to see that a lot of people are looking at his statisticsand complaining, yet they fail to make any connection to BrandonJennings. I believe to this day that Ricky will prove to be a veryspecial NBA player, and I fully expect him to be here in the nextyear-and-a-half.
JPZ, you're my boy and all, but you know damn well Rubio isnt going to Minny.

and i rather talk about the MTA then this garbage we call a team.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

- When can we begin trading Curry's contract?
when worthless fat #!*#@ become the in-thing in the NBA, we can probably trade Curry for Lebron & picks.
It doesnt matter if we trade curry, we're still going to have to take salary back, unless its people like TT, whose contract is a team option.
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