2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Anyone have this issue were the stecky are glittery. My right one is super glittery they r new so i have them put away the left is my used pair. And my LM are just fire


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Glittergate on 1’s is a real issue. I got tons of AJ1’s, I gotta wipe a bunch of them down to get rid of the shimmer
Yeah, I don’t know much about it; have only read here and there that it’s a thing for 1’s. My Stecyzk’s have it, but I don’t really care, because it actually works for that shoe.
I’ve never noticed any glitter on my 1’s
Maybe Stecyks but I only wore them once
I guess I’ll google it

Mixed feelings about the Anitheros being slim..... I’m trying not to buy but what if they are all cool looking? It would make passing easier but I would rather have something I just can’t pass up
Stecyks seem to glitter up pretty bad. It is the black dye causing it. All the black based 1s get it. I even had it on my uprise sbs.
Thanks for all the info fellas .. i have a lot of 1’s royals breds chicagos all those, but it only happens to these.. but what I noticed its only on my Brand new pair. The used pair has not one sign of glittery

Did they just mass produce the hell out of the 112 clark kent lows?? I see them everywhere for 50-80 bucks. Really liking the volt sole / laces. Not a huge fan of the elephant print design though.
got mine cheap and the only time I rock them is when I ride my motorcycle
My Quartersnacks are so beat up that they are starting to be uncomfortable.... theLtrain reminded me with his comment that dumb me packed all my other pairs up so even though it’s time to wear a fresh pair I can’t access them (in storage and no clue which box if I was insane enough to start digging)
I’m finding myself wanting to just buy another pair which is insane but I loves them so much
Struggling over here

I like them. Will be hard to justify another black shoe though. I'm sure I'll figure out a way though.
Ugh. Why have thou forsaken me NSB?
Are they absolutely awful? No. But soooo underwhelming. Especially with them not being TRD. And I'm not a huge fan of this "let's put really tumbled parts on the shoe." It just looks kind of off, and almost like they're trying to trick us into thinking it's some type of super high quality leather. Oh well, I guess it's back to waiting for the next release, which I think is the 4/20 pair.
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