2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Well I feel nike flopped on these if both shoes are the same

Well I feel nike flopped on these if both shoes are the same
Repped, void for the post.

The red stitching on the back of the heel (I had to go to the post on IG to really see it) is a really nice touch........still not nice enough for me to cop. Feel like the shoe could have been a lot better. I'll stick with my Firecracker pack from last year.

I'm also out on the Bao's unless those joints drop to about $65-70, then I would be in. I think royal laces is a mistake for now, unless someone gets them and posts a swap that blows my mind. I still think you take the shoe as is, add a white swoosh, and same color laces as the sole and you've got something going a lot better.
Those stars look better to me in the stashedboxes pics. Will def be a pick up for me. Baos are a no no.

What a wonderful thing to wake up to as I check in before work.

I'm not going to get into a "flame war" with you. One of my "groupies" will probably report you for that post though... It's not my fault that you spend your hobby time trying to recreate something that was emblematic of my youth, and completely organic to me, yet pre-packaged to kids your age. I wish you could have gotten to experience this culture when it was really fun; you'd probably think differently.

People don't "jock" me because I have a "massive shoe collection." In this case, I happen to speak for the thread; I was hardly the only one who expressed the sentiment I did.

You can toss all the ad hominem attacks my way that you want. I help people. I'm proud of my "reputation" within the community. I don't need to list a bunch of anecdotes and references; I'm secure in myself - perhaps that comes from being an old geezer.

The only thing that I will respond to is your implication that I was "born into money." I bought my first pair of shoes with my own money in 1990. I used to spend an inordinate amount of time at my local little league. Registration fees included a deposit that parents got back if they spent a few hours helping to keep up the field - pick garbage, paint benches, etc. It basically worked out to being like $5 an hour, so most parents decided to just eat the deposit; it wasn't worth it to them. So, I started asking them if I could do their work for them and then keep their deposit refund. Most were very happy to agree. This was way before I was legally allowed to work. With the first $100 I made, I bought a pair of Air Flight 90s. Doesn't that just wreak of privilege and being spoiled?

I've worked hard for everything I have. I was raised by a single mother and have supported myself, living essentially on my own since before I graduated high school. I worked a full time job (and did some things I'm not as proud of to generate income) throughout college and grad school, and paid my tuition out of my own pocket, because my youthful indiscretions caused me to lose my scholarship two semesters in - an expensive lesson learned. I'm far from rolling in dough, but I'm comfortable enough today to not really have to sweat buying [most] shoes I want. I work very hard to do that, doing consulting work in additional to my day job to help supplement my habit and mitigate the impact of my hobbies on my ps and qs.

...Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a telecon to run, and then need to finish up a few things for work, so I can break out of here in time to get to Citi Field for Opening Day. ...Yes, my tickets were comped - there goes that "knowing people" again.
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What a wonderful thing to wake up to as I check in before work.

I'm not going to get into a "flame war" with you. One of my "groupies" will probably report you for that post though... It's not my fault that you spend your hobby time trying to recreate something that was emblematic of my youth, and completely organic to me, yet pre-packaged to kids your age. I wish you could have gotten to experience this culture when it was really fun; you'd probably think differently.

People don't "jock" me because I have a "massive shoe collection." In this case, I happen to speak for the thread; it was hardly the only one who expressed the sentiment I did.

You can toss all the ad hominem attacks my way that you want. I help people. I'm proud of my "reputation" within the community. I don't need to list a bunch of anecdotes and references; I'm secure in myself - perhaps that comes from being an old geezer.

The only thing that I will respond to is your implication that I was "born into money." I bought my first pair of shoes with my own money in 1990. I figured out a scam to work odd jobs for them because that was way before I was legally allowed to work. I've worked hard for everything I have. I was raised by a single mother and have supported myself, living essentially on my own since before I graduated high school. I worked a full time job (and did some things I'm not as proud of to generate income) throughout college and grad school, and paid my tuition out of my own pocket, because my youthful indiscretions caused me to lose my scholarship two semesters in - an expensive lesson learned. I'm far from rolling in dough, but I'm comfortable enough today to not really have to sweat buying [most] shoes I want. I work very hard to do that, doing consulting work in additional to my day job to help supplement my habit and mitigate the impact of my hobbies on my ps and qs.
What a wonderful thing to wake up to as I check in before work.

I'm not going to get into a "flame war" with you. One of my "groupies" will probably report you for that post though... It's not my fault that you spend your hobby time trying to recreate something that was emblematic of my youth, and completely organic to me, yet pre-packaged to kids your age. I wish you could have gotten to experience this culture when it was really fun; you'd probably think differently.

People don't "jock" me because I have a "massive shoe collection." In this case, I happen to speak for the thread; I was hardly the only one who expressed the sentiment I did.

You can toss all the ad hominem attacks my way that you want. I help people. I'm proud of my "reputation" within the community. I don't need to list a bunch of anecdotes and references; I'm secure in myself - perhaps that comes from being an old geezer.

The only thing that I will respond to is your implication that I was "born into money." I bought my first pair of shoes with my own money in 1990. I used to spend an inordinate amount of time at my local little league. Registration fees included a deposit that parents got back if they spent a few hours helping to keep up the field - pick garbage, paint benches, etc. It basically worked out to being like $5 an hour, so most parents decided to just eat the deposit; it wasn't worth it to them. So, I started asking them if I could do their work for them and then keep their deposit refund. Most were very happy to agree. This was way before I was legally allowed to work. With the first $100 I made, I bought a pair of Air Flight 90s. Doesn't that just wreak of privilege and being spoiled?

I've worked hard for everything I have. I was raised by a single mother and have supported myself, living essentially on my own since before I graduated high school. I worked a full time job (and did some things I'm not as proud of to generate income) throughout college and grad school, and paid my tuition out of my own pocket, because my youthful indiscretions caused me to lose my scholarship two semesters in - an expensive lesson learned. I'm far from rolling in dough, but I'm comfortable enough today to not really have to sweat buying [most] shoes I want. I work very hard to do that, doing consulting work in additional to my day job to help supplement my habit and mitigate the impact of my hobbies on my ps and qs.

...Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a telecon to run, and then need to finish up a few things for work, so I can break out of here in time to get to Citi Field for Opening Day. ...Yes, my tickets were comped - there goes that "knowing people" again.
Guys, please move on with the issue.

If you don't wish to share your info... please just keep it to yourself then. I/we understand that you don't want the site to go viral. Makes more sense to just keep it to yourself anyways so that it can stay your spot.

If you have a disagreement, please be civil with it.
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I'll stick with my Firecracker pack from last year.

I was super stoked when I saw the heal of the firecrackers last year. Then when I saw the rest of the shoe was so plain I simply shook my head and looked for a older release to cop..

Nike puts way more effort into some of the basic stuff and then comes up with some nonsense that actually could of been great
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I was super stoked when I saw the heal of the firecrackers last year. Then when I saw the rest of the shoe was so plain I simply shook my head and looked for a older release to cop..

Nike puts way more effort into some of the basic stuff and then comes up with some nonsense that actually could of been great
This is true, but I really liked the small details on the firecrackers. The heel tab "Caution Flammable" and the stars sold me.
Forth of July dunks are alright. Would have like them more if one shoe had the stars and the other had the stripes.
This is true, but I really liked the small details on the firecrackers. The heel tab "Caution Flammable" and the stars sold me.


Maybe the only shoes that can get away with having WARNING EXPLOSIVE & CAUTION FLAMMABLE written on them without being over the top corny.
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$180 shipped for a pair of DS SB SOMP, what do you guys think on that price?
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Guys, please move on with the issue.

If you don't wish to share your info... please just keep it to yourself then. I/we understand that you don't want the site to go viral. Makes more sense to just keep it to yourself anyways so that it can stay your spot.

If you have a disagreement, please be civil with it.
I shared the site with who whoever genuinly wanted a pair mentioned and contacted me via PM. It may not save them much but id rather know someone is getting the oop instead of some of the lurkers/resellers ect. I dont need to keep these sites for me, im trying to help ppl out.

I never said Bip grew up with money, i said i didnt, meaning I couldnt magically aquire shoes . My age limits me from being an Og collector/ skater. I noticed your dramatic ending about having connections and getting "comp" seats, im not impressed, i havent payed to see a professional sporting event somce i was 18.






My hard wwork does pay off too, might even net me a world series ring this year. Not a bad bonus for my secondary job.

Hope you enjoy opening day, its supposed to be beautiful out, try wearing a differnt pair of jeans that arent so baggy,. no one can see your cool sneakers
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