
pickup game with president obama

just imagine obama crossing duhon for the finish.
on the real though, its cool if duhon goes there by himself cuz his boys hookin it up...but its an embarrassment for this group of bums to be in the white house
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Knicks to Take Tour of White House

Posted: 1/29/2010 6:07:00 AM
Source: Marc Berman of the New York Post

While the Lakers got the White House treatment earlier this week for winning the NBA title, the Knicks soon will be getting some presidential props -- for being teammates with point guard Chris Duhon.

Duhon, a college buddy of President Obama aide Reggie Love, has arranged for his teammates to take a tour of the White House.

The Knicks are in Washington today and Saturday, but their White House tour has been rescheduled from this weekend to Feb. 26, when Obama and the Knicks are both in town.

The Knicks plan to visit the White House the day before their game, though it is doubtful there will be a pickup game included.
we aint winning a championship anytime soon..so why don't we pretend Obama is honoring the knicks for something
sorry but I just found that to be too funny
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

on the real though, its cool if duhon goes there by himself cuz his boys hookin it up...but its an embarrassment for this group of bums to be in the white house

 So true...

btw, I know alot of u are down on the Knicks right now, but these last 2 months are the best I've seen them since they were in the Playoffs that year (in the playoffs solely bc of a weak east and Marbury playing out of his mind, but still)... I'm going to take back some of my hate for D'Antoni because I actually see them playing DEFENSE for the first time. They might not be very good, but at least we see them rotating and playing harder on D. I'm actually encouraged by what I see for the first time in the Walsh/D'Antoni era...If we had a starting point guard, this team would be decent...
League pass is showing me the Wizards broadcast and damn are there some ugly fans out there.

I figured a Knicks game on a Saturday night won't bring out the models but looks like "Leper Night" in Washington.
Please dont lose to the Wizards, PLEASE.

Knowing these guys, they'll lose

and i want no parts of caron on this team. Sure hes somewhat young, and can ball, but dude's so injury prone. He has around 2years left though.
If they're willingly to take duhon, hughes, and curry though, im all for it
sometimes, I really think Clyde thinks he's actually "the greatest Knick ever."
he just said it too.

I know he was only half joking though.
If Jordan Hill just cut his hair I think more people would like him, myself included.
i think his hair looks fine, maybe its me though

if he can get some more pt and earn a starting job, i think even more people would like him.
I still don't see the upside to Jordan Hill...

And wasn't Larry Hughes the reason for our turnaround earlier, why is he still riding pine?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I still don't see the upside to Jordan Hill...

And wasn't Larry Hughes the reason for our turnaround earlier, why is he still riding pine?
Give Hill some more burn. i think he'll be a great first big man off the bench. im not sure if he'll be able to be the main go to guy down low in the future though. if he works hard though, he might.

Hughes been in the doghouse ever since nate got in. and hes been giving an attitude, playing with no heart. he can stay there if he keeps playing like that.
got damn, this is one of those games where we just can't catch a break.

how the hell was that a charge on Chandler? We can't hit layups, looks like Duhon has infected the rest of the squad. We go on short runs, but can't get timely baskets.
Yea, it doesn't look like we'll be making the playoffs. I think our play during this recent stretch has solidified that.
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