2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Don't even get me started on the front office BS. I don't even want to read the sports section of the paper these days, I just want to keep my head down and start paying attention again when training camp opens up.

stillin729 stillin729 trying to find that listing so I can hit them with an offer of 108

edit: no live ebay listings please.

we should all just offer the dude $108 :lol:
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bit the resale bullet and found my size 8  somps 200 shipped not bad 

but theres a little something extra thats gonna come with these lol im gonna leave it at that pics when i get them 
Autographed? Can't think of anything else lol. Glad you got your pair
Daniel Shimuzu's DS size 8 with OG box and laces still attached for $178.50 shipped a good deal?
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The Carolina SB's look great. However, I'm not sold on the GT. IF the Ducks advance far into the tournament, I hope they make a QS Ducks pair.
Well looks like my offer of $220 for Tiffs size 11 didn't go through dude refunded my money twice through paypal invoice. then asks to send the money as gift.....

Then i had some trades lined up for some somps i picked up for some homies and that fell through.

Side note: i was planning on going to the Dunk Exchange in SD but now have to go to a wedding the same day. i heard theres gonna be one on April/May in LA i'm definitely down for that.

I went to an event last year by the Staples Center and it was pretty good. Yes it had a lot of hypebeasts but there were some pretty good deals to be had on SB's.

DXC in L.A. is in collabration with Word of Dance on April 12th 2014. 2pm to 11pm.
It will be held at the L.A. Convention Center.
The Carolina SB's look great. However, I'm not sold on the GT. IF the Ducks advance far into the tournament, I hope they make a QS Ducks pair.
It'd be nice to see a Ducks CW. But I think at this point after seeing Duck CWs on Multiple Js and Foams. I wouldn't want them I like SBs cause they stay away from trends. It'd be like how ppl reacted when Nike started Using Galaxy print on everything after those foams. It loses it's flare IMO.
yea man sometimes eBay sellers get on my nerves with the EXTREME inflated prices.... I be trollin' all up and through their messages. Cuz STILL has those goldenrods/Iowas SITTING at 285... I hit him up the other day if he had any luck moving them :lol: :lol: Of course I got no response. He already know he way outta pocket with that price.
This is actually amusing because people are going to see that multiple offers were made and none accepted. Which in turn will make them think he is super cereal about this 2k price.

I simply don't understand it though. You can OBVIOUSLY see them selling for 300-350. Why even waste time posting for 2k. 
This is actually amusing because people are going to see that multiple offers were made and none accepted. Which in turn will make them think he is super cereal about this 2k price.

I simply don't understand it though. You can OBVIOUSLY see them selling for 300-350. Why even waste time posting for 2k. 
He wants to build the hype/ value of them in the viewers eyes. Or he hopes somebody rich like a celebrity will buy them idk
just fyi on those offers the seller probably has an auto reject for offers too low so he's not actually looking at them then rejecting them. Still his price is just stupid though.
just fyi on those offers the seller probably has an auto reject for offers too low so he's not actually looking at them then rejecting them. Still his price is just stupid though.

yeah he does have the auto decline; I just like blowing him up with offers for being some delusional reseller
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