
Now Currys in and we gonna blow the 17 point lead, watch... First play in is defensive 3 seconds

like i said...

get his #++! OUTTA there now. I HATE this offense with him in
What I mean is Wilson can definitely get more aggressive. I think we can all agree that a player can learn to attack and have more of a killer instinct overtime.
i think people are the way they are. you can't teach someone to get hyped or be a super aggressive dude. you can't teach him to have the desire to yamit the ***$ down on someone then mean mug them when he walks away.
its one thing to squander a 17 point lead, but to do so in only half a quarter...


only the +**$!!% Knicks
we miss 3s, and yet, they still continue to shoot them..

whats so hard about stepping a few feet in and shooting an midrange rather then an 3?
You can change the way you play the game, though. More aggressive, attacking the basket. I think those are things he'll do more frequently as he grows asan NBA player. In my opinion, at least.
I'm not even remotely close to panicking. I wasn't impressed with the early surge anyway. This is a streaky team. Like I said, it only looked goodbecause they were making them. You can't expect to win games jacking 3s EVERY TIME down the court. #@$* outta here with that philosophy. It was only amatter of WHEN they'd start missing.
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