2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added


Get those text alerts set up SB fam.

Hopefully we get something good like Nontourages or Blue Levis...wishful thinking.
Wow BP. Having a business myself, employees are like little children that test their limits daily. If you're weak sauce they will run YOUR business however the hell they want. If you're an owner that puts your employees before customers then just hang it up ... you don't have the stomach for entrepreneurship.

John - to your knowledge, does nike ever take chances on small businesses. They tend to only work with well established businesses. Wouldnt it be cool to have a west coast version of dqm where the front of the business is a real restaurant?
Understand that any RISK Nike takes, is a heavily calculated risk. They're a BILLION dollar company, the "risks" that they take come in the form of growing the company exponentially by venturing into other areas of footwear and sports apparel, like soccer. When they venture in those areas is a "risk", but it's only a risk because that area of business is foreign to them, but the potential for gain is SO great, they can't ignore it. Nike basketball is a BIG deal here in the US and it touches a couple of other countries as well., but Nike's soccer division could potentially become Nike's vehicle to touch THE REST OF THE WORLD AS A WHOLE. That's a risk you must take to grow universally.

Now, when you look at it from that stand point, small businesses are peanuts to them. There's nothing that a small business can do to bring them the type of money that a FL can. Honestly in my opinion, Nike may go away from dealing with small businesses altogether pretty soon. (I really didn't want to touch on this yet because it's one of my "question of the week" topics, but hey, you asked. Worst comes to worst I'll just drop the question today and another one tomorrow.) I could see Nike ramping up allocations to BIG chain stores (NT, FL, FNL, FA, online stores ect.) and cutting M&P (the middle men) out of the equation. Like I previously discussed, many M&P are struggling to keep up with Nike's demands as is. They don't move as much product as big chains and they don't get the foot traffic, plus a lot of them are refusing to "upgrade" their look. Nike could seal the door shut and not be hurt by it either.

Now, from a Nike SB stand point, I could see them doing a augmented version of this plan. The Nike SB version would be to identify the stores that do the most numbers in every region and give them the "build outs" that the dumb a*s BP employee  eluded to in his liquored up rant on Twitter. (Build out = Nike SB's version of HOH. If anyone remembers, early in the process of building HOHs Nike would do build outs for FL to identify them as HOHs. Long story short, it got WAY to costly to do those things, so now, they hang some shelves and give you a sign that says you're a HOH.) By giving certain shops a HOH tag, it allows them to ramp up their allocations and put a choke hold on that location. Plus, Nikestores WILL continue to get their monthly allotment of SBs, which if you follow the Nike SB business model means that eventually, they WILL get QS. The second you see Nikestores with QS, know that it's OVER.   
Damn good info, REPPED. I wonder what they have up their sleeves. 
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The phase of out M&Ps seems to have already begun in certain locations. Though, sometimes it's not the real thing and just Nike exerting leverage on businesses to comply with their ideals. For the most part, if you can move units though, they tend to overlook more. But, make no mistake, the units they want you to move are the units that don't move themselves. They don't need help moving Jordan Retros, Foams, and proven sellers. They need help pushing tailwinds and 42 jacked up CWs of once prized models. ...Or, as John said, they need you to be a big and profitable enough business that you can take that L or tread water by marking them down to cost. I'm not 100% convinced that such a move would not have unintended consequences though. I wrote a post about that in one of my rare ventures into the JB Forum.
Yeah... the Shoezeum guy pretty much marketed this stint perfect. He went to the media, knowing that a million was outrageous enough to get him noticed. Now that he has it, his shoes should sell pretty well.
I think the restock will consist of
Lemon twists
Bhm lows
A few GRs and other non dunks
(there is one dunk we know of that I will not bring up)

I'm thinking somewhere along those lines. It would most likely be the recent ones, and then the Premiers. I don't see how they wouldn't restock their own shoe. Only shoe I'd be on the lookout for are the levi's hyperstrikes. With my luck I'd be in the middle of something that time of day and end up missing out though :tongue:
I think the restock will consist of
Lemon twists
Bhm lows
A few GRs and other non dunks
(there is one dunk we know of that I will not bring up)
I'm thinking somewhere along those lines. It would most likely be the recent ones, and then the Premiers. I don't see how they wouldn't restock their own shoe. Only shoe I'd be on the lookout for are the levi's hyperstrikes. With my luck I'd be in the middle of something that time of day and end up missing out though
I'm at work at noon so I'm probably screwed....

but maybe they'll restock something I want on a Friday (my day off)...

If so...
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