
This is all on coaching for allowing this to happen, and not realizing an exhausted lineup is out taking the easy way out.

But he probably does not trust anyone else besides those 6 guys.
6 man rotation!

_'Antoni needs someone to get his *%$ in check. Besides the 3 point orgy, coach won't even help his guys out by bringing in fresh legs. Effing fool andhis stupid rotation. I swear, dude is like a stubborn female when it comes to this.
so if your shot is short, and you know your tired....
keep on shooting it!

like come on! seriously NY?
Mike D'Antoni is %#%%!@# terrible. He is the most stubborn %#%%!@# coach in the NBA. I can semi understand not playing Nate when we are winning and LarryHughes is ballin outta control, but in a game where we cant buy a bucket, and we have a 6 man rotation going on in a game we need to win, when Nate is stillsitting on the bench is %#%%!@# ******ed. Im sorry ive dealt with it but someone needs to say it. In addition he runs no plays and lets his team jack up 3s andget horrible looks. $*!* Mike D'Antoni right now. This is the worst Knicks game ive seen all season bar none
Nah, *!%% a vulture. You defend alot so I'd like to hear an explanation for this.

40+ 3s? Really? 6 men playing KNOWING you have a back to back? All around pathetic performance. Absolutely pathetic.
and Lee have you made 1 $$#@$%@ midrange J?????!!!!!!!!! Stop $$#@$%@ shooting the ball, you simply cant thanks. Same #%$% goes with Duhon on 3s.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Nah, *!%% a vulture. You defend alot so I'd like to hear an explanation for this.

40+ 3s? Really? 6 men playing KNOWING you have a back to back? All around pathetic performance. Absolutely pathetic.

Yea Nolan... Defend this approach.
Me, personally, I'm not giving these players a pass on the barrage of 3s..........................but, when your legs are tired (as I assume lots oftheir's are), mentally its easier to set up for a shot rather than drive past a defender to the basket.

It all falls to the coaches shoulders anyway. He has assistants keeping a tally of things such as 3 point attempts and minutes played. He knows whats going on.Hell, he's standing right there
So, anyone still agree on me that we should def. start looking for an new coach?

the same knicks that started the first part of the season.
This aiin't on the players at all, them dudes are exhausted.

Coach didn't adjust and just stayed there and watched it happen.

Those same 6 guys will get 40+ minutes tomm, he don't trust anyone else.
All you guys do is complain about him.

Does he have his faults, yeah...but yall wait till things go bad and want him gone. He has a horrible roster without a pg or anyone who can score in the post.

Does that warrant taking 40 three's? no...but the players are accountable as well.

6 man rotation is stubborn. You won't here me say otherwise.

BUT He has this team playing better defense then they have in a while and there is not one comment about it...isn't that what everyone wanted to see?

He adapted his offense from early on we don't play as fast of a pace anymore so those 2 things have shown me he CAN adapt...but not everything has happenedover night.

we lost 2 games on the road to equal teams. I'm not making much of it, same way not much should have been made of winning 4 straight.
The Knicks dispensed way too much energy in the third and early fourth quarters (one of the reasons why the threes were not going in) and then got caughttrying to play catch up. There's a couple of players on the bench who are perfectly capable of providing at least some relief for the small rotation ofplayers D'Antoni has out there, but nah that would be too logical. He has to prove a point even if it means making it harder for the players out there onthe court.

Like I've said many times already, you can't put such a heavy burden on your players like that at the expense of the entire team. It's absolutelyindefensible.
I haven't been on the coach all season, but watching today's game he deserves any blame thrown his way regardless of how they played the previous 4 outof 5 games.

This can easily turn into an extended losing streak and that brief winning goes back in the toilet as it has gone the past few years.
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