2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Now is the time to hit eBay for any non hyped Jordan/Nike basketball sig.  All of the income tax ballers are out of money so the steals are plentiful.  Trying to resist the urge to rack up.
Man... I'm through with jokers on eBay, or anywhere online really. If you agree to sell something to someone at a certain price, that should be it. If someone offers you more after that agreement than tough ****.
I send a guy some cash earlier today for a pair of Denim Dunk CL's. Just a little bit ago, Paypal send me a message that the guy sent me my money back. When asked why, he game me "sorry bro, someone offered more cash". I guess at the end of the day the cash is what it's all about, I dunno...
And I can't even count how many times I've agreed to buy a shoe at a certain price, only to have the seller come back with, "someone offered me more, but if you pay the higher amount you can have them."
The saying is true I suppose, their is no honor among thieves...
In this instance I'm not even terribly bummed about missing out on the shoes, I liked them, but don't love them. It's the fact that people are giving their word, and then breaking it like its no big deal. I guess that's what happens when you try to do business with children.


So this got me thinking about how I do things. I have a pair of DS Red Firecrackers size 13 I was going to put on eBay. I was probably gunna ask $200 or so. But now I'm not. I'm gunna sell then for what I paid for them from Blacksheep, it wasn't msrp, but it was low. I'm selling them for the retail price I paid. So if anyone here wants them hit me up. If not, they'll be listed on eBay with Nike Talk in the description so people here know what to look for if you wanna check em out. First come, first served. :smile:
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I send a guy some cash earlier today for a pair of Denim Dunk CL's. Just a little bit ago, Paypal send me a message that the guy sent me my money back. When asked why, he game me "sorry bro, someone offered more cash"
just curious which denim cls? blue, green? and how much?
^^^ I feel you on that one man. Won a pair of Morks for $65 shipped and guy hit me with the "I have a higher offer if you want them match that offer". Complete BS.
just curious which denim cls? blue, green? and how much?

Blues $190 shipped.

My grail are denim Forbes, but I dunno if I'm ever gunna find them DS size 13. And Christ only knows if I do, whoever is selling them is gunna charge rape. I figured the CL's were close enough.
Gold/Beige laces are definitely the way to go IMO. I took them from my brown pack dunk hi's. As u can see I also got bent lace tip on the black lace . WTH!?
^Dang, no 13's. that would have made my night all better.
If anyone knows where to get a DS size 13 pair let me know. I've been looking for them... Even at eBay prices. :\

Repped for the info though.
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Gold/Beige laces are definitely the way to go IMO. I took them from my brown pack dunk hi's. As u can see I also got bent lace tip on the black lace . WTH!?

Maaaan they look good with these gold/tan laces. Hoping the ones from my golden hops mid work. If not ill be looking for some laces again
Premier is having a pretty dope sale, 20% off Full priced footwear throughout the weekend. Says there is exclusions, coupon code "Labor2013". Hopefully some dunks are in that mix.
all they had was a sz11 as an option guess so XD
 my size 
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